Chapter 1482

Chapter 1482

That time, when he was angry and punished Yaotong, she even regarded him as her father. Perhaps, her father had been kind to her, but since he became emperor, all memories have become nightmares, like She couldn't remember how the uncle smiled like this now.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly unhappy?" Feng Qianyue noticed her strangeness and asked.

Le Yan lowered her eyes, looked at the unfinished malt candy in her hand, and said, "I also think of someone, but it's me... the person I don't like very much, the person I hate the most, it's the person I want... …think……"

Her hands trembled slightly, tears welling in her eyes.

Father, do you know how much Le Yan likes you, you treat me like this?I am your daughter, am I not?
"Is it your father?" Feng Qianyue blurted out and asked.

Le Yan was taken aback, and opened her eyes to look at her.

"I heard you say it in your dreams, you said you wanted to kill your father." Feng Qianyue said.

daydream?Le Yan's heart skipped a beat.

"So, Zhao Yan is not your biological father." Feng Qianyue asked.

"Uncle..." Le Yan's face turned pale, and the maltose in her hand fell to the ground.

"Then, you are not Zhao Liuxian, who are you?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"I...I'm..." Le Yan looked around in panic, fearing that someone from the Zhao family would find out. She never thought that the uncle had peeped into her secret long ago.

"Don't be afraid, I won't tell anyone, I'll pretend I don't know anything, but I really want to know, who are you? Your home is in Kyoto, isn't it?" Feng Qianyue asked, thinking Knowing which royal family and aristocrat's daughter she was, why did she end up here, and became a member of the Zhao family by accident.

"Yes, my home is in Kyoto." Le Yan finally nodded and admitted.

"Then you are..." Feng Qianyue asked again.

Le Yan paused, and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry, I can't tell you yet, but I promise you, when the time is right, I will definitely tell Uncle you about my story."

Feng Qianyue nodded and said, "Okay, I won't force you."

"Thank you, uncle." Le Yan heaved a sigh of relief.

When she thought about today, she only remembered that the wind was not strong, there was sunshine, and she ate maltose with an uncle.

Feng Qianyue stayed at Zhao's house for dinner before leaving. During the dinner, he and Zhao Yang had a good chat.

But that night, Le Yan couldn't sleep all night, and the things in that world kept echoing in her mind. In the past, she thought about her mother the most, but this night, the one she thought about the most was her father, who she didn't want to think about the most. Huang, the thought of her made her heart ache, as if the whole body was being torn off inch by inch.

When she woke up early the next morning, she went out.

"Miss, your spirit is not very good, do you want to go to the medical clinic?" Fu Zhu asked, seeing her pale face.

Le Yan shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I won't go to the clinic anymore, I'll go to Tianyue Inn."

Fu Zhu was a little curious and asked, "Miss, you seem to like Princess Heng very much."

"Yeah, I like her. She is the person I like the most in this world." Le Yan said with a dazed look.

Fu Zhu was taken aback, and said, "Shouldn't Miss's favorite person be Madam?"

Le Yan was slightly startled, came back to her senses, and said, "People in the family are naturally relatives, and I'm talking about people outside the Zhao family."

"Miss and Concubine Wang have never met before, so it is a rare fate that they fall in love with each other at the first sight." Fu Zhu said, not knowing what it meant.

"Yeah, fate..." Le Yan thought about the fate she didn't know when she met her, and she turned her head away, tears streaming down her face.

Mother, I dreamed about my father last night, he was very mean to me, mother, I want to hug you.

"Princess, Miss Zhao is here." Leng Mei said.

After a while, Zhao Liuxian walked in.

Seeing her, Lian Siyue smiled and said, "Miss Zhao, you are here."

"Princess" Zhao Liuxian bowed and said.

She knew that since she had decided to live on as the daughter of the Zhao family, she should not dwell too much on the past, let alone think about "Princess Heng".

However, she couldn't control herself. Although she was in the Zhao family, her heart was always on her mother, and she couldn't help but take advantage of the opportunity to inspect the shop with Zhao Bo to see her. , and every time I see her, I need to use all my strength to restrain my feelings.

She took a box from Fuzhu's hand, put it on the table, and said, "The princess asked me to invest the money last time. These are the returns."

Lian Siyue glanced at the box, opened it, was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Is it too much? If I remember correctly, the silver taels I put with Ms. Zhao were only a hundred taels. In just a few days, How come there are so many?"

There are at least 1000 taels in this box.

Zhao Liuxian said with a smile, "I used some good methods, and this silver gave birth to more silver, that's all! Don't worry, princess, I didn't suffer, and it's not my bribe, it's your own money earned."

Originally learning to do business with Zhao Guan was just for the convenience of going out and helping mother, but after these days, she found that she was very interested in these businesses.

Moreover, Zhao Bo and the guys from the Zhao family all praised her for being very smart in business, and despite her young age, she was often a blockbuster.

Zhao Bo was very happy, and said that he would hand over all the business of the Zhao family to her in the future. Of course, Luo Shi refused, because he was afraid that his beloved daughter would suffer. A good family and a good boy, let her marry well.


It's rare to see this child so playful, even Siyue couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay, then I'll accept it first, and when we leave here, there will be a lot of places that need money along the way."

Le Yan was taken aback when she heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Princess, are you leaving?"

"I won't leave right away, but I will leave after finishing a major event at hand." Lian Siyue said.

"Where are you going?" Le Yan asked tightly.

If mother left, would she never see her again?She suddenly felt very sad in her heart, and tears rolled in her eyes.

Seeing her reaction, Lian Siyue was stunned, and said, "There is no trace of His Highness Ninth Prince here, and my body has already recovered, so I plan to go north."

"Then if His Highness Ninth Prince is found, what is the princess' plan?" Le Yan asked, her hands trembling slightly.

It was so hard for her to see her mother again, how desperate she would be if she wanted to separate immediately!

"If Yunzheng is found, we will go back to the capital." Lian Siyue said, this is also her most urgent matter at the moment, and it is also a question that she wants to determine the identity of Mr. Huaixie as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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