First-class daughter

Chapter 1479 Confirmation!

Chapter 1479 Confirmation!

Chapter 1479 Confirmation!

Feng Qianyue and Lian Siyue were sitting at the table in the medical hall, talking about astronomy, geography and classics and history. Yao Tong stood aside, pouring tea and water for the two of them from time to time, listening quietly.

Feng Qianyue repeatedly praised, "The princess is well-read, she is the most knowledgeable woman Huaixie has ever seen, I admire her."

He knew that Lian Siyue was more profound than ordinary women, but he didn't expect that her insight was deeper than he imagined, and there were always words that surprised her.

After hearing his praise, Lian Siyue thought in her heart, these so-called views were all forged by her blood.

"Mr. Huaixie has won the prize, I just understand it a little bit. If you really want to say that the most knowledgeable person in this world is my husband." She said.

After Feng Qianyue listened, a look of gloom flashed across his face, which had been in a state of despondency, and he said, "When I was in Jiangnan, I also heard anecdotes about His Highness Ninth Prince. It was thanks to His Royal Highness Ninth Prince's order to pacify San Francisco back then."

Speaking of Feng Yunzheng, Lian Siyue was sad, but also very proud, and said, "In my mind, my husband is not only the most knowledgeable person in the world, but also the most generous person. Not me."

"Really?" Feng Qianyue secretly clenched her fists in her sleeves, feeling a sense of sourness in her heart.

No matter when, she would put Feng Yunzheng on her lips and never leave her words!
Even Siyue, if, if my life hadn't been so tortuous, and I lived in Feng Yunzheng's position, I would be the person you admire now.

Feng Yunzheng's life is too happy, but I, since the day I was born, have been placed in a humble position.

God is so unfair, it took everything from me, but let him get everything!I'm really, really not reconciled!

Lian Siyue, if you knew that the beginning of my life was a tragic joke, would you treat me differently?

"Also, at the beginning, my husband also made great efforts to get rid of the rebellious minister Xiao Zhenhai for the emperor." Lian Siyue said while talking, and suddenly mentioned the big man who had been dead for a long time, his eyes seemed to glance over Huai Xie unintentionally. The son's face.

If you are Feng Qianyue, this is one of the most important people in your life, your father-in-law.

"Xiao Zhenhai?" Feng Qianyue read these three words, like a stranger, and said, "Because it is far away from the capital, although I have heard about General Xiao, I don't know much about it. I heard that this family is all He rebelled against the party, and all three sons died, and none of them came to a good end."

"Death is not a pity." Lian Siyue said lightly.

She found that when Mr. Huaixie heard Xiao Zhenhai, there was no disturbance.

"Actually, not everyone in the Xiao family is dead, only the daughter Xiaorou is left." Lian Siyue said, "The former princess Yueqin."

The more the prince, the more the princess.

"Why is she still left? I heard that the Fourth Highness was also dealt with along with Xiao Zhenhai at that time. Since Xiao Rou is the Fourth Highness and Princess, she should also be implicated." Feng Qianyue asked.

"That's because Xiao Zhenhai defected to Khitan, and Xiao Rou was pregnant. Although Xiao Zhenhai was eventually killed, Xiao Rou was spared because she gave birth to the emperor's grandson." Lian Siyue explained.

"I see." Feng Qianyue nodded, very calm, as if talking about other people's affairs.

In fact, he has no feelings for the Xiao family, and it really seems that he is talking about things that have nothing to do with him.

"It's just that it's a pity that Princess Yue is a child." Lian Siyue suddenly sighed softly and said regretfully.

Feng Qianyue's calm heart finally trembled slightly when he heard about the child.

But the surface is still unobtrusive, "Son? What's wrong with the child?"

"Hey..." Lian Siyue sighed again, and said, "Poor child, although he feels that the Fourth Highness deserves to die, but the child is always innocent, no matter what, it is also the blood of the royal family."

She said so, but deliberately did not say what happened to the child.

Feng Qianyue looked calm on his face, but his heart was already ready to move. .

Wasn't he taken away by Feng Yunzheng?Isn't Feng Yunzheng raising him?

However, he couldn't ask, otherwise it would arouse suspicion, so he didn't even ask if Siyue didn't say anything, but just listened lightly, as if he didn't care about the child.

Lian Siyue glanced at his eyes, and continued, "That child was a hard-fated child from birth. He was used as a tool for revenge by his grandfather. Even the name he chose was a compound word. He had no mother to take care of him since he was a child. Being taken away by her own biological father, Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue didn't want her son to be controlled by others, fearing that Xiao Zhenhai would rob him, so she called other people to take care of him, but it was still not her own child, so how could she take care of him carefully? When my husband found the child and showed it to the doctor, he actually found that his health was not very good."

"What's wrong?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"It's not good anywhere." Lian Siyue said.

"It's really pitiful, birth is not something he can choose, but the pain has to be borne by her." Feng Qianyue said, not only talking about Fu'er, but also talking about himself.

He once thought that as a person, he would never take anyone seriously, and he would only pay attention to anyone who had value to use.

However, he was the only one who cared about this son who hadn't seen him a few times.

Why is that?
Later he understood that it was because Fu'er was born just like him, suffering so much that he had no choice. He regarded him as himself, and had the idea of ​​saving him from the sea of ​​suffering.

"Forget it. After all, my husband is generous and kind, and he especially has sympathy for the child, so after returning to Beijing, he found someone he could trust to take care of him. Now that the emperor has succeeded to the throne, he has restored the child to the status of the little county king. He was handed over to be raised by His Highness the Second Highness. But...his health will never get better...Even if he is rich, he may not be able to enjoy it for long. After all, Xiao Zhenhai and Feng Qianyue are still selfish, for their own sake Selfishness, regardless of the fact that the child was still a baby at that time." Lian Siyue said.

"That's right, the killing between adults has nothing to do with children, it's a pity for this little county king." Feng Qianyue shook her head and said regretfully.

At this time, Lian Siyue stood up and said, "I'm going to the backyard."

"Okay, princess, be careful." Feng Qianyue smiled.

When Lian Siyue turned around, Feng Qianyue's expression became stiff, he clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, and his nails sank into his flesh!
Lian Siyue turned her head to look at him, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes.

When she arrived in the backyard, she nodded towards Leng Mei, and Leng Mei approached, she whispered a few words in her ear, Leng Mei understood, turned and walked towards the dining room.

(End of this chapter)

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