First-class daughter

Chapter 1485 I Came For You

Chapter 1485 I Came For You

Chapter 1485 I Came For You

People who have been separated for a lifetime, unexpectedly meet here, is not even enough to be summed up in the word wonderful.

I don't know how long it took, but the food on the table was cold, but the two mothers and daughters had no intention of continuing to eat. They kept hugging each other tightly, fearing that this was just a dream, and no one dared to let go easily. Open, afraid that as soon as you let go of the other party, the dream will end.

And time seemed to stand still for them.

"Le Yan..." After a long time, Lian Siyue murmured as if in a dream.

"Mother." Le Yan finally moved a little away from her mother's arms.

"Silly boy, you recognized me a long time ago, but you don't dare to recognize me, do you?" Lian Siyue asked with red eyes.

Thinking that this child recognized her but did not dare to recognize her, she felt sad again.

Le Yan nodded, and said, "Originally, Le Yan'er didn't intend to recognize her mother, because Le Yan'er heard that her mother and Jiuhuangshu were married and had two children. Niangqin is very nice.

This is different from what I thought, although I don't understand why, but... If I am afraid that my appearance will destroy Niangqin and Jiuhuangshu, and people will point fingers at Niangqin, so... So I decided to use The daughter of the Zhao family lives on, watching her mother from a distance, secretly helping her..."

After Lian Siyue heard this, her heart throbbed, she stretched out her hand to gently wipe away the tears on Le Yan's face, "My Le Yan'er, the first thing in my heart is never thinking about myself, she is always so sensible, what do you want my mother to do?" That's good."

Le Yan has always been like this, with many people in her heart, except herself.

"It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter, you see, God still treats me favorably, don't I recognize my mother now?" Le Yan showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Silly boy, you and I came here just to find you." Lian Siyue said heartbroken.

"What, you came to see me?" Le Yan showed a puzzled expression on her face, and she also asked the doubts in her heart for a long time, "Mother, I don't understand, what is going on? In this life, mother did not give birth. How could you know me after passing me? Also, isn’t your husband your father? How could he become Uncle Nine Emperors? I think about this question every day, and I even think that I just had a long dream, the dream It’s exactly what I hoped it would be.”

"No, Le Yan'er, you are not dreaming, all this is real, this life is different from the previous life, because after being imprisoned in the barn by Lian Shiya and dying, my mother was reborn, and the rebirth arrived I was 14 years old." Lian Siyue explained patiently, seeing Le Yan's vivid expression, she really felt that everything was worth it.

"Rebirth? Does it mean to live again?" Le Yan'er asked.

"Yes." Lian Siyue nodded, "So, after being reborn, mother knew the true face of Aunt Xiao, Lian Shiya, Xiao Zhenhai and... Feng Qianyue." When she said about Feng Qianyue, she paused pause.

She knew that this was also the one who broke Le Yan'er's heart.

When Le Yan heard the words Feng Qianyue, she was stabbed in the heart.

"Because I have seen through the true colors of these people a long time ago, mother is no longer as stupid as she was in her previous life. Mother vowed that in this life, these people will never let these people bully me, and she will take revenge for our three mothers, so... ...The current Princess Hengqin is no longer the Princess Yueqin from the previous life." Lian Siyue said.

"Mother..." Le Yan felt happy for her mother.

"But... Mother will always be your mother." Lian Siyue said firmly.

Le Yan felt so happy, buried her head in Lian Siyue's arms, and said, "Mother, I finally feel that I am not dreaming, and finally feel that all this is not the moon in the mirror, this is real, mother It's true, Uncle Nine Emperors is true, you are all true..."

Then, Lian Siyue told Le Yan some important things that happened since her rebirth, little by little.

For example, how did she return to the capital from Yaocheng, how did she fight against Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya after returning to the capital, how did she reject Feng Qianyue, how did she find out that Feng Yunzheng was also reborn, so she made up her mind with him, etc. .

When she heard the fight between Mother and Aunt Xiao, Lian Shiya and Xiao Zhenhai, she was startled, her face turned pale, she held Lian Siyue's hand tightly, her heart was beating thumpingly.

And when she heard that mother and uncle Jiuhuang promised each other for life, she felt very relieved. Her heart throbbed and she said, "Mother, it's great. It's really great that you don't have father together." , He didn't deceive you, he couldn't torture you, he couldn't use you, it's really great."

As she spoke, the tears could not stop falling.

"It's great that he died, it's really great that he died..."

Lian Siyue knew that in the past, her little Leyan liked her father so much, and longed for his care and care. After being treated like that by her father, and now knowing about his life, how painful and painful she must be!

"Actually, he might not be dead yet, Le Yan." Lian Siyue said.

"……"what?Le Yan doesn't understand.

"Mother is not sure yet, he may change his face and live as another person..." Lian Siyue said.

Le Yan's heart skipped a beat, she suddenly felt very nervous, and said, "If you're not dead, will you still bully your mother and me?"

Seeing this, Lian Siyue quickly hugged her, hugged her to comfort her, and said, "Don't worry, it's not sure yet, and even if he appears in front of me now, he can't hurt us. I'm not the mother from before. Darling, now I know how to protect myself and Le Yan."

After hearing this, Le Yan's heart slowly fell, and she said, "Mother, promise me, if you are sure, let me meet him, please? I will tell him everything and let him I know how I used to treat me and you, and my unborn brother."

"Are you sure? Le Yan'er, in fact, you don't have to worry about these things. You can stay with your mother at ease. Uncle Nine Emperors will also like you. No one will say anything. Even if there is, we are not afraid. In this life, we Live for yourself and don't care about anyone else." Lian Siyue said.

Le Yan nodded, "Yes, I'm sure, I want to tell him!" She hoped in her heart that he didn't die!

"Okay, mother promises you." Lian Siyue nodded, she would agree to whatever Le Yan said, she owed this child too much, "What about you, Le Yan, what's going on with you now, yours The appearance is not Le Yan, but Miss Zhao's."

"Mother..." Now, it's Le Yan's turn to tell Lian Shiya what happened in the previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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