First-class daughter

Chapter 1458 Who Am I?

Chapter 1458 Who Am I?

Chapter 1458 Who Am I?

After hearing this, Yaotong paused slightly, lowered his head, continued to work, and did not speak again.

"People, it's important to know your identity." Wu Yong glanced at him and said deliberately.

Because of this, Yao Tong became even more silent.

"Yunzheng!" Lian Siyue suddenly sat up from the bed when it was about to dawn, clutching the corner of the quilt tightly with his hands, and there were big beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Princess!" At this time, Leng Mei, who was sleeping on the stool with her hands folded, sat up suddenly, and hurriedly lit the candles in the room.

I saw the princess hugging her body tightly, trembling all over.

"Princess..." Leng Mei quickly walked over, half-knelt in front of her, and said, "Are you having nightmares again?"

The dim candlelight shone on her face, and only when there was no one else would she reveal her vulnerable side.

"I dreamed, I dreamed that Yun Zheng was seriously injured, no one paid attention to him, he was in great pain..." Lian Siyue said while holding Leng Mei's hand tightly.

"Princess, dreams are always the opposite. Maybe His Highness has been rescued and is trying to find us. We are looking for him everywhere, and he will definitely see it." Leng Mei said comfortingly.

"I hope he's alive, I hope he's okay..." Lian Siyue said, covering her heart with her hands, and slowly closed her eyes, "Yun Zheng, Yun Zheng, I hope you can feel how I miss you Heart, if you feel it, you must speed up and run back to see me, I will wait for you here, if I don't find you, I won't go anywhere..."

Chicken deer stuffing (place name.)
The sand and dust all over the sky came surging, almost swallowing everyone, making people almost out of breath.

In the end, the wall of sand and dust hit him overwhelmingly, kicked him up hard, and landed hard again. The stone hit him on the head, and he felt a moment of dullness immediately, and then...

Then nothing is known.

"Hmm..." He opened his eyes suddenly, and suddenly, a tearing pain hit, his head seemed to be split open, and he felt dizzy for a while due to the pain.

After a while, he opened his eyes again. He wanted to sit up subconsciously, but he couldn't help it. His limbs seemed to be locked by something, and he couldn't move. .

He tried hard to clenched his fist, and after a while, the fingers slowly curled up.However, it is impossible to sit up.

His eyes looked around, and the surrounding gray and white seemed to be in a tent.

He was lying on the ground, and there was a stove next to it, and medicine was being stewed on the stove, and there was a whirring sound outside the tent, as if a strong wind was blowing.

Confusion appeared in his eyes:
What is this place?
Why is he here?
What happened?Why was he so badly injured that he couldn't even move.

Moreover, at this moment, his mind was blank and he couldn't think of anything.

Who is he?
He blinked vigorously, closed and opened them again, but he was still in a daze and couldn't think of anything.

He only vaguely remembered that he fell from a very high place, and there was a pair of almost desperate eyes looking at him, but he couldn't see that face clearly.

Think hard, think hard, but still can't remember anything, even those eyes just flashed by, and then, I can't remember anything.

"Ah..." His head hurts, it hurts!It was so painful that it was about to tear apart, and a painful expression appeared on his face.

At this time, the curtain of the tent was lifted and a gust of wind blew in. He turned his head and saw a hand that looked like a maid walking in with a basin of water in it.

Seeing him, the girl's eyes showed shock, the basin in her hand fell to the ground with a bang, and then ran out quickly, shouting in panic, "General, general! He's awake, he's awake !"

The maid ran all the way to the training ground.

I saw that on the training ground, thousands of soldiers were standing in the sand to practice, and standing on the high platform commanded by a woman in red battle armor, riding on a group of white horses, holding a red long tasseled spear , her face was still covered with a red veil, only a pair of sharp eyes stared forward, under her training, no one dared to slack off.

She is known as the Goddess of War in the army. Except for the Hun King, she is the most supreme person in the Hun army in Mobei.

"General, general..." A voice came from afar, she looked back and saw her maid Wu Jie running over quickly.

"What's the matter?" she asked coldly.

Wu Jie was out of breath, pointed to the place behind her, and said, "He, he's awake, awake!"

When she heard this, a flash of emotion suddenly flashed in her eyes, and she jumped off the horse.

"General, he's awake, but he can't move, and he looks in pain." Wu Jie said while trotting behind her.

The woman pursed her lips, did not speak, and followed to the front of the tent.

"Kang lang!" Suddenly, a voice came from inside, she was taken aback, and immediately opened the curtain of the tent and walked in.

I saw that a basin fell on the ground, and the water was wet.

And he was half lying on the bed, with a painful expression on his face, clearly wanting to stand up.

However, his hands and feet are forbidden!

"Don't move!" She walked over a few steps, stopped him from moving, and said in a deep voice, "You almost died, our doctor took a lot of effort to save you, but your hands and feet were completely severed , it will be better after special treatment, if you move around, then all our efforts will be in vain!"

A woman in red suddenly appeared in front of him with only a pair of eyes showing. He was stunned for a moment, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Who is this person? He doesn't know him, and he can't remember anything.

And she had already walked over, motioned for Wu Jie to join her, supported him, and lay down again.

He stared at her closely and asked, "Who are you?"

The female general in red was slightly taken aback, did he not take her to heart at all or...

He lost his strength, and lay back on the bed again. The feeling of being pinched by the muscles and bones in his hands and feet was too uncomfortable. He clenched his teeth tightly, and there were big drops of sweat on his forehead.

The female general in red stepped forward, inspected his injuries first, and then said to Wu Jie, "Call the doctor over immediately to examine him."

"Yes, General." Wu Jie hurried out.

The man on the bed looked at this red-clothed and red-gauze masked woman, General?What general? 】He desperately wanted to recall the plot related to her, but he couldn't remember anything.

The female general Hongsha looked at him and said, "Don't move, wait for your health to recover. You are seriously injured, and I finally rescued you from the gate of hell. If you keep moving and talking, your hands and feet will be damaged. If you move, the gods will not be able to save you, and you will become a cripple."

He closed his eyes slowly and painfully, his head was heavy and painful, and he couldn't remember anything.

"Who am I?" After all, he opened his eyes and asked hoarsely.

The female general in red was about to pick up the things on the ground, when she heard his words, her eyes froze, and the hand holding the things paused slightly.

Who does he remember?
She slowly walked in front of him. Although she was seriously injured and a bit embarrassed, she couldn't hide his handsome and handsome demeanor, and her deep eyes were like obsidian.

"Tell me, who am I?" he asked again.

"The doctor is here, the doctor is here..." At this time, Wu Jie led the doctor and hurried in.

The female general in red didn't say anything, she stepped aside and said, "Doctor, check his wound carefully."

"Yes, General." The doctor knelt down in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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