First-class daughter

Chapter 1469 I just want to save you

Chapter 1469 I just want to save you

Chapter 1469 I just want to save you

"Just do this! Search in the direction of Mobei, don't concentrate on Qizhou anymore!" Lian Siyue said, re-determined the search direction, and she felt a little more relaxed in her heart.

At the same time, she recalled that day in her mind, the red-veiled masked woman she met on the way. She remembered that at that time, she led a few people to fight against the many people. Although she was injured in the end, she still won. It can be seen that this person Not an easy guy.

He is fully capable of saving Yunzheng!

Lian Siyue's heart trembled, and she slowly clenched the handkerchief in her hand. She remembered the plundering expression in the woman's eyes when she looked at Yun Zheng. If she saved Yun Zheng, there might be others thoughts.

However, she believed in Yun Zheng, and Yun Zheng would never be easily shaken.

The carriage continued to move forward, and Lian Siyue couldn't help but lifted a small corner of the curtain of the carriage. It was getting dark, and the night wind was blowing gently on the face, making people feel very comfortable.

However, at this moment, several men in black seemed to descend from the sky, flying down from the roofs on both sides of the street, and surrounded her carriage all at once.

These men in black stared closely, with a dangerous cold light in their eyes!
Lian Siyue suddenly grasped the railing of the carriage, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart!She watched these people closely, and quickly judged where they came from.


Sure enough, all these men in black pulled out their gleaming broadswords from their waists, and quickly surrounded her carriage, exuding a murderous aura all over their bodies.

"Princess, be careful!"

Leng Mei immediately jumped up from the horse's back, guarded the carriage, threw out the hidden weapon in his hand, and kicked the horse's buttocks at the same time, and the horse galloped to the other side quickly.

She herself stood in front of these black-clothed men with flesh and blood, with a look of coldness in her eyes. If she wanted to kill the princess, she had to pass her test first!
She pulled out the soft sword at her waist with a swish, a snow-white cold light flashed in the air, and then heard a puff, and the blood on the man in black splashed high into the air.

The men in black didn't seem to expect that the female guard's hand was so high, and they all backed up a few steps.

"Hmph." Leng Mei narrowed his eyes slightly!
"Go!" All the men in black rushed forward, and the others withdrew to chase after the carriage of Lian Siyue.

Leng Mei retreated again and again, trying to block the way of these people.

In the carriage!
The horse moved forward quickly, even Siyue leaned back, and almost fell into the carriage.

She understood that Leng Mei planned to stop these pursuers by herself, so that she would have a chance to leave first.

The carriage continued to run wildly, but the direction was a little off.

Lian Siyue clenched Yaguang tightly, and slammed into the carriage several times while staggering, but her eyes showed a hint of determination, and finally opened the carriage door in front, grabbed the reins of the carriage with both hands, The direction in his arms pulled, turned the horse's head, and then sat in front of the carriage, pulled the reins, and slammed it on the horse's back.

The pursuers behind gradually died down, Leng Mei fought all the way, just to prevent these people from approaching the princess' carriage.

Seeing that the front is getting closer and closer to the city!

At this moment, as night fell, people on the street closed their stalls one after another, preparing to go home, and the street opened up, with carriages speeding past the street.

"Shua!" An arrow shot over suddenly and landed on the roof of the carriage, making Siyue's heart skip a beat.

Raising the whip again, he lashed the horse's back.

However, the sword was suddenly fired from behind like raindrops, and landed on the carriage, and an arrow landed at her feet, only a fraction of the distance away.

Lian Siyue's eyes narrowed, and seeing the people on the side of the road giving way in fright, she had an idea, and said calmly and loudly, "I am Princess Heng, go to the government to report quickly, Princess Heng was hunted down by an assassin, this princess has reward!"

As she spoke, she reached out and took out the box hidden under the carriage, and threw it to the back of the carriage.

There was only a sound of clattering, and the money in the box that was originally intended to be thrown into Miss Zhao's hands was thrown out one after another.


Seeing this scene, the people on the street ran to the middle of the road to grab the money, shouting loudly, "This is Princess Heng, protect her quickly, and report to the police quickly."

All of a sudden, the streets were in chaos, and the men in black who were chasing were cut off.

Lian Siyue's eyes froze, she quickly made a decision, and galloped in the direction of the government office.

Seeing that the men in black were cut off, one of them jumped onto the shoulder of a silver grabber, aimed his eyes at the carriage, let go of his hand, and let go of the arrow.



At this moment, a black steed approached from a distance, passed over Lian Siyue's carriage, suddenly reached out, grabbed her hand, and made her bend forward.

There was only a sound of brushing, and the arrow feathers passed by the roof of the carriage.

He jumped off his horse at once, sat on the carriage, snatched the whip from her hand, and whipped it hard on his own horse.

The horse raised its front hooves high, neighed, and galloped towards the direction the man in black was chasing.

His eyes froze, and when he pulled hard, he saw that the horse's back suddenly caught fire, and the black horse turned into a fire horse. Suddenly, the street was in chaos.

Lian Siyue suddenly raised her head and took a look!
It turned out to be that Young Master Huaixie!
"It's too late to say anything now, follow me!" Feng Qianyue said.

"Impossible!" Lian Siyue went to snatch the rein in his hand, she already had a plan.

"These people are menacing. It's not as simple as you think. If you still want to find your husband with your life, you should stop arguing with me!" Feng Qianyue said coldly, waving his whip.

"I have cold eyebrows, that's enough!" Lian Siyue was not polite at all, raised her foot and kicked the ankle of Mr. Huaixie fiercely, kicking twice in a row.

She knew there was something wrong with his legs, so it was on purpose!

"Hmm!" Sure enough, a painful expression appeared on Feng Qianyue's face, he looked at her with a look of disappointment in his eyes, "I, I just want to save you, you don't have to be so repulsive, I... ...with no malice."

"..." Lian Siyue's eyes narrowed slightly, falling on his painful face.

Feng Qianyue slightly turned her face away, clenched her teeth, her face flushed red, but she still didn't let go of the rein.

"Wait, I'll leave when you get to a safe place." Feng Qianyue said, trembling slightly, clenched her hands tightly.

Lian Siyue's eyes slowly flicked over his face and hands, and slowly let go of his struggle, and put the other hand on his waist.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. You are Princess Heng, and I won't risk offending the court to hurt you. I just want to save you." Young Master Huaixie's voice softened.

(End of this chapter)

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