Chapter 1457
Chapter 1457
"Mother, mother..." she called softly in her mouth.

These days, she has learned a lot of things intermittently, how the Xiao family collapsed, how the Lian family was burned down by a fire and so on.

And now Zhou Rendi, who turned out to be mother's younger brother, had heard from mother before that the little uncle had an accident and died early, and she had never seen him.

It turned out that he was not dead, his real identity turned out to be the eleventh prince of the emperor's grandfather, and the eleventh emperor's aunt died early due to illness.

Thinking about it, the little uncle should be living in exile, and later he was toured, and finally his real identity was exposed, and he probably became the emperor.

These were different from anything she knew.

However, she has already made a decision, she is not from this world, and she does not want to destroy other people's original lives, so she will not recognize her mother.

From now on, from such a distance, I will sneak a glance and shout secretly.

Even so, I feel very satisfied.

Yaotong came out of the medical hall and saw the carriage that was about to drive away at a glance. He hurried over, "Is it Miss Zhao?"

Le Yan was stunned when she heard the voice, quickly wiped the tears off her face with her sleeve, lifted a corner of the quilt, and said with a smile, "It's me."

"Everyone is here, why don't you come down?" Yaotong asked.

" not very convenient." Le Yan said.

Yaotong thought of a young lady of hers, since it was not so convenient to move around, but she didn't want her to leave immediately.

So I thought about it and said, "Then let me take you to a convenient place."

He said, jumped into the carriage, and drove the horse to another place.

When Le Yan got off the carriage, she found that there was a green field in front of her, with rare flowers and plants.

In Qizhou, there is rarely such a piece of green land. When Le Yan saw it, there was a look of surprise in her eyes.

"Like it, this is my secret base." Yaotong said.

"I like it." Le Yan ran to the side, picked a flower, put it in her nose and smelled it.

Then, she paused, and asked, "Brother, how is the lady's condition now?"

"She..." The drug boy suddenly remembered the matter of the medicine bag, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, and said, "It's much better now, and it will get better faster and faster."

"Brother..." Le Yan suddenly walked up to Yaotong and said, "Can I ask you for a favor?"

"What's the matter, tell me?" Yaotong looked extremely happy.

"I will follow Zhao Yan in the future, oh, I mean my father, who is learning to do business, so he often has the opportunity to go out, can you often tell me about that princess, good or bad, no matter what." Le Yan said.

There was a hint of doubt in Yaotong's eyes, and he said, "Liuxian, why are you so interested in this concubine? Also, you seem to be very interested in the sister in the medical hall and the missing nine kings."

"I..." Le Yan'er bit her lower lip, looked at Yaotong with eager eyes, and said, "Brother, you are a good person and have always helped me. I don't want to lie to you, but I don't want to tell the truth now either. , don’t ask, I will definitely tell you the whole truth when the time is right in the future, number?”

Seeing the tears flickering in her eyes, Yaotong said, "Liuxian, I won't press you, but I hope you don't suffer yourself, don't worry about everything in your heart, no matter what, you can treat me as a A person who can speak, whenever you call me, I will come."

"Thank you, little brother." Le Yan said emotionally.

"It's okay. I will often send you news about her in the future. I guess she will leave the hospital in a few days. However, she is looking for the Nine Kings and will not leave Qizhou for the time being. I still listen to her today." When she told that vicious sister, find a way to make money make money." Yaotong said.

"Let money beget money?" Means that mother is afraid of not having enough money?A flash of thought flashed in Le Yan's eyes, and there was already an idea in her mind.

Yaotong stood with Le Yan for a while, Le Yan asked, "Brother, do you really have no name?"

"I have, don't everyone call my name every day?" Yaotong said with a smile.

"Yaotong, Yaotong, what is the name? This is at most an errand." Le Yan said.

"Yaotong, Yaotong (pronounced the same as Yaotong), the day when the sun rises, and the day when there are thousands of households, they all mean bright and shining, so my name is Yaotong." Introduced his name.

"Yaotong? Yaotong? Bright and shining..." Feng Leyan understood the meaning, and said, "This name is really good, your person is like your waist, Yaotong, bright and shining."

"Hee hee." Yao Tong touched his head and smiled, "Then you remember, my name is Yao Tong, from now on you can call me little brother Yao Tong, you can also call me Yao Yao or Tong Tong .”

"..." Le Yan blushed when she heard this, "Where is this called exit?"

"Why can't you call it out, you can call it now, um... just call it Tong Tong, Yao Yao is also fine..." Yao Tong deliberately teased her.

"No." Le Yan turned away and said, "Most, at most, call me little brother."

Little brother is a polite name, and little brother is an intimate name.

"Okay then, call and listen." Yaotong walked up to her and said.

"..." Le Yan bit her lower lip, showing a shy expression, and said, "Little brother..."

"..." Hearing this, Yaotong felt as if he had eaten malt candy, it was sweet.

After returning home, Yaotong inexplicably felt that everything he did was very energetic, and he had endless energy all over his body.

"Yao Tong, did you fry the medicine in the room today?" At this time, Wu Yong came over and asked Yao Tong who was moving the stool.

Yao Tong paused slightly, lowered his eyes, and said, "It's already fried, take it to her."

"What's wrong with you?" Wu Yong asked as if seeing something wrong with Yao Tong.

"No, it's nothing, Master." The lady promised to say nothing.

"You look lost, I think your heart was taken away by the lady of the Zhao family. I heard that you just ran to see her again, right?" Wu Yong said.

"Master!" Yao Tong stamped his feet.

"Don't blame the teacher for not reminding you. You are still very young. If the Zhao family doesn't dislike you, it is okay for you to be a little friend with her. If you think about it, it will definitely not work. However, if someday The people in her family know that they dislike you because you have no name, no points, no money, so you are not allowed to approach her again, you have to be prepared, don't feel hurt when the time comes, and you will cry to your teacher." Wu Yong said.

(End of this chapter)

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