First-class daughter

Chapter 1467 Unworthy

Chapter 1467 Unworthy

Chapter 1467 Unworthy

"Slap!" Zhao Yan couldn't bear it anymore, slapped Zhao Minxian's face fiercely, and said angrily, "Come on, drag this evil thing out, and punish him according to the family law!"

As soon as Zhao Minxian heard the family law punishment, his expression changed drastically. The Zhao family law was extremely strict. He was beaten fifty lashes with rattan canes and punished to kneel in the ancestral hall without eating for three days and three nights. Take a life away!

She knelt down on the ground with a plop and cried, "Father, please forgive me, Minxian just tested your blood and Liuxian's blood and found that the blood cannot be mixed. How dare you expose her in front of so many people? Father is clear." .”

However, Zhao Yan's face became even more gloomy. Taking a step back, even if Liu Xian'er is really not his daughter, Zhao Minxian can't expose it in public, which would make him lose face, which is more important than anything else.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Procrastinate, and immediately implement the family law!" Zhao Yan said coldly.

"Master, master, the eldest lady is also your daughter after all, I'm afraid it will cost her her life if you deal with her family, please forgive her, master." Seeing this, Aunt Li hurriedly knelt down and begged.

"Oh." The eldest lady Luo Shi said, "If I had known this, why did you insult me ​​in the past, and I would never forgive you lightly. Aunt Li, what plan you have in your heart, I know very well."

"Madam, Madam, I..." Aunt Li felt a chill in her heart, knowing that she was eager for success and made a big mistake!

"He! He! This drug boy, and, also has an ambiguous relationship with Zhao Liuxian!" Zhao Minxian refused to admit defeat, pointing at Yaotong and shouted loudly, "The other day when this boy came to the house to ask for a quilt, it was Zhao Liuxian who asked for it himself. Yes, she even went to Ning'an Temple and Wu's Medical Center to meet this young man several times in private! Many people have seen it! Father, as the daughter of the Zhao family, unexpectedly hangs out with this kind of person regardless of his status. It's too embarrassing for the Zhao family!"

When Le Yan heard that Zhao Minxian was talking about a servant, this kind of person, a gangster... said it, and she was very afraid of hurting Yao Tong.

She immediately stood up, ready to say that Yaotong was taking care of her during her escape, and that she and her little brother were friends.

"Father, in fact, me and..."

"You are talking nonsense!" But at this time, Yao Tong stood up. He quickly glanced at Le Yan, motioned her not to speak, walked up to Zhao Yang, cupped his hands, and said, "Master Zhao, don't believe you!" What this daughter said, she has a really bad heart, even her own sisters. In my opinion, she is just jealous of Ms. Zhao, and wants to pour dirty water on her, and she does not hesitate to insult Ms. Zhao's innocence.

Although I have met Miss Zhao several times, it was all because of Miss Zhao's kind heart.

The first time it was because I wanted to give me a quilt and rice, and Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao were also present at that time.

Later, the two encounters were just by chance. In order to thank our medical center for helping your wife, Ms. Zhao came to thank you specially and gave a plaque and silver taels. Our young master Huai Xie was also present.

And I am not familiar with Ms. Zhao at all. Ms. Zhao is like a fairy, I am just a little drug boy, and I can't hit a single place with eight poles. This Zhao Minxian has also gone to great lengths to slander his own sister. "

Feng Qianyue, who was drinking alone over there, paused while holding the wine glass, and frowned slightly: For the sake of the innocence of his little friend, this kid betrayed him as the master without hesitation. When did he see the plaque?When did you hear the words of gratitude from this mysterious Miss Zhao?

little brother...

Le Yan didn't expect that, for her "innocence", he would say that he didn't know her well... He even said that his low status was not worthy of being friends with her.

While she was moved, she was also sad and lost.

In her mind, her little brother was the first ray of light she encountered after coming to this world, the first person who gave her hope, how could he not be worthy?
She looked at him, tears glistening in her eyes.

And Yaotong also seemed to have a tacit understanding, looked at her, and shook his head slightly at her, signaling her not to reveal her thoughts.

Little brother, you are so kind... she said softly in her heart.

"Procrastinate on, don't be a disappointment here, today is a good day for Liu Xian'er, the rest of you can wait." Mrs. Zhao also spoke, waved her hand impatiently, and said.

"Grandma, grandma!"

"Old madam, old madam, don't do it, let the young lady go, after all, she is also a young lady of the Zhao family..." Aunt Li was forced to walk outside, but she still didn't give up, she turned her head and begged frequently.

"Liu Xian'er, come and sit by my side." As if to show Zhao Liuxian's status in this family, the old lady waved to her, asked her to sit beside her, and held her hand in hers.

"Okay, you go down too." Zhao Yang said to Yaotong.

"Yes, Master Zhao." Yao Tong left, and when he turned around, he glanced at Le Yan quietly, and nodded to her.

In her heart, Le Yan felt very sorry... for letting him be humiliated by Zhao Minxian in public today, but instead of being angry, he was always thinking of her, which moved her very much.

Lian Siyue was watching from the sidelines, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart: Although this Miss Zhao has aunts and concubines watching over her, the Patriarch of the Zhao family and others are looking towards her, thinking that when she returned to the prime minister's mansion back then, there was no one around her. As a supportive person, she had to rely on her own ability to fight her way out, and gradually established an unshakable position in the Prime Minister's Mansion.



After the banquet was over, Lian Siyue left without waiting for Zhao Yang to come.

"Princess, please wait." Just as she was about to walk out of the garden, a voice came from behind.

I saw Liuxian, the young lady of the Zhao family, coming over accompanied by her maid, and stroking her slightly, motioning for the maid behind her to take out a wooden box, saying, "Princess, this ginseng is for you to make up for." body."

Lian Siyue showed a slight surprise in his eyes, and said, "It's just a little effort, you don't have to."

"Just take it!" Le Yan didn't say much polite words to her, no matter how much she put the ginseng in her hand, she said, "I'm very happy today, really."

"Okay, then I'll accept it." Lian Siyue said with a faint smile.

"And..." Le Yan looked around, approached Lian Siyue, and said, "The princess will stay in Qizhou to wait for news from His Highness the Ninth Highness, but I heard that the princess has a clean sleeve and a stern face. The money and things given by the officials, but if you live in Qizhou for a long time, you will definitely not be able to stop spending, so I have thought of a way for you."

"Oh? What way?" Lian Siyue asked, she admitted that Zhao Liuxian was right.

"I can invest part of your principal in the Zhao family's most profitable business for the princess, and then you will make a lot of money." Le Yan said. More or less really learned something.

(End of this chapter)

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