First-class daughter

Chapter 1455 Discovering the Weakness

Chapter 1455 Discovering the Weakness
Chapter 1455 Discovering the Weakness

The medicine boy delivered today's potion to Lian Siyue's room, and said, "Madam, your medicine is ready."

Lian Siyue looked at the medicine bowl, picked it up, smelled it, and put it down again.

Yaotong looked at her curiously and said, "Ma'am, what's the matter?"

Lian Siyue glanced at Yaotong indifferently, picked up the medicine again, and asked, "Who made the medicine?"

"Me." Yaotong said.

Lian Siyue shook the medicine bowl and said, "Not bad." Then she raised her head and drank the medicine.

The drug boy felt a little strange, but it was inconvenient to ask any questions, and walked out with the finished medicine bowl.

The expression on Lian Siyue's face suddenly turned cold, and she walked out from the side with cold eyebrows, and asked, "Princess, what's wrong?"

"There is a problem with the medicine." Lian Siyue said.

"What?" Leng Mei's heart trembled suddenly, "Then... why are you still drinking?"

"Not poisonous." Lian Siyue said.

"That is……"

A faint coldness flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes, and said, "Let's take a look."

"Yes." Jinglian Siyue said, his cold eyebrows became alert, through the crack of the door, his eyes fell on Yaotong, if this child dares to do anything to the princess, she will definitely not let him go!

"Open the door a little, let me get some air..." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, princess." Leng Mei stepped forward and opened the door. This door is different from the door in Kyoto. The door in Kyoto is pushed from inside to outside, but from left to right.

As soon as the door was opened, Feng Qianyue and Wu Yong came in. Her eyes fell on the feet of this Mr. Huaixie. At this moment, Feng Qianyue also looked over. After meeting briefly in mid-air, they moved away from each other.

Feng Qianyue was stunned for a moment, the moment his eyes met, he felt a long-lost, inexplicable throbbing feeling in his heart, which made his heart beat faster for no reason.

But what does her look mean?
Can you see any flaws?His heart trembled.

No, not possible!
He is now a completely different person, his appearance is completely different from before, and his name and background are all new.

No matter how carefully Lian Siyue observes and how sharp his mind is, it is impossible to see flaws after meeting several times.

Thinking about it, he calmed down again, walked to the back of the medicine cabinet and sat down, looked down at the medical books in front of him, but the peripheral vision of his eyes fell on Lian Siyue.

After meeting this time, his eyes will follow her inexplicably. He usually doesn't come once in a long time. Since she came, he has come every day. After leaving yesterday, because she said he was timid and timid, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable for one night.

Do not!
It's all because she is his big enemy, and now that he finally sees her, of course he will keep a close eye on her and look for an opportunity to get rid of her at any time!

Yes, that's it, not for any other reason!
He withdrew his eyes and continued to read the medical books in his hands. He wrapped himself in a brocade robe and looked at him from a distance. I came to the medical hall in the name of trying to meet Mr. Huaixie.

He also heard that Mr. Huaixie was a child of a family, so he added a bit of mystery.

Wu Yong walked in front of Lian Siyue, bowed slightly, and said, "Let me take the pulse of Madam."

Lian Siyue stretched out his hand, and Wu Yong began to diagnose the pulse.

"Why didn't Doctor Wu cure Mr. Huaixie's foot? You are so skilled in medicine." Lian Siyue said suddenly.

Wu Yong's hand paused for a moment, lowered his eyes, and said, "Master's foot was injured a little, it's not serious, it recurs occasionally, but it's already healed."

"Oh, so that's the case." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

Wu Yong didn't say anything more. After taking the pulse, he walked out of the room and closed the door for her.

As soon as the door was closed, Wu Yongcai realized that he was covered in cold sweat at some point, and his hands were trembling slightly.

This Princess Heng really lived up to her reputation, the casual question just now made him worry whether His Highness had been seen through.

this day.

Feng Qianyue sat outside, Lian Siyue sat inside, there was a door between them, Feng Qianyue was always thinking.

Lian Siyue spread out the paper, and wrote down the words "Feng Yunzheng" stroke by stroke with a brush:

Yun Zheng, Yun Zheng, where are you now?
Are you ok?

Is the injury serious?

Did it help you?

Is Night Breeze with you?


Thinking about these things about Yun Zheng, even Siyue's originally calm heart began to be unable to hold back in every possible way.

He disappeared, and many people were mobilized to look for him, but a few days passed, but there was no news.

In fact, she was very uncomfortable in her heart. Whenever she was free, Yun Zheng would occupy all her thoughts. She missed him like crazy, and her heart was throbbing.

She loves him so much, she is willing to love him forever...

Yun Zheng, please, be well and wait for me to find you.

Lian Siyue put Feng Yunzheng's name in her arms, closed her eyes, and tears rolled down one by one.

Her tears only flowed for Yun Zheng alone.

Feng Qianyue, who was outside, suddenly felt inexplicable irritability, put the book in his hand into the drawer, got up, put his hands behind his back, and walked out of the hospital.

Obviously she was right in front of his eyes, but he had a feeling that he couldn't get close, because she refused people thousands of miles away.

He has changed his appearance, he is more handsome than before, why is her gaze still like this?

No, if this continues, he's afraid that he won't be able to bear it. He has to think of a way to make Lian Siyue stay with him willingly!
It's time to stay up late at night again, Wu Yong has already gone back to the new house, and the drug boy can go back as long as he finishes his medicine.

According to the previous method, he first took out the moon-like medicine package from the medicine cabinet, and then went to the back kitchen to heat up the stove. After boiling the water, he prepared to put the medicinal materials into the stove.

And this time...

"Ah..." He suddenly felt that his arm was so painful that it was about to break off, and the unopened medicine bag in his hand fell to the ground.

He endured the pain and looked back——

"Sister, sister, I, my hand is going to be broken."

It turned out that the person who broke his hand was Leng Mei.

"What, what's wrong?"

At this time, Lian Siyue walked in slowly from the door, with a look of coldness in his eyes.

"Ma'am..." Yaotong gritted his teeth, tears of pain were about to flow out, "What did I do wrong?"

? ”

Lian Siyue came over, bent down, picked up the medicine bag that fell on the ground, opened it, took out a prescription from his sleeve, and said, "I just got this prescription. The dosage is different from what is written on the prescription."

"Different?" Yaotong was stunned for a moment, "Why, why is it different? What's different?"

(End of this chapter)

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