First-class daughter

Chapter 1477 Do You Know Me?

Chapter 1477 Do You Know Me?

Chapter 1477 Do You Know Me?

"Yes, there is a little injury." Yaotong said, and glanced at Lian Siyue, "However, I don't know how it was injured, I have never heard of it."

"Are the shoes on his feet specially made?" Lian Siyue asked again.

Yaotong hesitated for a moment, Master had told him not to reveal the young master's situation to others at will, so he pursed his lips, and said in deliberation, "Princess, I don't know anything about the young master, I'm just a drug boy. "

"It's difficult for you, you can go." Lian Siyue said.

Yao Tong was slightly taken aback, letting him go so easily.

"When you were at the Zhao family's banquet that day, you did a good job defending Miss Zhao's family." Lian Siyue said.

"... That's what I should do." Yao Tong was a little confused about what this Prince Heng meant.

"Lengmei, let him go back." Lian Siyue ordered.

Leng Mei glanced at Yaotong.

"Princess, then I'm leaving." Yao Tong said.

Leng Mei sent Yaotong away, and after a while, he returned to Lian Siyue and asked, "Princess, this kid is very smart, and he answered as if he didn't answer anything."

However, Lian Siyue didn't speak, and frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Leng Mei knew that she was thinking about something very important, so she didn't speak any more, but waited quietly aside.

After about an hour, Lian Siyue finally opened his mouth slowly and said, "I suspect that Mr. Huaixie is the fourth prince Feng Qianyue."

After listening to the cold brow, his heart trembled, the fourth prince? !

"Princess, hasn't the fourth prince been beheaded by the emperor for public display? The body is still hanging at the gate of Zhengyang. At that time, the humble official went to see it. The leg is injured, so it is undoubtedly the fourth prince."

"No." Lian Siyue shook his head, "Actually, when we were still in the capital, Yun Zheng and I had suspected and investigated. On the day Feng Qianyue was executed, three prisoners were beheaded at the same time."

"Wangfei means..." The cold eyebrows trembled slightly.

"At the beginning, except for the first emperor, no one had seen Feng Qianyue's head. There was only one body. What about the head? Where did it go?" Lian Siyue said.

"Is it possible that this is the case? The face of the Fourth Highness was already disfigured at that time, and the late emperor did not want others to see it." Leng Mei said.

Lian Siyue shook her head, "Based on the late emperor's character, he definitely wouldn't hide Feng Qianyue's head just because of a bad face."

"However, it was the first emperor who also ordered to kill the Fourth Highness. Who can save him? Moreover, at that time, he said beheading was beheading, and there was no extra time." Leng Mei said.

"Then there is only one reason, the first emperor wanted to let him go." Lian Siyue said.

However, what was the reason for the late emperor to let the heinous Feng Qianyue go?
The late emperor even killed Feng Qianyue's biological mother, Empress Dowager Renyi, on the way, so why did he keep Feng Qianyue?

"Furthermore... this Mr. Huaixie clearly has a face that is completely different from that of His Highness the Fourth Highness." Leng Mei said, his eyes condensed, and said, "Could it be that the mask on his face is a human skin mask?"

"We have also encountered the same person with different faces, but the human skin mask has a time limit. If he really wears a human skin mask, then there will be a time to replace it." Lian Siyue said in a deep voice.

"Then, how can we confirm that Mr. Huaixie is the Fourth Highness?" Leng Mei said.

Lian Siyue stood up and said, "I'm afraid I am the person who knows him best in the world. If I believe that he is Feng Qianyue, if I think in this direction, I will find the evidence soon. I decided to follow the His intention, to be friends with him, didn't he always want to be friends with me?"

She said with a cold light in her eyes.

"Then princess, you have to be careful, this is Qizhou, not like the capital." Leng Mei said.

"Princess, there is a little girl looking for you outside." At this moment, the boy said outside.

"Little girl?" A shadow of a person appeared in Lian Siyue's mind, "Please come in."

After a while, the door opened, and it really was Zhao Liuxian, Miss Zhao's family. When she walked in, her gaze paused for a moment on Lian Siyue's face, then she nodded and said, "I've seen the princess. I went out with my father today to do some business. I happened to pass by Here, I came to pay my respects to the princess, may I disturb you?" The voice was quiet and gentle.

"No interruption, Leng Mei, show Miss Zhao a seat." Lian Siyue suppressed the emotions on her face, smiled lightly, and said.

"Thank you, Princess." Le Yan held the handkerchief tightly and sat down, feeling very restless all the time.

The one in front of me is my mother, but it is inconvenient to recognize each other.

"Lengmei, go and pour some tea for Miss Zhao." Lian Siyue ordered.

After Leng Mei went out, Le Yan leaned slightly in the direction of Lian Siyue, with a trace of nervousness on her face, and said, "I have been waiting for the princess for a few days, but I haven't seen you ask the people around me to send money, and I am wondering, I only found out when I went out today that something happened to the concubine a few days ago and she was chased and killed once, you, are you alright?"

Le Yan asked in a tight voice, when she heard that Princess Heng was being hunted down by a man in black, she almost fainted, so she hurriedly found an excuse and hurried to Tianyue Inn.

Lian Siyue caught the worry in Zhao Liuxian's eyes, and was stunned for a moment. This worry didn't seem to come from an outsider, but rather from someone he knew well.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern, what you said, I will let Lengmei give you the money later, but because I lost most of the money when I was avoiding the pursuit that day, I'm afraid I can't give much. " Lian Siyue said.

"It's okay, I can put the mattress on for the princess first, and we'll talk about the rest later. As long as you're okay." Le Yan said quickly.

After all, he is still a child, no matter how he hides himself, he will still show his feelings involuntarily.

"Miss Zhao, did we know each other before?" Lian Siyue asked, thinking back in her mind, she had never been to Qizhou in her previous life, nor had she seen such a little girl.

But this girl... always gave her a sense of familiarity, and this feeling made her feel suddenly nervous for no reason.

She remembered that her original intention of coming to the Huns was to find someone who was almost impossible to exist.Could it be that God used other methods to compensate her?
Le Yan heard this question, her heart skipped a beat, she couldn't help clenching the handkerchief in her hand, and said, "No, I don't know, this is the first time I've seen the princess."

"Oh..." Lian Siyue nodded, looked at Zhao Liuxian, but Le Yan's appearance couldn't help appearing in her mind, her tone of voice, her eyes looked more and more like her Le Yan.

"But...why would the princess ask such a question? Could it be, have you seen me?" Le Yan finally asked boldly again.

(End of this chapter)

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