First-class daughter

Chapter 1470 Shezihua

Chapter 1470 Shezihua

Chapter 1470 Shezihua

Late at night.

The carriage galloped for a long time in the dark night, and finally there was silence behind it. The horse turned around in a circle and stopped slowly, Lian Siyue looked at the man beside him with his cold eyes.

She has some doubts in her mind that need to be answered.

In other words, there are some truths that need to be verified.

Feng Qianyue let out a sigh of relief and said, "It's safe, it's okay."

He looked back at Lian Siyue, she was looking into the distance, under the moonlight, the bright light shone on her face, and the cold sharpness faded away, at this moment she was like a girl back to nature, with charming brows and eyes, and translucent skin.

Feng Qianyue was slightly stunned, such Lian Siyue actually caused some ripples in his mood, and his eyes trembled because of her.

"Princess..." he called out, stretched out his hand, and helped her up, only to find that the back of her hand was injured, and a piece of bright red blood slid down her fingertips. Looking along the sleeve, it turned out that the wound was on the arm. in.

His eyes froze, and with a "hiss" sound, he tore off a piece of cloth from his sleeve, couldn't help breaking up, grabbed her wrist, and wrapped the cloth around her waist. on the wrist.

When he touched her wrist, even though it was through the fabric, he still felt trembling all over, as if after a lifetime of time, he finally touched the person who had appeared countless times in his dreams.

In the dream, Lian Siyue was always obedient to him, with low eyebrows and eyes, and never disobeyed him. He used to be so annoying, but now he misses him so much.
Lian Siyue's hand twitched back, with a trace of displeasure in his eyes, he said, "Don't touch me!"

"Princess, I'm a grassroots person, so I don't dare to offend you, so why worry? You were injured, if you don't bandage it in time, the wound will be infected, and the consequences will be serious." Feng Qianyue said, and insisted on tying the wound for her.

Lian Siyue's eyes narrowed slightly, a flash of light flashed across her eyes, and she asked, "Okay!" Then she took her hand back.

"Princess, you have no enmity. Everyone came to Qizhou from outside. There is no need to confront each other. Wouldn't it be good to be friends?" Feng Qianyue said.

"Yeah, I don't have any enmity with Mr. Huaixie. Why do you look down on Mr. Huaixie? It's really strange. I don't even like the moon to be evil on purpose, let alone in a place like Qizhou that needs contacts. Even I myself can't figure this out. Could it be..." Lian Siyue slowly looked at Feng Qianyue and said, "Could it be that Mr. Huaixie had enmity with me in the previous life?"

Enmity in previous life?Feng Qianyue was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered all kinds of things that had surfaced in his dreams day and night before. He also felt in a trance that those too real situations really seemed to happen in the previous life. Yue has never had any warmth towards him, but only her in her previous life may have had such a thing.

"Princess really knows how to joke. Two people who have never had any grudges, where did they come from in their previous lives?" Feng Qianyue said.

Lian Siyue's eyes fell on him with a hint of inquiry.

Feng Qianyue continued, "When I was in Qizhou, I heard the story of Shezihua. According to legend, Shezihua only blooms in Huangquan. The flower of Yin. The Shezi flower is as gorgeous and bright red as blood, covering the road leading to hell. It has flowers but no leaves. It is the only flower in the underworld. Legend has it that the fragrance of Shezi flowers has magical powers and can evoke the memory of the dead.

There are a large number of these flowers blooming on Huangquan Road. From a distance, it looks like a blanket made of blood. It is also known as the "Road of Fire" because of its redness. It is also the only one on this long Huangquan Road. Landscapes and colors.When the soul crosses the river of forgetfulness, it forgets all the things in the past, and everything in the past stays on the other side, and the dead follow the guidance of this flower to lead to the hell of the netherworld. (PS: This paragraph is quoted from Baidu's information about Bianhua)

I once thought about what memories I forgot on Huangquan Road in my previous life, and sometimes I really want to know. "

"Past life? Hehe..." Lian Siyue said with a cold and sarcastic smile on his lips, "I would rather never have a previous life, so I never want to remember it!"

"Why?" Feng Qianyue asked.

With a different face and identity, maybe I can slowly get in touch with her heart, get to know her, understand her, and then... master her.

"Because..." Because the memory is too unbearable, too painful.

Perhaps, only when Le Yan comes back can the pain of the previous life be completely healed.

"Why..." Feng Qianyue asked further.

However, Lian Siyue didn't say anything else, she glanced at the cloth tied around her wrist, got off the horse, looked around, and asked, "What place is this?"

She didn't continue to speak what was in her heart, and Feng Qianyue felt pushed far away all of a sudden. He thought he could take the opportunity to understand her heart, but unexpectedly, she still built a cold wall around him, Keep people away.

There was an empty space in front of her eyes, and the air was getting colder. There were piles of stones in the distance, and the wind blew, and she shivered all over.

Feng Qianyue sat on the carriage and looked at her in front of her. Her back was wrapped in darkness, covered with a layer of crescent-colored light, and her whole body exuded coldness.

At this moment, there was a sudden and frank voice in my ear.

Feng Qianyue and Lian Siyue heard the voice at the same time, and looked in the direction of the voice.

Before he could see it clearly, he saw a black shadow suddenly jumping out from the stone, flew into the air, and flew towards Lian Siyue's body.

"It's a snake!" Lian Siyue blurted out with a tremor, then turned around suddenly, protecting her body.

But at this time, Mr. Huaixie suddenly rushed towards Lian Siyue with lightning speed, and blocked the snake with his body, thus allowing Lian Siyue to escape the catastrophe. .

And the snake bit his shoulder fiercely, he took two steps back, his eyes sank, and a weeping expression appeared on his face.

Lian Siyue was startled, and suddenly immediately pulled out the gold hairpin from the bun, raised it high and pierced it fiercely at the snake, then flung it forcefully into the air, and the snake and the gold hairpin fell to the ground together.

Immediately, the snake's painful abdomen curled up into a ball, twisted violently on the ground, and rolled.

Cold sweat broke out on Feng Qianyue's forehead, and the corners of his lips turned white. Seeing this, Lian Siyue decisively picked up a stone on the ground, and ruthlessly threw it at the snake.

The stone pressed against the snake's body, and finally after it struggled a few times, its movements gradually became slower, and finally it stopped moving.

"Boom!" At the same time, Feng Qianyue suddenly fell to the ground. ...

(End of this chapter)

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