Chapter 1466
Chapter 1466
As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar at the banquet, everyone looked at the eldest lady Zhao Minxian, and the Zhao family was also stunned.

Zhao Yan was the first to scold, "Shut up, you're talking nonsense! Liu Xian'er is my direct daughter! You are crazy, you are sick, how dare you slander your sister in front of so many people!"

When Luo Shi heard this, he also defended Zhao Liuxian very much, took her into his arms, and rarely showed anger, and said, "Minxian, what do you mean, Liuxian'er was born to me, what do you mean by coming to Zhao's house to cheat? If you say it, I will never forgive you!"

Hearing Luo Shi's threat, Zhao Minxian couldn't help but feel a chill run down her spine, but thinking of the incompatible blood, she straightened her back and said, "Father, mother, Minxian knows that you love Liuxian'er, and I also love Liuxian'er." I miss her very much, it would be best if she could return to the Zhao family.

However, if someone takes advantage of our kindness to Liu Xian'er to deceive us, this is unforgivable!And now this fake Zhao Liuxian is taking advantage of us! "

Zhao Minxian was aggressive, Luo Shi stood up angrily, "Zhao Minxian!"

And Le Yan couldn't help looking at Lian Siyue, the mother on the opposite side, and Lian Siyue nodded slightly towards her, with an encouraging look in her eyes, Le Yan understood what she meant, and inexplicably gained a lot of courage in her heart , she stood up and said:

"Sister, Liu Xian'er knows that you have always hated me, you feel that my existence makes you feel disgusted, you don't like me, you wish there was no such person as Zhao Liuxian in this world.

But you can't say that I'm not born to the Zhao family. With so many guests here, aren't you embarrassing our Zhao family and blatantly humiliating father and mother? "

She wasn't angry at all, but gentle and gentle, she seemed to disagree with Zhao Minxian completely, and she had the demeanor of a real lady.

In that corner, a man in a black brocade robe held a glass of wine in his hand, drank it slowly, and his eyes fell on Zhao Liuxian: Hehe, this little girl turned out to be a bad embryo.

Sure enough, when Zhao Minxian heard this, she was furious, she didn't care about the faces of Mrs. Zhao, Zhao Yan, Luo Shi and the others, and said, "Since you swear that you are not a fake, how about confessing your relatives in public?"

Le Yan was taken aback when she heard this.

Aunt Li immediately winked at Zhao Minxian, Zhao Minxian snorted coldly, and said, "Why, don't you dare? Why did you suddenly change your face? If you have the ability, come and try!"

"You!" Luo Shi was so annoyed that Zhao Minxian's words were tantamount to saying that she was an unchaste person and had a relationship with someone else, "Okay! Master, old lady, since Minxian said so It's okay if I don't come to the public today for a drop of blood to recognize it, otherwise I, Luo Lan, will go to soak in a pig cage!"

"Ma'am..." Seeing that Luo Shi was so excited, Zhao Yan hurriedly called out.

But Zhao Minxian was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Mother, mother, I didn't mean that. I didn't say you were not chaste. What I meant was that this Zhao Liuxian is a fake. The real Zhao Liuxian is dead."

"Hmph!" Luo Shi snorted coldly, "I don't know the motives of your mother and daughter, don't you just want to use this to suppress our mother and daughter? Let me tell you, today, I will never let it go! Come on, come on!" Water come here!"

Zhao Minxian did not expect that Luo Shi misunderstood her words so much, but, anyway, Zhao Liuxian is not real anyway, so by the way, he can frame her as unchaste.

"Elder Sister, do you really want me to bleed my father?" Le Yan asked, looking at the jealous man in front of her.

"Yes! Because of your fake, I must expose your deceit!" Zhao Minxian said proudly, "Also, father, I also arrested a person who was very close to this fake Zhao Liuxian in private. How could the old Liu Xian play with a guy? I think the two of them are in the same group, and when the result of the blood test comes out, my father can interrogate them and see their tricks! Old Ding, bring them in!"

After a while, I saw the burly old Ding walking in with a young man in his hand.

"Let go of me! Let me go!" the man shouted while kicking and beating Lao Ding.

Le Yan was taken aback when she saw the person coming, little brother?And so he was caught.

Yao Tong also saw Le Yan at a glance. He looked around and suddenly seemed to understand something: someone is embarrassing Le Yan!Realizing this, he clenched his fists tightly, whoever bullies Le Yan with a thousand swords, he will never let it go!
"Master, the water is here." At this time, Fu Zhu brought a bowl of water and brought it to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yan's face was very ugly, he was the most famous person in Qizhou City, and he was laughed at by so many people today!Thinking of this, he became even more displeased with Zhao Minxian!
"Father..." Zhao Minxian said with a trembling heart, "I, I am also doing it for your own good."

With a gloomy face, Zhao Yan took a dagger from the housekeeper and stroked his finger lightly. Suddenly, a drop of blood fell into the bowl.

Then, Le Yan came up, first bowed to Zhao Yan, and said, "Father, it's not good for Liu Xian'er to cause you trouble."

Then, he took another dagger from the butler and gritted his teeth.

"Liu Xian'er, be gentle!" Luo Shi felt sorry for her daughter and hurriedly told her.

But Le Yan swiped her hand, her fingertip was cut, and a drop of blood fell into the bowl. The nurse at the side hurried forward and wrapped her wound with a handkerchief.

She turned her head involuntarily and looked in the direction of Lian Siyue, only to see a faint smile on her mother's face, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

As soon as the two drops of blood fell into the bowl, all eyes turned to the bowl.

Zhao Minxian looked proud, hehe, soon, Zhao Liuxian's true colors will be exposed, just wait to be kicked out!She glanced at her own mother, Li Shi, and Li Shi couldn't wait for everyone to see the result!
They just tested the blood of the father and daughter, and they couldn't mix at all, so they are so sure now!

"Fusion, fusion!" Roche suddenly said loudly.

"Yes, they are fused together. Master Zhao and Miss Liuxian are clearly biological women."

"This young miss has said in public that her younger sister is not from the Zhao family. This is Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it."

The onlookers also said one after another.

And when Zhao Yan saw the two drops of blood fused together, he also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The smiles on the faces of Zhao Minxian and Aunt Li suddenly froze, what?combined?Aunt Li immediately took a step back.

"No, this, this, how could this happen?" Zhao Minxian refused to believe it, walked over a few steps, took it from the hand of the talisman, and stared at the fused blood inside, "No, it's impossible, She is a fake, there must be something wrong with this bowl, father, there must be something wrong with this bowl, Zhao Liuxian is not your daughter, she is not!"

(End of this chapter)

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