First-class daughter

Chapter 1465 She's Fake

Chapter 1465 She's Fake
Chapter 1465 She's Fake
"..." Le Yan suddenly raised her head and looked at Lian Siyue, "You, what do you mean?" Could it be that mother saw something?

There was an inexplicable expectation in Le Yan's heart.

Lian Siyue was taken aback, her eyes sank slightly, why did this child react like this, is she really a fake?

Her eyes became serious, she lowered her voice, and said, "Miss Zhao, you have to tell the truth so that I can know how to help you. Your eldest sister just took your blood to test whether you are the real Zhao Liuxian. If you If it's not the real Zhao Liuxian, you have to think about it."

"I..." Although her soul is not Zhao Liuxian's, the blood on her body is naturally the real Zhao Liuxian's, so she said, "My blood is fine, so I'm not afraid of her test."

Lian Siyue paused, why did she answer like that?

Most people would say that I am biological or that I am not biological, but her answer was "There is no problem with my blood".

"However, your eldest sister and aunt have bad intentions towards you. Even if you don't embarrass you on the issue of identity authenticity this time, they will embarrass you on other things. Do you want to teach them a lesson?" Lian Siyue asked.

"I knew that Zhao Minxian was up to no good. I thought the blood was real anyway, so I wasn't afraid of her pretending to be a ghost. But after you said that, princess, I wanted to teach them a lesson and take revenge for almost killing me last time!"

By Niangqin's side, watching her become so tough and tough, Le Yan also became tough and tough!
Besides, Zhao Liuxian suffered from that yard. Now that she is occupying his body, she should seek justice for her and teach those people a lesson!

"If you want to fight, just wait and see." Lian Siyue showed a faint smile in his eyes.

However, it was inexplicably strange, how could she be so meddlesome?

Could it be because this child is as old as her Le Yan'er, and has a somewhat similar personality?

She sighed slightly, but it's a pity that the child in front of her looks nothing like Le Yan, no matter what, she can't see Le Yan'er.

"Has the princess already thought of a solution?" Le Yan'er asked.

She found that her mother had really changed. She used to be magnanimous, even weak and deceitful, but now she looked mysterious and stern, always giving off a deep and strategic feeling.

"Just wait and see." Lian Siyue said.

"Okay!" Le Yan suppressed her pounding heartbeat and said, "By the way, are you feeling better? You said you were seriously injured."

She also heard from Yao Tong that her mother woke up after being in a coma for almost ten days in the hospital, and almost half of her life was dead when she was sent to the hospital, which meant that she must have been seriously injured.

"Almost everything is fine, nothing serious, thank you for your concern." Lian Siyue said.

"That's good, my concubine, if you need anything, just tell me, and I will help you." Le Yan'er said, and made a plan in her heart. After the banquet, she would give her grandmother and mother Her thousand-year-old ginseng and other supplements were given to her mother for some reason, so that she could take good care of her body.

"Third Miss, Wangfei, the time is up." At this time, Fu Zhu came over and reminded.

"It's time, I'm leaving first, Miss Zhao, see you later." Lian Siyue nodded slightly at "Zhao Liuxian", turned around, and walked outside the pavilion.

Le Yan watched Lian Siyue's back slowly walk away, her heart suddenly moved, she walked over a few steps, and said, "Princess, I have to go anyway, let's go together."

As she spoke, she was bold enough to hold Lian Siyue's arm.

Lian Siyue was taken aback for a moment, and looked down at the hands that held her, which were soft and draped over her.

There was an inexplicable throbbing in her heart, and Le Yan'er's appearance suddenly flashed in her mind.

Her Le Yan'er also often likes to hold her arm like this, and follow her around the garden of the palace or the imperial garden in the palace. Every time at this time, she feels very warm and moved.

For a moment, she even thought that Zhao Liuxian in front of her was just like her Le Yan'er.

However, this child is not Le Yan, he doesn't look like Le Yan.

"..." Le Yan'er was taken aback for a moment, she, why did she hold the hand of "Prince Princess", she really wanted to withdraw her hand immediately, but she felt reluctant and didn't want to withdraw it, so she calmed down her mood, Said, "Princess, you are not very familiar with the Zhao family, so let me walk with you on my arm."

"Okay." Even Siyue said without refusing.

In fact, she was thinking of Le Yan, and the situation where Le Yan was holding her hand, and she wanted to enjoy this feeling again out of selfishness.

And Le Yan took Lian Siyue's hand and walked into the banquet hall step by step.

Along the way, they walked through the garden and the promenade. Along the way, Le Yan tried her best to maintain a calm surface, but she felt strange and happy in her heart. She occasionally raised her head secretly to take a look at Lian Siyue.

She never thought that she would have the opportunity to stroll around the courtyard like this with her mother.

She thought that her tragic and short life had ended in her previous life.

Now, although she doesn't dare to recognize her mother, she feels very satisfied to be able to walk this way for a while.

"Miss, we're here." At this time, the voice of Fuzhu sounded, and it turned out that he had already arrived at the entrance of the hall.

Le Yan'er was slightly taken aback, it was usually a long journey, how did she go so fast today?
She reluctantly let go of her hand and said, "Princess, we're here, let's go in."

"En." Lian Siyue nodded, and walked in one after the other.

When Zhao Liuxian appeared, the people who came to the banquet were shocked by her beauty, she was so beautiful at such a young age.

And soon, their attention was attracted by Lian Siyue who came next. This woman was like an orchid in an empty valley, exuding a noble and arrogant aura, which made people feel an inexplicable aura coming from the front.

When Zhao Yan saw it, he immediately led the family to Lian Siyue, bowed, and said, "Wangfei is here, the Zhao family is shining brightly, please take the seat."

Lian Siyue nodded slightly, and was led by the Zhao family to sit in the most honorable position.

Le Yan watched quietly from the side, with a slight smile on her lips.

Everyone sat down one by one, and Le Yan also sat between Mrs. Zhao and Luo Shi.

Leng Mei walked behind Lian Siyue, bent down and whispered something in her ear, Lian Siyue nodded lightly.

At the beginning of the banquet, Zhao Yan first bowed to Lian Siyue, then walked to the middle seat, raised his hand, and said, "Zhao thank you all for coming, and celebrate my daughter Liu Xian'er..."

"Father, she is not your daughter at all, she is a fake, she came to the Zhao family to cheat!" At this moment, Zhao Minxian suddenly stood up and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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