First-class daughter

Chapter 1468 New Clues

Chapter 1468 New Clues

Chapter 1468 New Clues

Lian Siyue showed a little surprise in her eyes, she was indeed thinking about finding a place in Qizhou where she could make money, but she didn't expect that Miss Zhao's family just thought of this for her.

"Princess, don't worry, I will get it done, and there will be no complications. Today, the concubine helped me, and I should help my mother." Le Yan said immediately, afraid that her mother would worry.

Lian Siyue showed a smile on his face, and said, "So, I will trouble you."

"Don't bother, don't bother, the concubine helped me, so naturally I should repay it." Le Yan said.

When Lian Siyue left, Le Yan looked at her back with a smile on her face. It would be great if she could help her mother. She will use the convenience of Zhao's family to help her mother secretly.

With some doubts in Lian Siyue's eyes, she walked towards the gate of the Zhao residence. The closer she got to this young lady of the Zhao family, the more she felt a sense of déjà vu.

"The ruthless move tonight was actually done by the concubine. That child doesn't have such meticulous ideas." At this time, a cold voice came faintly.

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, looked up, and saw that Mr. Huaixie came over, holding a leaf in one hand, and put the other behind his back, walking over like a leisurely stroll.

Lian Siyue glanced at him indifferently, and said, "I don't know what Mr. Huaixie is talking about."

"You know." Feng Qianyue's eyes fell on her. Although they came to see her tonight, it was just a small fight and nothing to watch, but he remembered Lian Siyue when he was in the capital. Like this, step by step, he defeated Aunt Xiao and others who were favored by the prime minister.

Lian Siyue was going to leave, but when she heard Mr. Huaixie's confident words, she turned around, looked at him with a pair of eyes, and asked, "Is Mr. Huaixie familiar with this princess?"

Feng Qianyue was taken aback for a moment, and her hands behind her back tightened.

"Your Master's tone seems to be an acquaintance of this princess, and he seems to be very familiar with this princess's handwriting?" Lian Siyue said.

Feng Qianyue slowly turned her face away, without any expression on her face, and said, "This is the first time this son met the princess, and he is not familiar with it, but this son is good at observing, and it can be seen that this little girl from the Zhao family seems to want to get close to the princess. And the princess doesn't seem to dislike her either."

"The princess said in the book that she hates being peeped on? I have already left the clinic and have nothing to do with Mr. Huaixie anymore."

Hehe, she hasn't pursued the matter of tampering with her medicine, but now it's getting troublesome.

Lian Siyue turned around and left coldly.

Feng Qianyue took two steps forward, "Wait!"

Lian Siyue stopped, but never looked back, "Is there anything else?"

Feng Qianyue glanced at the cold eyebrows, and said, "Wangfei, can you let your maid go down first."

"No, I'm a married man, it's really not suitable to be alone with any man." Lian Siyue refused coldly.

"..." After Feng Qianyue heard this, her heart clenched into a ball, and she tightly clenched her hands behind her back. Her loyalty to Feng Yunzheng really made me angry!

He has changed his appearance, but she is still indifferent to him, not showing any good looks.

Only she in the dream would pay attention to him and value him.

However, the her in the dream was not liked by him.

"The black storm is very lethal, and many people died this time. The princess mobilized so many people to look for it, but after so long, there is no whereabouts of His Highness Ninth Prince. Have you ever thought that maybe he has encountered... Unexpected?" Feng Qianyue said almost cruelly.

"..." Sure enough, just after he finished speaking, he received her cold gaze and the anger emanating from his body.

He did it on purpose, she was too indifferent to him, he wanted to grab her weakness, stab her, let her take off the mask of indifference, and show her emotions in front of him like a normal person!
"No!" she said firmly.

"Oh? Why is the princess so confident?" Feng Qianyue asked.

Lian Siyue looked at him, smiled faintly, but walked out without saying anything.

Feng Qian took a few steps forward, stretched his hand forward, but missed nothing, didn't touch anything, he slowly took his hand back, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

on the carriage.

Lian Siyue's face was tense, her hands were tightly clutching the corner of her clothes, but she felt an inexplicable pain in her heart. The words of Mr. Huaixie just now really touched her heart.

The vast sea of ​​people, Yun Zheng, where are you?

Her mind was completely occupied by Yun Zheng's figure, and she kept thinking about his whereabouts at this moment, where would it be?

It stands to reason that within the area affected by the black storm, he has been searched several times, but there is still no sign of him.

A clever idea suddenly appeared in her mind, could it be that Yun Zheng is not here at all?

Was rescued to another place?

She fixed her eyes and immediately opened the curtain of the carriage.

"Princess, what's the matter?" Leng Mei stopped the carriage, turned around, and asked.

"Do you still remember the woman in red gauze we met on the way to the Huns?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Remember, she also reminded us that there might be a sandstorm." Leng Mei also remembered this person.

Lian Siyue was excited, grabbed Leng Mei's hand, and said, "We have searched very carefully, and it stands to reason that we will always find traces of His Highness and Night Breeze, but we can't find even a trace. Then, there is only one possibility!"

"Your Highness, they were taken away?" Leng Mei also said excitedly.

"Hehe. I really appreciate that Mr. Huaixie stimulated me and made me think of this all of a sudden!" A smile flashed in Lian Siyue's eyes.

"Wangfei means... Maybe His Highness was rescued by that red-veiled woman?" Leng Mei immediately jumped off the carriage and asked in a tight voice.

"I dare not say that he must have been taken away by this woman, but I can be sure that he was injured at the time, and I saw bleeding on his body when he fell, so he must have been rescued, otherwise he would not He can't even find a shadow, and his disappearance is probably related to the woman in red. Therefore, we need to change the direction of our search!" Lian Siyue said firmly.

Her heart was pounding, and she had a strong feeling that the distance with Yun Zheng was finally a little closer!
"Yes, Princess, I understand. However, we must first find out the identity of the woman in red. She was covering her face at the time, and we don't know what she looks like." Leng Mei said.

"Although I don't know her identity, it can be seen that her subordinates are not from Qizhou, but more like from Mobei, and she is undoubtedly from Mobei." Lian Siyue said.

"Then, let's start searching in the direction of Mobei!" said Leng Mei.

(End of this chapter)

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