First-class daughter

Chapter 1475 You Are Drunk

Chapter 1475 You Are Drunk
Chapter 1475 You Are Drunk

Hehe, can he still be free and easy in his life?I'm afraid it's too embarrassing for him!

"My lord, I'll pack my things right away. Let's set off early tomorrow morning. Don't worry about everything here." Wu Yong said, ready to go out.

"Stop." Feng Qianyue said coldly, he had gradually regained his composure.

"My lord..." Wu Yong's heart trembled.

"I won't leave, I want to stay in Qizhou, this is my mother's hometown, isn't it?" Feng Qianyue said.

" lord, if..." Wu Yong was worried.

The expression on Feng Qianyue's face gradually cooled down, "I've made up my mind."

In the first half of his life, he lost everything. In the second half of his life, he wanted to get the one person he wanted. This was his wish.

When Lian Siyue saw the figure of Mr. Huaixie, a faint displeasure flashed in his eyes, and when he was about to pretend that he didn't see him going to leave, he was taken aback, walked over a few steps, and asked, "Princess Did you misunderstand me?"

Lian Siyue stopped, frowned slightly, and said, "Misunderstanding? I don't know you well, how can I misunderstand you?"

"Unfamiliar?" Feng Qianyue's eyes flashed dimly, "I thought that after that day, at least the princess would not be hostile to me anymore, but I don't know where I provoke the princess, making the princess feel that I was bitten by a snake And it deserves it.”

He said, with sadness in his deep eyes.

Lian Siyue paused for a moment, stunned for a moment, and said, "Young Master Huaixie, Ming people don't speak dark words, and I, Lian Siyue, will put the plain words in front of you. Your so-called saving me is just to eliminate my opinion of you." That's all, because when you were in your hospital, you deliberately made me recover slowly, so you wanted to offset this by saving me, why should I be grateful to you, don't you deserve what?"

"It turns out that you really know everything." Feng Qianyue sighed slightly, and said, "If it's because I fell in love with you at first sight, I didn't realize that I wanted to keep you for a few more days, so I asked Wu Yong to change the medicine for five days to ten. Do you believe the daily amount? But, it will definitely not do any harm to your body, I promise."

Generally, if a woman who is married and has children suddenly hears another man's words like this, she will probably turn pale with fright, and even take this man as a local hooligan.

However, when Lian Siyue heard this, she said, "If Mr. Huaixie has such a heart, this princess will make it clear today. In this life, I only have Yun Zheng in my heart."

"What if, what if he can't come back?" Feng Qianyue said.

"He will come back!" Lian Siyue said affirmatively, "Here I am, even if I cross thousands of mountains and rivers, he will come back, and if he is there, I will go even if I go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire!"

After hearing this, Feng Qianyue felt sour and asked, "Why do you love him so much?"

Lian Siyue's eyes became distant, and said, "Because it's him."

Feng Qianyue secretly clenched his fists in his sleeves, feeling sour in his heart, he took a step forward and said, "Even so, I still have a princess in my heart, how about it?"

He took out a golden hairpin from his bosom, which was inlaid with emeralds, and the hanging tassels looked quite charming.

He handed the gold hairpin to her hand and said, "That day, you ordered your subordinates to give me a box of shredded cloth, and I will send you another hairpin today, just to tell you that no matter how much you spoil my hairpin Good intentions, I will still persevere and let you understand that I am not on a whim."

Looking at the exquisite golden hairpin, Lian Siyue remained indifferent, and said, "Young Master Huaixie, you have sent something to the wrong person. I am Princess Hengqin, the wife of Nine Kings Feng Yunzheng, and the mother who wins over the emperor and inherits the emperor. You are an unmarried Married person, give me this kind of thing?"

"Of course I didn't send it to the wrong person. When I saw this gold hairpin for the first time, the person that came to mind was the princess." Feng Qianyue said.

Lian Siyue looked at the golden hairpin, a faint coolness flashed across her eyes, and said, "Young Master Huaixie, this is the last time this princess allows you to be unreasonable to me, if there is another time, this princess will definitely not be polite! "

"Isn't it okay to be friends?" Feng Qianyue was unwilling and unwilling to give up. When he was the fourth prince, she never looked at him directly, opposed him everywhere, and even ruined everything about him, including his glory, wealth, and power. Status, all gone. 】

Now, he changed his face and lowered himself into the dust. He should have killed her without hesitation for revenge when he saw her, but if he let her go, is he still out of her sight?

A smile appeared on the corner of Lian Siyue's lips, and said, "No."


Holding the undeliverable gold hairpin in Feng Qianyue's hand, she left the inn dejectedly, with no expression on her face. Yao Tong, who was waiting outside, was originally squatting on the ground, holding a stone to draw something. Seeing him coming out, she hurriedly Stand up, "Sir."

"Go back!" Feng Qianyue said.

Yao Tong knew what was going on when he saw the hairpin in his hand, but he didn't say a word, knowing that he was in a bad mood.

"Accompany me to drink a pot." Feng Qianyue said, her black robe fluttering in the wind.

"Yes, my lord." Yaotong followed.


Leng Mei walked in and saw Lian Siyue thoughtful, so she stepped forward and asked, "Princess..."

"Strange..." Lian Siyue said.

"Princess, what's so strange?" asked Leng Mei.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that this Mr. Huaixie seems familiar, especially what he said when he came to give the golden hairpin today... that tone and eyes..." Lian Siyue slowly clenched his fists in his sleeves, and said, "Leng Brow , bring the drug boy here, I want to confirm one thing."

"Yes, princess." She said coldly.



Feng Qianyue was sitting in the innermost position, and the wine jug in front of him was already several times empty. He was handsome in appearance, handsome in figure, with cold eyes, expressionless all the time, drinking glass after glass of wine.

Thinking of Lian Siyue's sarcastic remarks in his mind, he felt extra irritable. Thinking of her, Feng Qianyue, how many women bowed down for her and gave for him willingly over the years. Even if he treated him indifferently, they were still passionate.

But this woman, no matter what, has no way to get close, which makes him feel extremely frustrated!
Lian Siyue, why is this happening?

Yaotong stood aside, seeing more and more empty jugs in front of Feng Qianyue, he couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "My lord, it's almost time to drink, if you drink any more, I'll have to carry you back."

"Sit down." Feng Qianyue pointed to the seat opposite.

The medicine boy paused and sat down.

"Let me ask you, do you like that Miss Zhao family..."

"My lord!" Yaotong hurriedly stopped him, "Stop talking!"

"Okay, then Miss Zhao's family likes you..." Feng Qianyue changed the words.

"Young master!" Yaotong quickly stood up and covered his mouth with his hand, "Young master, you are drunk!"

(End of this chapter)

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