First-class daughter

Chapter 1480 Test him

Chapter 1480 Test him

Chapter 1480 Test him

When she arrived at the door of the dining room, she saw two people who were cooking. When they saw her, they said quickly, "The meal will be ready soon."

He said coldly, "It's nothing, I'm here to find some melons and fruits to eat, I'm thirsty."

"Okay, here are the fresh cucumbers that were just picked. I'm going to make a cucumber soup. You can eat some." The aunt who was in charge of lighting the fire said with a smile.

Leng Mei walked in, and saw several fried vegetables beside the cucumber.

She glanced around from the corner of her eyes, and saw that the two were doing their own things and did not pay attention to her, so she quickly took out a small paper bag from her pocket, and while reaching for the blue light, she quickly took out the paper bag. The powder in the bag quickly spilled into the vegetables and soup.

With a "crunch", she bit the cucumber, watching the powder gradually melt until it was no longer visible.

"If you like to eat, you can take two more." Seeing Leng Mei eating with relish, the grandmother who was burning firewood said.

"Okay, thank you." After the task was completed, a smile flashed across the corners of Leng Mei's lips, and he took another cucumber and walked out.

When walking around to the yard, I happened to see Yaotong moving things.

"Hey!" Leng Mei called out.

Yao Tong turned his head, raised his cold eyebrows, and the cucumber in his hand flew out, and Yao Tong quickly reached out to catch it.

There was a flash of light in the cold eyebrows and eyes, and said, "Please eat."

Yao Tong looked at the cucumber in his hand, then at Leng Mei, and asked, "Has sister gone to the dining room?"

"Yes, find something to eat." Leng Mei bit off the cucumber and said.

A look of doubt flashed in Yaotong's eyes.

Leng Mei walked over, stretched out his hand, put his arms around Yaotong's neck, and asked, "Little kid, do you want to learn martial arts?"

"Learning martial arts?" Yao Tong tilted his head and asked.

Leng Mei stretched out his hand and pinched his shoulder, "The muscles and bones are unique, and it's a good material. If you want to learn it, I'll teach you. Only after you learn it can you protect Miss Zhao's family, right?"

Leng Meisu didn't talk much, but he was willing to have a few more words with this child.

Yaotong blushed and said, "I'll learn, my sister will teach me."

"Good boy, come to me anytime." Leng Mei circled his neck, pulled a piece and walked outside. The moment she turned her head, she saw that the people in the dining room had already started to serve food, and a look of disapproval flashed in her eyes. Perceived sneer.

Just now, the princess asked her to put peanuts into the dish. The princess said that His Royal Highness is allergic to peanuts. If he eats these dishes and his body becomes itchy and red, it is likely that Mr. Huaixie is Fourth Highness.

The dinner table.

Leng Mei and Yao Tong stood behind Lian Siyue and Feng Qianyue respectively.

"Princess, please." Feng Qianyue raised her hand and said.

"Master Huaixie, please." There was a faint smile on the corner of Lian Siyue's lips.

The two began to eat, and sometimes talked about the old days in Kyoto, Lian Siyue realized that this Mr. Huaixie had never lost his composure.

However, according to Feng Qianyue's best understanding of her, he is the best at hiding and disguising, even though his heart is torn apart, the surface is still calm, no matter what time it is.

However, even Siyue is not in a hurry, she can't be defeated in one blow, but if Huaixie is Feng Qianyue, at least she will start to disintegrate his will step by step.

"Why does Mr. Huaixie only drink alcohol and not eat food?" After Lian Siyue ate for a while, he found that Feng Qianyue just kept drinking and didn't even move his chopsticks.

"Oh, eat." Feng Qianyue put down the wine glass, picked up the chopsticks, picked up some, and put them in his mouth.

A faint smile overflowed from the corner of Lian Siyue's lips.

"No matter what, I never thought that I would have the opportunity to have dinner with you." Feng Qianyue said.

In fact, what he said deep down in his heart, Feng Qianyue had never thought of having a chance to eat at the same table with Lian Siyue and have a peaceful conversation with Feng Qianyue in his life.

Lian Siyue didn't speak, just continued to eat lightly.

And Feng Qianyue didn't eat much vegetables at first, but later he ate a lot. According to Wang Hao's order, Leng Mei has been watching him carefully in secret, but it's strange, from the beginning to the end, he didn't feel ticklish or anything like that. reaction.There was no erythema on the neck, face, hands, or wrists.

After returning to the inn.

Leng Mei was puzzled, and said, "Princess, I put peanut powder in every dish, and I watched the dining room serving the dishes, so there was absolutely no replacement, but Mr. Huaixie ate so much, but he didn't change it." Reaction, will the judgment be wrong, this person is not the Fourth Highness?"

Lian Siyue pursed her lips tightly, with thoughts in her eyes, and murmured, "Could it be that I really made a mistake?"

However, when Mr. Huaixie came to show his favor, it gave her such a strong feeling. Isn't this method Feng Qianyue's usual trick?
Also, his legs are bad.

More importantly, she and Yun Zheng had always had doubts about Feng Qianyue's death, and had never seen his head.

However, it is also true that after he ate something with peanuts in it, everything was normal.

In the previous life, Feng Qianyue couldn't touch peanuts at all. Whenever he touched them, his whole body would itch and turn red. The red packets on his face would swell up one by one, and his eyes would be so swollen that they would narrow into slits.

Once, a new cook accidentally used peanut flour to make flower cakes. After he ate it, he felt uncomfortable and delayed his military affairs, so he immediately ordered the cook to be killed.

Since then, in order for him to eat with peace of mind and no longer be bothered by peanut powder, even Siyue would personally ask him about his daily meals. With her personal supervision, he never made any mistakes in eating abroad.

In her previous life, she took care of everything about him with all her heart.

So, if Huai Xie is really Feng Qianyue, how can she completely avenge her hatred?

"Try again. After the test is true or false, I will go to Mobei Xiongnu with you to find Yunzheng without hesitation. In this life, I don't want to let Feng Qianyue go. If he is really alive, I must see it." Let him suffer the most painful torture in the world." Lian Siyue clenched the handkerchief tightly and said.

"Then, how should we try? If he is really the Fourth Highness, he must be extra cautious." Leng Mei said.

Yes, what else can I try?


After Lian Siyue left, Wu Yong came forward and said, "Princess Heng is here to test you, otherwise why do you keep talking about the past."

Feng Qianyue took out a bottle of potion from his bosom, and said, "I've made all the preparations, I even thought of the fact that I'm allergic to peanuts, I'm afraid that the cook here put peanuts in the dishes , so I asked you to prepare medicine for me to take in advance, and after she tried it a few times, she would gradually dispel her doubts about me."

"Master, you still have to be more careful." Wu Yong said.

Feng Qianyue looked outside and said, "I'll go back first."

"Yes, my lord, be careful." Wu Yong cupped his hands and said.

(End of this chapter)

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