First-class daughter

Chapter 1478 Transformation

Chapter 1478 Transformation
Chapter 1478 Transformation
Feng Qianyue got drunk and slept for a day and a night. This time, he desperately wanted to dream of another Lian Siyue again, but, as if deliberately against him, he didn't even dream of her shadow .

When he woke up, he was a little absent-minded. Last time, he happened to dream about his "daughter", kneeling outside the Rongyuan Hall, begging her to let him see the sick Lian Siyue.

But at that time, the noble concubine suffered from angina pectoris, and he walked past the "daughter" with a cold face.

"Father!" She hugged his leg and said, "The queen mother is your wife, you go to see her."

This sentence angered him, and he immediately looked at her with cold eyes, and said only one sentence, "The imperial physician will go! I want to see the imperial concubine."

Then, he left in a hurry, leaving behind this small figure, kneeling on the ground trembling, tears falling down.


This was the last time he dreamed of the two of them, and since he met Lian Siyue again, he never dreamed of her again.

"Young Master..." At this time, Yao Tong said outside, "Princess Heng is in the hospital and said she wants to see you."

Feng Qianyue, who was drowsy and suffering from a splitting headache, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, "What did you say?"

There was a hint of joy in his tone.

Yao Tong was taken aback for a moment, he had never seen such a childish side of the young master.

When he was in doubt, he saw the young master turning back like a wind.

"Young master, you are..."

"I drank too much yesterday, I smelled of alcohol, changed my clothes, Yao boy, come here for my new robe." Feng Qianyue ordered.

"...Yes." Yao Tong obeyed the order, walked behind the screen, and took out Feng Qianyue's brand new brocade robe.

Feng Qianyue put on this brand new brocade robe, and solemnly put on the jade crown before going out to the medical clinic.

No matter what, Lian Siyue was willing to take the initiative to find him in person, which was a good start.

Wu Yong asked him to forget the past, let go of everything, and start over.

Yes, he decided to start over, let go of everything, forget about Feng Qianyue in the past, and just be the son of Huaixie who opened a medical clinic. He was buried with his past face.

But at this beginning, he will bring Lian Siyue together, no matter what form it takes.

As he thought about it, his steps suddenly became easier, and a long-lost smile appeared on that face that did not belong to him.

A face that was already handsome, but because of this smile, the whole person became extraordinarily brilliant. He was already handsome and extraordinary, which made people even more fascinated.

He has always known where his charm lies, so in the past, if he used his masculinity a little bit, many women would fly to the flame for him.

Yaotong saw this smile, but his heart sank, he always felt that the son was just wishful thinking, and wishful thinking would not get what he wanted.

Feng Qianyue fluttered her black brocade robe, walked into the hospital, and saw Lian Siyue standing by the window at a glance, with a faint smile on her lips, quiet and detached, dressed in light blue Clothes, when the wind blows, the tassels on her head sway, revealing her unique style.

He had never let go of all his guard and reluctance to see her like this, and now he looked at her like this, and suddenly found that she also had her cuteness.

A smile appeared on the corner of his lips unconsciously, Lian Siyue, I started again.

This feeling is really amazing.


His eyes darkened again, even Siyue was a very scheming person, and he still had to be on guard against her, did he come to him because he found some flaws.

Thinking about it, his mind sank.

Once a person has fallen, it is not easy to start again.

First and foremost, if you let go, can your enemy let go?
Lian Siyue by the window looked out of the window and clenched her hands secretly. In fact, she had noticed this Mr. Huaixie as soon as he appeared.

However, the reason why she took the initiative to approach this time was to test his bottom line, so she pretended not to notice.

After a while.

Feng Qianyue organized her thoughts, making herself look more like Huai Xie than himself.

Then, walking over with one hand behind his back, he said, "I've just walked all the way, and I've been thinking about a question."

Lian Siyue paused, turned around, looked into the eyes of the man in front of him, smiled, and asked, "I don't know what Mr. Huaixie is thinking, but this princess would like to hear it."

When she looked straight at her like this, Feng Qianyue flinched a little, but thinking that she was a brand new person now, she quickly put away the uncomfortable feeling, and her eyes immediately became calm. Once she let go of the shackles in her heart, Everything became easier.

So, he said, "I think the princess came here suddenly to blame me, or to be a friend."

"Pfft..." Lian Siyue covered her mouth with a smile, and said, "It seems that Mr. Huaixie has a deep grudge."

Feng Qianyue was stunned by her scheming smile, her eyes froze, and she remained motionless.

He had seen her smile like this before, but he always watched her smile at Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue.

But this time, the person she faced with a smile was him.

He looked at her quietly, watched her talk, and suddenly thought of something in his heart. A long time ago, he also had the idea of ​​marrying her, and he even went to the Lianxiang's mansion to propose marriage, but he failed.

But at that time, he just thought she was useful, so he wanted to keep her in his pocket.

And now...

He is no longer the Fourth Highness who needs a powerful position, he is just the son of Huaixie.

"But I don't know the reason for the princess's visit. If the princess doesn't say anything, Huai Xie is really nervous, never before." He looked at her with a hint of expectation.

"I'm here to reconcile with Mr. Huaixie." Lian Siyue suppressed the smile on his face and said.

"Reconciliation?" There was a trace of doubt in Feng Qianyue's eyes.

In fact, although he had a new plan, he did not forget Wu Yong's warning, so he did not relax his vigilance, and he was secretly observing Lian Siyue's every move.

He has experienced her meticulousness, and he has to make sure that she didn't realize that he is Feng Qianyue's weakness.

So, be extra cautious about what you say and do.

"The purpose of my coming to Qizhou was not to make enemies, but to find the person I was looking for. Therefore, I don't want to be an enemy to anyone. Mr. Huaixie wants to be friends, and then we will not care about the past with him in the future. It's over." Lian Siyue said.

Feng Qianyue looked at her, as if she wanted to look into the depths of her soul through her face.

Lian Siyue slightly lowered her eyes and said, "My princess has finished speaking, so I will take my leave first."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked outside the medical hall.

"Since the princess is here, why don't you stay and have a light meal." At this time, Feng Qianyue said.

(End of this chapter)

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