Chapter 1471

Chapter 1471

Lian Siyue was taken aback, dropped the stone in his hand, and walked to his side in a few steps, only to see him lying on the ground with a bite on his shoulder by a snake, his face was pale, a large bead of sweat stood out on his forehead, his lips Gradually turning black and purple, his whole body was still trembling slightly, his eyes opened with difficulty, looking at him, his lips moved up and down, as if he was saying something to her.

For a moment, there seemed to be a faint twinkle of regret and sadness in his eyes.

"..." His mouth squirmed, he didn't know whether it was called Wangfei or Lian Siyue.


His lips became darker and darker, Lian Siyue gasped.

It's a poisonous snake!And it's highly toxic!

Lian Siyue was slightly startled.

What is the intention of this young master Huaixie?
He tampered with her medicine, but now he saved her without hesitation.

Could it be that she was thinking in the wrong direction?
A trace of doubt flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes.

Tonight, he deliberately gave up resisting, followed him here, and secretly left clues for Leng Mei to follow up later, just to find out who this young man is, and what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

Because now, she no longer regards Mr. Huaixie as a person she met by chance, and she wants to investigate him carefully.

This man who was supposed to be a stranger gave her a strange feeling.

She has always been very sensitive, so naturally she will not let this strangeness go.

It's just that his current behavior...but...

"You, you..." In Feng Qianyue's blurred eyes, he saw Lian Siyue's cold figure, which appeared illusory under the moonlight.

It seems that she is no longer the current Lian Siyue, but the Lian Siyue in her dream.

"You...hehe..." There was a smile on the corner of his lips, a sigh came out of his mouth, and then he closed his eyes heavily.

"Master Huaixie, Mr. Huaixie!" Lian Siyue shouted.

In a trance, he seemed to see a maid holding him and hiding in the dark cold palace. When the maid was so frightened that she whispered in his ear, who was only five years old, "You should be a prince, but you are a bitch..." In life, now, servants are suffering with you, you are not as good as a dog beside the emperor, the dog can be caressed by the emperor several times, but you, the emperor is not willing to look at it, Fourth Highness, yes Don't you also feel very hard?"

He nodded, yes, it was very hard work.

"How about I tell you a good idea?" A frightening expression flashed in the eyes of the maid.

He curled up into a ball, his eyes were fixed on her, and he felt a chill, which was colder than the snow and ice in winter.

"Look, look over there, do you see it? It's a pond, and it's the coldest time in winter. If you jump down, Your Highness, you'll be free. Go, jump, jump."

He looked in the direction of her finger. On a cold winter day, there was a layer of white steam on the pool. Before he got close, he felt the chill. He shivered all over, stepped back subconsciously, and shook his head, "That will freeze to death." .”

"Death is a relief, why bother to stay alive." If this bitch's prince dies, she can go to another master and don't have to live such a hard life. After five years, she has had enough.

"I'm dead, will you be free?" He asked tremblingly.

"The maidservant is for the good of His Royal Highness," said the maid.

He slowly stood up from the corner, and walked towards the pool step by step with his two immature legs.

When he reached the edge of the pool, he stopped, looked at the chilly surface in front of him, and when he turned around, there was a look of anticipation in the eyes of the maid.

Therefore, in this world, no one cares about him, no one loves him.

So what's the use of being alive?

With a sound of "Boom", there was a splash of water in the pool, and a small black figure gave up struggling and sank slowly.

"Fourth, Fourth Highness, Fourth Highness..." The maid suddenly woke up, and quickly ran towards the pool, shouting loudly, "It's bad, it's bad! Fourth Highness fell into the pool! Come on, man!"


He just felt very cold, very cold, cold to the bone, until he lost consciousness.

In the end, I don't know how I got up, let alone how I survived.

He vaguely heard someone say, "These four highnesses are also pitiful. They almost died. The person who went to report to the emperor knelt in front of the highness for a long time, and only heard Shuangshang say, 'I see, if he wants to die, who will die? I can’t help you, and you don’t need to report such things to me in the future.”

If it was usual, he would have cried sadly when he heard such words, but today he didn't. Instead, his heart was very calm, with no expression on his face.

So much so that the people serving around him whispered in private that the Fourth Highness was so dumbfounded by the ice water that he didn't say a word for several days.

"Hey, it's a scumbag after all, that's why it ended up in such a state. Look at His Highness the Crown Prince, look at the Eighth Highness, and the Ninth Highness, who hasn't followed the emperor since he was a child, and has attracted the attention of the emperor, and how did the fourth highness grow up?" , the emperor doesn't know..."

"Hey, what a bitch..."



: "This king is not a slut!" Suddenly, Feng Qianyue opened his eyes suddenly, sat up, a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes, but his whole body was dripping with sweat.

"My lord, you're awake!" At this moment, Wu Yong heard the movement and hurried in from the outside, and the medicine boy was holding a bowl of medicine in his hand.

A trace of confusion flashed across Feng Qianyue's eyes, his voice was hoarse, and he asked, "Why am I here?"

Wasn't she bitten by a snake just now, and was with Lian Siyue?

"It was the maid beside the princess who sent His Highness back." Wu Yong said.

"What about her?" Feng Qianyue asked slightly startled.

"I didn't see the princess, so I should go back to the inn directly." Wu Yong said.

"My lord, drink the medicine." The medicine boy Jiang Wan brought it over and said.

Feng Qianyue drank the medicine, turned over and got off the bed, and said, "After this king's injury, I don't know if the doubts in her heart have been dispelled."

That's right, today was arranged by him, because he knew that Lian Siyue must have noticed something wrong with her medicine back then.

In order to make her feel that the medicine was only deliberately done by Wu Yong in private and had nothing to do with him, Feng Qianyue, he deliberately planned this good show.

"It's just..." Wu Yong paused, then said, "The snake was not planned, and His Highness is risking his life by jumping over like this."

An unknown look flashed across Feng Qianyue's face, she turned her face away, and said, "Thanks to this snake, she must have dispelled her doubts about me a lot, I want her to feel that it's purely for you to earn more money. It’s not my deliberate arrangement.”

(End of this chapter)

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