Chapter 149
Chapter 149
"...Yes, yes, Your Highness is right, this is the blessing of this humble official..." Lian Yanqing came back to his senses, and quickly echoed Feng Yunzheng, but the look in Lian Siyue's eyes had changed— —

Extremely expensive person?

As a woman, only those who have the life of a queen can be called extremely noble. Mrs. Mo An said that Yue'er is an extremely noble person, does it mean...

Lian Yanqing couldn't help but tremble all over.

"The person possessed by ghosts is coming!" At this time, there was only a loud shout from outside, and Aunt Xiao was escorted by Nanny Tai and others. She was terrified and puzzled, and her eyes were fixed on Mo An Mrs.

what happened?

How did she become a person possessed by ghosts?
Shouldn't it be Lian Siyue who is possessed by ghosts?
Wait, why did the unplanned Nine Kings appear here?Why does that smile look so eerie.

In the end what happened?
"It really is you!" Mrs. Mo An narrowed her eyes tightly, and there was a refreshing coldness in her eyes. She swung the whisk in her hand at Aunt Xiao, and splashed a bowl of thick chicken blood on her face unexpectedly!

"..." Aunt Xiao felt a stench rushing towards her face, and she was stunned for a moment. She saw that her flowery face was covered with chicken blood, and her mouth and nostrils were blocked by chicken blood. Feeling suffocated.

She opened her mouth with difficulty, spit out two bubbles, and said in a daze——


Lian Siyue blinked, then looked at Feng Yunzheng—this...

Feng Yunzheng watched his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose. He touched his nose with his slender fingers, and lifted the corners of his eyes.

"The person possessed by ghosts is indeed here, haunted by ghosts, and haunted by evil spirits, is the fate of the most terrifying fate of the lone star of the evil spirit. The third lady was restrained by the lonely star of the evil spirit for a long time, and eventually the evil spirit haunted her. Crazy talk!" Mrs. Mo An said while walking around Aunt Xiao three times while practicing.

Upon hearing this, Lian Mu and Lian Yanqing's expressions changed drastically, revealing panic.Aunt Xiao's fate is so terrible?
"No, it's not, it's not..." Lian Shiya shook her head violently, tears fell from her eyes unconsciously, she murmured, "It's not my mother, it's the elder sister, it's the elder sister..."

She really wanted to stand up and speak for Aunt Xiao, but helplessly, the wound on her body from the whipping had not healed at all, and her body was covered with spells, and her face was also covered with chicken blood. I didn't have the strength to get up again, my mouth was filled with the smell of chicken blood, and I couldn't speak well.

"What... no, no..." Aunt Xiao finally understood that Mrs. Mo An had betrayed the covenant between the two of them, and turned against Lian Siyue!
She hurriedly broke free, "Let me go, let me go, Mo An! You..."

"Pfft!" Mo An picked up the strong wine from the shrine, raised his head and poured it into his mouth, and then sprayed it all on Aunt Xiao's face, the choking smell of wine blocked everything she wanted to say.

"Cough, cough, cough..." She coughed violently, her eyes were too hot to open, "Let go, let me go, even Siyue you..."

"Pfft..." Another sip of strong wine was poured towards her, the expression on her face was distorted, she looked extremely ugly, and there was no trace of her gentle and pleasant appearance in the past.

"Prime Minister, old madam, this girl's fate is so hard, her ghost aura is so heavy, and now she has reached the point where it is difficult to control, and the third lady will start to be haunted by ghosts. If it is allowed to develop, I am afraid it will endanger the prime minister. As well as the comfort of other people in the mansion, especially those who have lived with this woman for a long time, because of this, the third young lady will be the first to encounter evil!"

People who live together for a long time?

Besides Lian Shiya, isn't Lian Yanqing the only one?In these years, Lian Yanqing has exclusively petted Xiao Xianmin, staying by her side for more than half of the days in a year.

Lian's mother felt terrified and nearly fainted, and Lian Yanqing's heart sank suddenly, and his whole body felt numb.

Lian Siyue quickly supported Lian Mu's hand, and comforted her, "Grandmother, don't worry, Yue'er is here."

Mother Lian turned her head, saw Lian Siyue's warm face like spring, that calm and calm expression, and thought that the person in front of her was a very precious person in fate, the feeling of being stabbed in the heart eased a little. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she said:
"Yes, there is Yue'er, there is Yue'er."

"No, it's not like this, no!" Aunt Xiao suddenly knelt down on the ground, crawled towards Lian Yanqing, and cried bitterly, "Master, no, I am not alone, nor am I haunted by ghosts, you... ...Don't believe it, don't believe it, yes, this is a conspiracy, this is the conspiracy of the young lady..."

She looks like this, with her crying voice and expression, she really looks like a ghost——

Lian Yanqing, who had always doted on Aunt Xiao, actually felt disgust towards Aunt Xiao at that moment. He took two steps back, turned his face away, and stopped looking at her.

Seeing Lian Yanqing's evasive action, Lian Siyue couldn't help sneering silently, is it true that all men in the world are the same, Feng Qianyue is like this, and even Yanqing is like this——

Once a woman's face fades, he doesn't want to look at it too much!

"Slap!" Mother Lian stepped forward, raised her hand, and slapped Aunt Xiao's face fiercely, "How dare you wrong Yue'er now, what's the matter with Yue'er? She has been She never went out in the mansion, she only found out that she was haunted by ghosts because Sanya went crazy, she and Mrs Mo An have never met, you can still put the blame on her!"

"I..." Aunt Xiao opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. She didn't know if it was her own blood or the chicken blood she choked in her mouth. Lian Shiya could only lie on the bed and stare blankly, her chest heaving vigorously. "Master, I only have you. You have to believe me. I'm really not a lone star. You said it yourself. I'm your lucky star. Do you remember? Do you remember?"

"Five stars cast color, illuminate Xuanming. Thousands of gods and sages, protect my true spirit. Giant beasts, subdue five soldiers. Five heavenly devils, perish and disappear. Wherever they are, all gods welcome. Urgent as a law!"

Mrs. Mo An flung the fly whisk out of her hand, waved it quickly on Aunt Xiao's body three times, and then recited the curse of killing ghosts!

"Mo An!" Aunt Xiao saw the situation now, she decided to go all out, she wanted to tell the story of meeting Mrs. Mo An before, planning to join forces with Mrs. Mo An, and intending to murder Lian Siyue——

The crime of murdering the daughter-in-law is much better than her fate of being the only star of the devil and being possessed by ghosts.

"Old lady, master, Mo An is clearly talking nonsense! In fact, Mo An and I have known each other for a long time. After I came back from my Xiao's house this time, I secretly went to Hongluo Nunnery and asked her to frame Miss San for going crazy. The eldest lady is possessed by ghosts, so she can take the seriously ill third lady back from the temple to recuperate. Mo An agreed after thinking about her childhood love!
But who knows..."

(End of this chapter)

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