Chapter 1453
Chapter 1453
"Liu Xian'er feels that today is different from the past. Now the Zhao family is rich and the most prestigious family in Qizhou City. But at the same time, I heard from my family a few days ago that the area around the farm is often destroyed by robbers on the mountain. , in order to ensure the safety there, my father used money again and again to eliminate disasters and settle things down, once, twice or three times... and a lot of money was posted.

Liuxian was hijacked by bandits this time, and I have seen their viciousness with my own eyes. There is nothing they can't do. I am only worried that if this continues, the Zhao family will suffer.

But if we have the protection of the government and the court, it will be different, and the bandits will not dare to be rampant. "

After Zhao Bo heard this, he looked at his daughter in surprise. Liu Xian'er actually understood these principles, and could say such words plausibly?
What's wrong with her?
Seeing Zhao Guan's surprise, Le Yan said quickly, "Father, I only came to this understanding after being robbed by bandits this time. At the same time, Liuxian doesn't want to know how to be a female celebrity like before. I don't know anything else.

Father, Liuxian wants to study with his father in the future, and hopes that he will never be so weak in the future. My brother is still young, and Liuxian hopes to help my father solve his problems, please allow him. "

Le Yan took the opportunity to say again.

Zhao Guan was shocked by his daughter's transformation, but after being shocked, he began to feel very relieved. In fact, with the expansion of Zhao's family business, he felt more and more powerless, but the bastard Zhao Qi was not very talented and narrow-minded. Let him take charge of any business of the Zhao family.

And Luo Shi's child is only two months old, and there is no one around him who can be trained. If Liu Xian'er has this idea, it would be great. She is his own daughter, so there is no need to be on guard, just try to train her.

In fact, Le Yan said these words because after observing the Zhao family these days, she found that Zhao Bo was very distressed about this matter.

And if she got the chance to study with Zhao Bo, it would be easier for her to go in and out of Zhao's house.That's why I took this opportunity to say something like this.

"Okay! Liuxian!" Zhao Bao immediately made a decision, "From tomorrow onwards, you will study with Weifu, and Weifu will teach you everything he has learned throughout his life."

"Thank you...Father." She paused, and called out these two words, "Also, His Highness Ninth Prince disappeared in Qizhou. Now some people from the government and the people are looking for it. I don't think our Zhao family can just sit idly by. If we can find him, it will be good for the Zhao family."

"Liu Xian is right. For my father, I immediately summoned people to look for His Highness the Ninth Prince." Zhao Bo said.

Le Yan let out a deep breath, but as soon as she left Zhao Guan's study and returned to her own room, she collapsed.

After telling the talisman to close the door, she sat on the chair, feeling a little exhausted.

The whole person seemed to be dreaming again, and she suddenly wondered if she was dreaming.

"It's different, everything is different. The emperor is not Feng Qianyue, but a person named Feng Jue. She has never heard of it in her previous life, and Father Emperor..."

A complex pain flashed across Le Yan's heart, he is dead, he is dead!

She thought about the person she was cursing, and before she had time to look at it in this life, she was already dead.

In fact, apart from mother, she also wanted to see him very much, wanted to know, wanted to see why he could be so cruel, cruel to mother, and so cruel to her. My aunt sent her to the Huns, and he disappeared Daughter, it is surprising to be able to ignore.

Without her, is he really so indifferent?Haven't you ever thought about it a little bit?

Why can a father be so cruel?

In fact, deep down in her heart, she was very envious of Zhao Liuxian, because Zhao Bo loved her daughter very much and was always full of tenderness.


Thinking about it, tears began to appear in Le Yan's eyes, and the tears fell down one by one.

"I hate you, I hate you so much, why did you die so soon? Why don't you let me kill you! I swore to kill you with my own hands, for my mother, for myself, before I was born Revenge my younger brother! But, you are already dead... I don't even have a chance to take revenge, what do you want me to do?"

Fortunately, my aunt also died, and my aunt's mother also died, Xiao Zhenhai...they are all dead!

Good to die!Good to die!

She felt heartbroken because of her father, and was moved to relieve her hatred because of the death of these wicked people!
However, when she thought about Zhao Guan saying that mother and Uncle Nine Emperors had a very happy life together and had two children, she felt very relieved and very happy.

As long as mother is cared for and loved, she can rest assured.

"Cheng Jun, Wan Jun..." She read the names of the two children.

This is the child of mother and uncle Jiuhuang, not the child of mother and father. There are no other women in the mansion of uncle Jiuhuang.That's great, so mother's children can get all the love, don't have to worry about it, don't have to think of ways to fight for favor, don't have to suffer so much like her, they can grow up safely and happily.

Uncle Nine Emperors was so magnificent, and his mother was so beautiful, their child must be very good-looking, prettier than her.

Father and mother love each other, how happy they must be.

"That's great, mother, I'm relieved that you're doing well. I don't have to rush back to Beijing to find you and tell you how to escape misfortune." Le Yan lay down on the table with tears streaming down her face, "In this way, I , I don’t need to recognize you anymore, you and Uncle Nine Emperors, and your children, live a good life. My appearance is unnecessary and will embarrass you. "

That's right, so what is Feng Leyan?wild daughter?No, the ages of the two are only seven or eight years apart. How can they have a child?
The mother is already the princess of Hengqin, and suddenly a child called a daughter appears, how embarrassing she must be, what should others think of her?For a dignified princess, if such a strange story is spread, and if the scandal comes out, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold my head up for the rest of my life.

Also, there is Uncle Nine Emperors, who is the Nine Kings of today. If his own concubine suddenly has a daughter who was born with his enemy in the previous life, how should he face it.

So, now it seems that her appearance is unnecessary, it will embarrass everyone and make it difficult...

Since her father is dead and her mother is loved by someone, there is no need for Feng Leyan in this world.

"Mother, mother..." She got up, walked to the bed, lay down on the bed, hugging her body.

She was relieved.

She is also tired and tired. During this period of time, she was worried, afraid that her aunt would bully her mother, and that her mother would be cheated by her father. Now she just wants to sleep well.

From then on, she is Zhao Liuxian, the daughter of the Zhao family. There is no Feng Leyan in this world. Feng Leyan only exists in her little heart. Only she knows this secret.

(End of this chapter)

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