Chapter 1454

Chapter 1454

However, she must help her mother find Jiuhuangshu. She liked Jiuhuangshu so much in her previous life, and now Jiuhuangshu loves mother, which is the best.

And now, Zhao Bo has promised her to let her learn the Zhao family's business, so she will have more opportunities.

During dinner, Zhao Bo announced his decision to let Zhao Liuxian learn business.

Suddenly, the Zhao family was stunned:

But Aunt Li's face suddenly changed. Zhao Liuxian actually wanted to control the Zhao family's business. Is she crazy?She wanted to stand up and speak out, but she was an aunt, the old lady, and the lady were all here, so she had no place to speak.

Mrs. Zhao asked, "Liu Xian'er, is she okay?"

Zhao Liuxian has always been gentle and doesn't like excitement. He has been raised in a boudoir all year round and is ignorant of world affairs.

"Grandmother..." Le Yan said to Mrs. Zhao, "Liu Xian'er is going to grow up. After this incident, Liu Xian'er doesn't want to be a flower in the greenhouse anymore, but hopes to become stronger so that she can help her younger brother protect her. The Zhao family."

Mrs. Zhao felt very relieved after hearing what her granddaughter said, and said, "Liu Xian'er, you are the most honorable girl in the family, and it is my wish that you live comfortably, but you are now With this thought, grandma's heart is sweeter than eating honey."

Hearing Mrs. Zhao's words, Zhao Minxian, who was already displeased, felt very uncomfortable. Zhao Liuxian was just born and had a good life. If not, how could this little bitch compare to Zhao Minxian?
Luo Shi held Le Yan's hand, and asked softly, "Liu Xian'er, this will be very tiring, can you bear it? Mother only hopes that you will be rich and healthy for the rest of your life, and other people will do the tiring things at home. .”

Listening to Mrs. Zhao and Luo Shi's words, Le Yan couldn't help but feel sorry for the real Zhao Liuxian. She died so early with a family who loved her so much.

Le Yan stood up and said, "Grandmother, mother, don't worry, I want to learn from my father, I'm ready, I'm not afraid of getting tired."

"But..." Luo Shi was still a little hesitant. In her perception, a girl only needs to know how to order female celebrities. If she can play piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting, she is already a top person. I am afraid that she will follow her father to learn how to do things. It was too hard, she really couldn't bear it, Liu Xian'er had always been the one in her heart.

"No!" At this moment, Aunt Li's son Zhao Qi suddenly came in with a limp, and said, "Zhao Liuxian is a girl, and she followed her father to show her face. How decent is it? It's not that there are no men in our Zhao family who are seen by outsiders Isn't it a joke."

As soon as Zhao Qi's words came out of his mouth, Zhao Bao's face suddenly darkened.

"Father, I think what the second brother said is right. It's not that there are no men in our family." At this time, Zhao Minxian who was sitting on the side said, "Besides, Liuxian just came home a few days ago. She has always been in poor health. She should Continue to rest well."

After hearing this, Le Yan was not angry, and asked calmly, "Then according to what the eldest sister and the second brother think, who should father train more suitable?"

"Second brother is fine. He is the eldest son in the family. Father, why don't you give Qi'er a chance even if you insist on staying with him?" Zhao Minxian said.

Le Yan shook her head with a smile in her heart, saying that she could do this or that, just to lure Zhao Qi.

After she came back last time, she wanted to expose the true colors of the mother and son, but she couldn't find enough evidence for a while. Besides, what she missed was her mother, and the Zhao family loved her so much. Auntie and the others dare not do anything.

Now, the three of them couldn't help but want to trouble her.

"Eldest sister, second brother's legs and feet are inconvenient. The last time I heard that he was injured by someone accidentally falling into the fire when the Tianyue Inn was on fire. Many people saw it." Le Yan said with a slight smile.

Tianyue Inn?

Upon hearing these words, Aunt Li, Zhao Minxian and Zhao Qi all changed their faces immediately: How could she know?Does she already know something?

Zhao Guan's face darkened immediately, and he said, "Tianyue Inn? Fire? Didn't you say that you accidentally fell into the field while going to collect the rent? How did it have something to do with the fire?"

When Aunt Li heard it, she jumped suddenly, her whole body trembled, and her eyes showed panic.

Zhao Qi turned pale, and stammered, "Father, I, I didn't want to lie, I was tired at the time, so I went to the inn to ask for wine and food, and there happened to be a big fire, I, I I went to watch the excitement, who knows... Who knows, I fell, I fell, I was afraid that my father would scold me, so, so I just..."

"Slap!" Zhao Bao slapped the table, and said, "Obviously I was injured because I was playing around and delayed the family affairs, but I said that I was injured because I was doing things for the family. I am full of lies. It is unforgivable!"

"Father, father, I..."

Mrs. Zhao's complexion also darkened, and she said, "Mr. Li, how did you spend so much time teaching your children!"

When Aunt Li heard this, she hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Forgive me, old lady. In fact, the second young master is very serious in his work. He just, just..."

"Hmph, if you still want to do things with me just because of this virtue, it will only embarrass me, Mr. Zhao, if you go to the ancestral hall and kneel, you won't be able to eat at the table this month!" Zhao Bo said angrily.

"Father..." Zhao Minxian said hastily.

"And you, don't you know who you are? Liu Xian'er is dressed so elegantly, and you are dressed in bright red and purple, how decent are you!" Mrs. Zhao said displeased.

"I..." Zhao Minxian couldn't speak for a moment, his face turned red and white.

"Grandmother, don't be angry. It's Liu Xian'er who likes simplicity and elegance, but there's nothing wrong with eldest sister who likes bright colors. Just let her go. Don't make everyone unhappy because of Liu Xian'er. Liu Xian'er managed to escape from death. Don't care about these things anymore." Le Yan said.

Only then did the old lady look better, and she said, "Liu Xian'er is really sensible, Min Xian is quick to thank Liu Xian'er."

"Yes, grandma, I understand." Zhao Minxian bowed his head unwillingly and said, "Thank you, third sister."

Calling Zhao Liuxian means Liu Xianer is so kind, and calling her the cold Minxian is really unconvincing!

There was a faint smile on Le Yan's face, and she kept her composure. The more angry this eldest sister was, the more she couldn't hide the emotions on her face, the more unhappy Mrs. Zhao became.

She shook her head slightly, her eyes fell on Aunt Li who was at the side, and Aunt Li's rank was much higher. Although her heart might be overwhelmed, Wu Bo seemed calm on the surface.

"Okay, that's the decision. From tomorrow on, Liu Xian'er will study with Weifu." Zhao Bo said.

After Zhao Qi heard this, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Not only did he fail to reap the benefits, he was also reprimanded by his father. He was really unlucky!
"Thank you...Father." Le Yan nodded slightly and said.

Every time, it is a little difficult to call out the title of father. It is obvious that her own father is a demon in the world and has never enjoyed his father's warmth. However, because of Zhao Liuxian, she saw another kind of father.

Moreover, she understands that now that she has gained a foothold in the Zhao family, she can help her mother well, and the most important thing right now is to find Uncle Nine Emperors.

The Chengjun and Wanjun brothers and sisters who are far away in the capital cannot live without their father.

After returning to the room, Le Yan showed a smile on her face, standing by the window, looking at the bright sun in the sky, she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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