First-class daughter

Chapter 1483 Le Yan Does Not Eat Chives

Chapter 1483 Le Yan Does Not Eat Chives
Chapter 1483 Le Yan Does Not Eat Chives
"Then... will you come to Qizhou again?" Le Yan asked with tears in her eyes.

Lian Siyue looked at her with a little strange eyes, why did she react like this, as if she had some deep feelings for her, and was reluctant to part with her, sometimes she felt that this Zhao Liuxian resembled Le Yan'er in many ways.

However, I don't think she is Le Yan'er, the two of them look completely different, and after a blood test, she is indeed a child of the Zhao family.

She paused and said, "If... there is nothing special, I probably wouldn't have come."

won't come...

Le Yan's heart suddenly fell to the bottom, and her heart was broken. She was a little scared and a little flustered.

They left, then, she would never see her mother again, thinking, tears fell down uncontrollably.

"Miss Zhao, are you okay?" Lian Siyue opened her mouth, why is she crying?

Le Yan shook her head quickly, and said, "It's okay, it's okay... I, I like Princess Wang very much, since the first time we met.

When I suddenly heard that you were leaving and would not come again, I felt sad and couldn't help myself for a while, so I couldn't help crying.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the matter of His Royal Highness is important, it doesn't matter if you leave.

However, you must pay attention to safety, don't have any accidents, I, I will miss you, I will worry about you, you must be well. Le Yan stepped forward suddenly, trembling, stretched out her hand cautiously, and hugged Lian Siyue.

This is the first time she has hugged her mother like this here. This is something she really wants to do. She thinks about it every day and all the time.

It's been a long time, it's been a long time since I felt the embrace of my mother, this is the moment in her dreams.

Mother's embrace is still so warm, with a faint fragrance, it is the place she is most attached to.How much I want to hold her all the time, be with her forever, and never be separated again.

Mother, mother... Le Yan misses you so much...

But, now you don't know Le Yan, right?
"Princess, you, you must be well, I will remember you." Le Yan's tears slid down her cheeks and fell on Lian Siyue's shoulder.

And when this small, soft body hugged her, she was startled, as if a stream of heat slid through her body, a strange but familiar feeling.

Once, when her Le Yan was wronged, she hugged her like this.

This Zhao Liuxian reminded her of her Le Yan even more strongly.

Lian Siyue's heart was touched, and she slowly raised her hand, stroking her back lightly, but she didn't speak all the time, but felt inexplicably close to this child in her heart.

Just like when I hugged Le Yan.

how could be?In this world, no one or any child can replace her Le Yan, even Zhao Liuxian, whom she likes, cannot replace her Le Yan'er.

But now it feels like...

Holding her hand, Lian Siyue suddenly trembled slightly, and the thoughts in her eyes began to burn like fireworks.

Le Yaner, will you?

is it possible?

Will Le Yan'er...will she come to her world in another form?

After all, both she and Yun Zheng have been reborn, and some things are not impossible?

When she was about to speak, Le Yan knew that she had hugged her for a long time and was too out of control, so she finally took two steps back, raised the back of her hand, wiped away the tears on her cheeks, swallowed the sadness, and showed an embarrassed expression on her face , said, "Sorry, Princess, I, I lost my temper."

"It's okay." Lian Siyue stared at her, and saw some familiar looks and expressions through her face.

Qizhou is really a strange place. Mr. Huaixie and Zhao Liuxian seem to have been pushed to her by the heaven one by one, asking her to find some answers.

"Princess, it's almost time for lunch." Leng Mei walked over and said.

Lian Siyue nodded and said to Le Yan, "Stay and have lunch with me."

"Okay." Le Yan nodded, and had dinner with her mother, it's great, this is something she never dared to think about.

The proprietress of the inn still ordered Xiao Er to bring the food.

With anticipation and apprehension, Le Yan sat down on the table with Lian Siyue.

"It smells so good." Le Yan closed her eyes and smelled the food in front of her, and habitually fanned the smell with her hands, and said, "The smell of Xiangxiang has come to me. "

Lian Siyue was taken aback when she saw her action, the smile on her face slowly froze, and the hand holding the chopsticks couldn't help but clenched suddenly.

Her movements are similar to Le Yan's. Every time Le Yan has a meal, she will also make such a movement.

"Princess, you can start eating." Xiao Er put the rice in front of Lian Siyue and Le Yan respectively, and said.

"Thank you." Le Yan said.

Lian Siyue was slightly taken aback again.

The same is true for Le Yan. Although she is the master, she sometimes says thank you to the slaves.

And Feng Qianyue was very unhappy every time she heard her say that, and said to her several times with a straight face, "Le Yan'er, you are the master, and the slave is the slave, and it is only right for the slave to serve the master. You have said thank you several times, you are not the master, the servant is not the servant, there are really no rules, it is too disgraceful! You will not be allowed to do this in the future."

Every time at this time, Le Yan would pout and argue in a low voice, "Father, a slave is also a human being."

At this time, Feng Qianyue would become even more angry, making her stand as a punishment, or hitting her on the palm.

When she saw her, she ran over to protect him and pleaded with Feng Qianyue. Feng Qianyue would show her a disappointed expression and said, "A loving mother often loses her son."

Later, when Feng Qianyue became the emperor and took Lian Shiya back to the palace, seeing Le Yaner and the servants being polite, he secretly satirized, "You bitch, you are obviously a long princess, but you don't look like a princess at all." Son, heh, I really can’t become a prince in a dragon robe! When my child is born, I won’t be so cheap!”

These words reached her ears, she was anxious and went to find Lian Shiya to settle the score, but Lian Shiya figured out that Feng Qianyue would go to her place, so she deliberately quarreled with her, and then let Feng Qianyue see her losing her composure .

In this way, Feng Qianyue became more and more indifferent to her.

And the gap between her and Feng Qianyue is getting bigger and bigger.

"Princess, it's time to eat." Seeing that Lian Siyue didn't move her chopsticks, Le Yan said aside.

"Okay, let's start." Lian Siyue picked up the chopsticks, but his eyes did not leave Le Yan.

After Le Yan got the chopsticks, she first looked at the plate of shiitake and lily chicken in front of her, and saw that there were some shallots sprinkled in it, she frowned slightly, and picked out all the shallots inside. Take it out, and put it all neatly in another empty plate.

(End of this chapter)

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