First-class daughter

Chapter 1476 Start Interrogation

Chapter 1476 Start Interrogation

Chapter 1476 Start Interrogation

Yaotong immediately blushed and looked around, fearing that someone with a heart would overhear and ruin Leyan's reputation.

What's the matter, son?He actually started talking about such things, and even said that Le Yan also likes him?how can that be?

Feng Qianyue grabbed Yaotong's wrist, looked at him with deep eyes, and said, "Why do you like Miss Zhao's family?"

"Because...because..." Yao Tong scratched his head, "I, I don't know either."

"Why does she trust you?" Feng Qianyue asked again.

"Sincerely." Yao Tong said.

"Sincerely?" Feng Qianyue's eyes were slightly startled.

"Because I treat her sincerely." Yaotong said.


"I think, if you want the other party to trust you, the first thing is to treat you sincerely." Yao Tong thought for a while and said.

Feng Qianyue slowly let go of Yao Tong's hand, picked up a pot of wine again, and poured it into his mouth with his head raised.

The only thing he doesn't have is sincerity...

When the wind blew, a jug on the table wobbled and fell off. Seeing this, Yao Tong quickly reached out to help it, but it was too late, the jug fell to the ground with a "slap".

At the same time, Feng Qianyue also fell down slowly, fell asleep lying on the table, closed his eyes, and exuded a choking smell of alcohol.

Yao Tong frowned, sighed, took out the silver from his pocket and put it on the table to settle the bill, asked the clerk of the restaurant to help, moved Feng Qianyue onto his back, gritted his teeth, and carried him forward step by step Walk.

He walked out of the wine shop and walked towards the house, complaining as he walked, "Young master, I told you not to drink so much, you insisted on drinking, told you not to like people you shouldn't like, and you insisted on getting things. , I touched my nose with ashes."

Walking on the road with his back on his back, Yaotong was sweating profusely, wheezing, "You, you are too heavy!"

"Also, what's more, my lord, the love between husband and wife is so deep, why, where is it the third person's turn to step in, why can't you figure it out, lord?"

"What do you know?" Feng Qianyue said solemnly.

Yao Tong was taken aback, son, he, he wasn't asleep.

He didn't dare to say anything nonsense anymore, and carried Feng Qianyue on his back all the way back to the new house.

"What's going on here? How did you make the young master so drunk? How do you see people?" Seeing this, Wu Yong hurried out, supported Feng Qianyue, and moved him to the bed, but he blamed Yao Tong.

Yaotong flattened his mouth and said, "What can I do? The young master won't listen to me, he insisted on looking for boredom in front of the princess, and when he was hit, he ran to drink and got drunk..."

"To find the princess?" Wu Yong's heart trembled.

"Yes." Yao Tong nodded, and couldn't help asking curiously, "Master, what is the relationship between the son and the princess in the past? Was the princess ever his sweetheart?"

"Shut up!" Wu Yong reprimanded softly, "Don't say such words even if you kill yourself, otherwise you will harm the young master! Remember, the young master is the young master Huaixie, and he had nothing to do with anyone else in the past! Do you understand? ?”

"Ming, I understand." Yao Tong was silent, he had never seen the young master like this.

"Lian, Lian Siyue..." Feng Qianyue muttered.


Yao Tong came out of the room with a puzzled face.

Walking and walking out of the house, the doubts on his face gradually disappeared, and a smile curled up on the corner of his lips.

Although the son was talking nonsense just now, he said "Ms. Zhao's family likes you", which sounds really embarrassing.

Thinking, look at the sky, the sky is dim.

His heart trembled, and he walked in the direction of Zhao's mansion not far away.

Since he said those words at the Zhao family banquet that day, he has never met Le Yan, and Le Yan has never been here again, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss in his heart.

He walked all the way to the back door of Zhao's house, squatted on the ground, took a branch, and scratched it on the ground, keeping his eyes on the direction of the backyard. He knew she would never appear here, but thinking of her inside, I felt sweet in my heart.


"What are you doing here?" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Yao Tong was startled, his smile froze on his face, and he looked back suddenly, "Sister?"

Leng Mei also paused beside him, followed the direction he was looking at just now and forgot to go, and said, "Last time I used a quilt as an excuse, but this time, I can't think of a way."

Yao Tong stretched out his hand and scratched his head, blushed, and said, "Sister, you are just like the son, why do you always run on me, I am still a child."

"Come on." Leng Mei patted his shoulder and said.

"Where are you going?" Yao Tong asked.

"A good place, help you think of a good way to meet the person you want to meet." Leng Mei said.

Yaotong looked at her, thoughts flashed in his eyes, then he turned around suddenly and ran away.

Leng Mei smiled lightly and said, "If you want to run over, it will take a few more years."

As he spoke, he grabbed his shoulder easily.

Yaotong frowned, "Sister, what do you want to do?"

"You'll know when you go, you're a good boy, and you won't make things difficult for you, but you have to tell the truth, otherwise..." Leng Mei paused, and said, "You'll never want to appear in front of Miss Zhao again. .”

Yao Tong was startled.

Leng Mei dragged him, took advantage of the dark, and entered the Tianyue Inn without anyone noticing.

She pushed open the door of her room, let Yaotong walk in, and then closed the door with a bang.

"Sister..." Yao Tong hastily knocked on the door.

"I'll ask you a few questions. After you answer them, I will let you go back." At this time, a clear and cold voice sounded in the room.

Yaotong froze for a moment, then turned around, and saw Lian Siyue sitting there, under the light of the candlelight, there was an indescribable aura on her face, which made him stand in awe, and he didn't dare to neglect her at all.

He stepped forward in two steps, nodded, and said, "Princess, what do you want to ask?"

Lian Siyue slowly raised her head, a pair of icy eyes fell on him, "It's about your son."

Yaotong thought of Master's exhortation in his mind, and suddenly his heart tightened, and he lowered his head, "Princess, please."

"Where is your son's hometown?" Lian Siyue asked.

"South of here." Yao Tong said carefully.

"Where is the south?" Lian Siyue asked again.

"Yinan...Actually, I don't really know about my son." Yaotong raised his head and said, "My master picked me up halfway, and when I saw my master, I was on the way to Qizhou , and never asked, so I don't know the son's hometown very well."

He said.

This is not only the truth, but also the words to deal with Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue's eyes slowly passed over his face, and he suddenly felt a strong force, he swallowed, without changing his face and heartbeat, and said, "I'm telling the truth, princess."

"Your son's foot is injured." Lian Siyue asked again, his fists clenched slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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