First-class daughter

Chapter 1456 Peeking

Chapter 1456 Peeking
Chapter 1456 Peeking
"The amount stipulated in the prescription is different from the actual amount in the medicine bag. The amount of the medicine you boiled is nearly half less than the prescription. If this is the case, the effect of the medicine is far from being achieved, and my recovery will be slower. , Originally it would take ten days to recover, but it would take 30 days to take it according to this dosage." Lian Siyue said.

The reason why she found something wrong with the medicine was because the smell of the medicine in the past two days was weaker than before, and ordinary people might not be able to detect it, but she already has a doctor's background, so she noticed the problem after tasting it a few times.

Yaotong looked surprised, "How could this be?" He wanted to reach out for the medicine list in Lian Siyue's hand, but Lian Siyue held it up, preventing him from getting it.

Suddenly, Leng Mei's men forcefully——

"Ah!" Yaotong screamed, his knees softened, and he almost knelt on the ground. Suddenly, big drops of sweat fell down.

He said coldly, "Say, who told you to do this?"

The medicine boy clenched his teeth, sweating from the pain, and said, "Sister, it hurts, I, I really don't know, I just decoct the medicine according to the amount in the medicine bag."

Leng Mei narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Yaotong, and said, "You are Wu Yong's only apprentice, why don't you know? What's his purpose for doing this?"

"I really don't know!" Yaotong said helplessly, his arm bones were almost broken by Leng Mei.

"Lengmei, let him go." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, master." Leng Mei let go of his hand, and the drug boy took two steps back, almost falling to the ground.

He looked at Lian Siyue and said, "I really don't know anything about this matter. I wonder if Master did this to make more money. After all, the medical center just opened."

To make more money?

Lian Siyue's eyes fell on the prescription, thoughts flashed in his eyes, and he said to the medicine boy, "I believe you don't know, and I think you are right, he deliberately reduced the amount of medicinal materials in order to make more money.

However, now that I have discovered it, I won’t turn a blind eye to it, so, from tomorrow onwards, you have to give me the full dose of the medicine, and I will not expose your master, and you should not tell him that I already know that there is something wrong with the medicine , as if it didn't happen, okay? "

The drug boy paused, nodded, and said, "Okay, that's it. Don't expose my master. I secretly used up the medicine for you. Let you get well soon."

A faint smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, and said, "You are a good boy, do your hands still hurt?"

The drug boy glanced at the cold eyebrows, pouted his mouth, and said, "It's almost broken, my sister is really cruel."

"You..." Leng Mei was at a loss for words, paused, and said, "A boy, why act like a little girl?"

Yaotong continued to pout and said, "I'm in pain."

"Okay." Lian Siyue said, "You can find some ointment and apply it yourself, my guards have always been like this, if anyone is against me, she will kill that person!"

Yaotong's body trembled, and a chill rose up his back, but the expression on his face changed, and he thought to himself, "Why did Master do this? Is it really to earn more money?"

After Lian Siyue returned to the room, the coldness in his eyes became even worse.

"Princess, is this Doctor Wu just trying to earn more money from us? Looking at him from a humble position, he doesn't look like a person who is particularly greedy for money." Leng Mei said.

"People in this world can't see anything from the surface. Some people, you have been with him for many years, and you may not be able to see his true face. Until the critical moment, human nature cannot be seen clearly. " Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, what the concubine said is reasonable, and my subordinates are taught." Leng Mei nodded and said.

"But, are they trying to make more money, or do they have other purposes?" Lian Siyue thought deeply again.

"If there is another purpose, could it... be because of His Highness the Ninth Prince?" Leng Mei analyzed, "Now Qizhou City is spending a lot of time to find the whereabouts of His Highness Ninth, and naturally your identity is slowly being concealed." Wait, the doctor of the medical center knows that you are the current Princess Hengqin, so he has another purpose."

Lian Siyue walked to the chair, sat down, and said, "Let me think about it, let me think about it again."

Zhao family, cloth outfit.

Zhao Yan is listening to the shopkeeper's report on the business situation these days.

The difference from before is that there is one more person beside Zhao Yang now, and that is Zhao Liuxian, Zhao Yang's direct daughter.

Zhao Yan has already greeted various shops and manors, and will take Zhao Liuxian to learn how to do business in the future.

As soon as the news spread, the people below were very surprised, because Zhao Liuxian lived in her boudoir for a long time and never showed her face in public. I heard that although she has extraordinary beauty, she is shy by nature and doesn't like to socialize with others.

Now that Zhao Liuxian came out, everyone was very interested, and they all wanted to see her face up close.

When she entered cloth village together with Zhao Yang, everyone was stunned when they saw her, she was so beautiful!

She is dressed in water-red dress, delicate and exquisite, exuding a light breath all over her body, the skin on her face is as delicate as a newborn baby, her beautiful eyes are looking forward to shine, there is a slight smile on her lips, and her breath is like blue. , There is endless tenderness and pleasantness in the conversation.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were dumbfounded, but she just smiled slightly, not as shy as in the legend, embarrassed to raise her head to meet people.

Zhao Yan was displeased, and said, "Whoever looks again, my master will pick out the eyeballs!"

Once he got angry, the rest of the people didn't dare to look at it anymore.

After studying with Zhao Yang for a while, she was very clever. She could immediately understand what Zhao Yang said. Zhao Yang was very satisfied and couldn't help but praise her.

Later, Le Yan seized the opportunity and said to him, "Father, I want to visit our family's other businesses."

"You go, I'll find someone to follow you." Zhao Yang readily agreed.

"Father, you don't need to call someone. I want to investigate secretly to see the actual situation. If those in charge know that I am Miss Zhao, I will not be able to know the real situation." Le Yan said quickly.

"That's right, then let Fuzhu and Qizai follow you." Zhao Tang said, one of these two is a personal maid, and the other is an accompanying servant, both of whom are people around Zhao Liuxian.

"Yes, father."

Le Yan went out quickly, and first went to several Zhuangzi under the Zhao family's name under the leadership of Qizai, and finally asked Qizai to drive the carriage to the gate of Wu's Medical Center.

She sat in the carriage, quietly opened a corner of the curtain, and looked into the medical hall.

I happened to see my mother walking out of the room with the support of Leng Mei, her legs were still a little weak, she walked a little slowly, and she was tired from walking.

Le Yan's tears immediately fell down, her tearful eyes tightly locked onto Lian Siyue's figure, her hands tightly grasped the curtain of the carriage, her heart felt sad and painful for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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