Chapter 1486
Chapter 1486
In the winter of this year, the snow came very early. As soon as it entered the early winter, the entire imperial palace was already covered with thick white snow. It was so cold that people shivered all over.

In the past few days, there have been many bloodshed incidents in the palace, and many people died. The Eighth Prince Feng Ye died, and the Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng was sentenced to death. These two former emperor's greatest enemies did not end well!

As soon as the emperor came to the throne, he adopted iron and blood tactics, so that everyone in the court was trembling, as if walking on thin ice, fearing that the emperor would get angry at any time.

Like all emperors who ascended the throne, after taking power, they devoted themselves to eradicating dissidents, not only Prince Heng and Prince Yu, but also their former cronies, even the young and old.

As for the empress, she disappeared after being cast into the cold palace. When she disappeared, she was still carrying a dragon seed in her belly.

However, no one knows where she went.

Was he thrown into a deeper limbo by the emperor, or did he leave by himself?

There is a legend in the palace that the emperor found out about the adultery between His Royal Highness Jiu and the empress, so Longyan was furious, and the empress wanted to assassinate the emperor and Concubine Ya in order to avenge His Royal Highness Jiu.


As for what happened, none of the palace people dared to talk nonsense, they just speculated occasionally in private.

They only knew that after only a few days, Noble Concubine Naya was established as a queen, and she was also pregnant with a dragon seed,

However, the entire palace was filled with a gloomy and bloody smell, which made people shiver, no one spoke, no one laughed, and a huge palace seemed dead silent.

And the emperor hasn't left the Rongyuan Hall for several days, he has been reviewing the memorials continuously, and started to deal with the government affairs left over from the late emperor's lifetime, very diligently.

But later, rumors began to spread in the palace that the empress had already been sentenced to death, and the child in her belly was cut out, and its heart was dug out to give Concubine Yagui the medicine for her heartache...

And because the empress refused to be convinced, she sobbed and cried in the cold palace day and night, disturbing the peace of the entire harem. In a rage, the imperial concubine crossed over to the emperor, cut off the empress's mouth and tongue, and tied them in a bundle. , and sent them to the barn in the outskirts of Beijing.

"I've been tortured to such a degree, and if I send them to the barn, I'm afraid I won't survive for a few days." The maid who was serving in Changchun Palace said in a low voice.

"Yeah, since you want to get rid of the empress, you can just kill her, why do you have to torture her like this?" another court lady said, trembling all over.

"Speaking of which, the most pitiful person right now is the Eldest Princess. The Empress Dowager died so badly. I'm afraid there won't be a good life in the future. The Empress Dowager will definitely not let her go."

"Yeah, she doesn't know that her mother has died tragically, hey... the emperor seems to have forgotten her, and never asked about it once. When Concubine Ya's child is born, I'm afraid there will be no eldest princess again. location."

"Shhh, stop talking, we've been overheard, and we're dead. Now is not the time when the empress is here. The empress is generous and kind, but now it's different." said one of the maids.

"Hurry up and tidy up. In a few days, Concubine Yagui will move to Changchun Palace after being promoted to the empress position." The two of them quickened their movements.

"The imperial concubine said that the Changchun Palace must not leave any traces of the past. I need to ask Mr. Chun to check it out. From now on, the Changchun Palace will really change hands."

"Well, let's go then."

After whispering for a while, the two well-informed court ladies hurried out.

After a while, there was a suppressed sobbing sound from a corner of Changchun Palace.

I saw a thin figure hiding under a table, trembling all over, pale face, clenched fists in both hands, a look of fear in his eyes, and big tears slid down his cheeks.

No, no, the queen mother is not dead, the queen mother is definitely not dead, the queen mother still has a little brother in her belly, she doesn't believe that the father is so frightening and cruel.

The queen mother is the one who has suffered with him, isn't she?
These court ladies must have made a mistake, the queen mother and the emperor father are just arguing now, although the emperor father now likes the aunt.

However, he and his mother are the real husband and wife, and they will reconcile after a while.

She is going to ask her father now, where is the queen mother, she wants the queen mother, she wants the queen mother!
Feng Leyan got up from under the table, first ran to the dormitory where the former mother lived, and as soon as she walked in, she felt a chill rushing towards her face.Relying on her memory, she climbed onto the queen mother's bed, opened a bed board inside, and took out a small box inside. When she opened the box, the things were still inside, and a smile appeared on her face.

This was given to the empress by the father before, and the empress has always kept it as a treasure by her side!

Holding the box, she sneaked out of the Changchun Palace and ran towards the Rongyuan Hall when she was not paying attention.

Now, everyone in the harem is busy trying to curry favor with the new queen, Auntie, and she, the long princess who is almost forgotten, is not noticed by anyone, so it is a good time for her to avoid Lian Shiya's people all the way. In front of the Hall of Honor.

However, when the eunuch at the door saw her, he showed embarrassment and said, "Princess, you should go back, the emperor will not see you."

"Why? I'm his daughter. I have something important to ask him. Go and report it. I want to see him!" Le Yan said with a trembling voice and tears in her eyes.

The eunuch shook his head. It seems that the princess still doesn't understand that the world has changed, and even the queen is no longer a queen, so what's the use of the eldest princess.

Seeing this, Le Yan forced her way in, but was stopped by the guards, who would pay attention to a princess who didn't even have a queen mother?Moreover, Concubine Yagui, who is about to ascend the throne of empress, has already ordered that the eldest princess is not allowed to approach the emperor.

However, a cold voice finally came from inside: "Who is outside?"

The eunuch was startled, knelt down quickly, and said tremblingly, "Your Majesty, yes, it's the eldest princess."

"Father, it's me, it's Le Yan'er, I have something important to give to Father." Feng Leyan hurriedly said loudly.

"Let her in." The voice became even more indifferent, making Le Yan tremble all over.

But, at last, he was allowed in.

Le Yan plucked up her courage, hugged the box tightly in her arms, and walked into the hall.

After walking in, I saw a cold and serious figure sitting in the hall, looking down at the memorial in front of him. He was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, and his whole body was cold, without any warmth. I shuddered.

She immediately understood that this was not a father, but a ruthless emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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