Chapter 150
Chapter 150
Aunt Xiao spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at Lian Siyue coldly, and said, "Mo An was bought by those who tried to suppress our mother and daughter!"

As soon as Aunt Xiao's words came out, the expression on Feng Yunzheng's face suddenly became icy cold, and those deep phoenix eyes were full of danger——

He said coldly:

"Mr. Mo An was met by the king on the way, and then sent to the prime minister's mansion in person. Along the way, the king talked with the teacher about the scriptures. It is considered a close friend. According to what you said, the king also framed her. is you?
Lianxiang, the king kindly sent the teacher over here, and wanted to wait and see for a while, but it seems that he is meddling this time. "

When Lian Yanqing heard this, he quickly knelt down on one knee and said, "Your Highness, forgive me, Your Highness forgive me! I have no such intention."

Aunt Xiao also quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and said, "No, no, Your Highness Ninth Prince, I didn't mean that, I... I mean... Missy..."

"Mr. Mo An, since Mrs. Xiao said that you originally intended to frame Miss Lian, you can explain it too." Feng Yunzheng asked Mrs. Mo An directly, too lazy to waste time with Aunt Xiao.

Master Mo An frowned, with a solemn face, and said, "The poor nun became attached to the Buddha at the age of five, and escaped into Buddhism for dozens of years. I have never met you before. How can you talk about business strategies? Donor is insulting Buddhism. , Amitabha, good and good."

"You..." Aunt Xiao didn't expect Mrs. Mo An to deny it so completely, she said indignantly, "I arranged for the boy who was sent to pick you up, you can ask him to testify!"

"Let the chauffeur come in!" Lian Yanqing shouted.

After a while, I saw a young servant walking in tremblingly, kneeling on the ground.

Aunt Xiao was stunned when she saw it, and hurriedly said, "No, it's not him, someone else picked him up! It must have been hidden, master, be careful."

Hearing Aunt Xiao's words, Lian Yanqing's face became even more ugly. He frowned, shook his head, and said in disappointment:

"The person who picked up Mrs. Mo An was him, and I sent him."

Aunt Xiao was stunned, why did the person sent to pick up Mrs. Mo An change?

Did she already fall into Lian Siyue's trap when she was implementing the plan from the very beginning? She slowly raised her head and looked at Lian Siyue who was fighting side by side with Lian Mu——

Her demeanor today was extraordinarily relaxed, and her eyes were also extraordinarily relaxed, as if the whole thing had nothing to do with her at all, and she was just quietly watching the show from the sidelines.

How could this be?Aunt Xiao was suddenly puzzled, who would go to great lengths to deal with them except Lian Siyue?

"Master, now, what should we do to eliminate disasters and solve difficulties, keep the prime minister's mansion peaceful, keep our children and grandchildren safe, and keep away from ghosts, just tell me." Mother Lian asked, and until now, this is the topic she cares most about. .

Mrs. Mo An said, "Originally, there is no chance for such a person with such a fierce fate in the mansion, but because of the blessing of the eldest lady's extremely precious life, there is still a way to save it."

"Master, please tell me!" Lian Mu and Lian Yanqing were overjoyed at the same time.

"First of all, to get rid of the evil spirits on the third lady as soon as possible, the poor nun will paste one hundred and eight charms in this courtyard for seven to seven 49 days. During these 49 days, the third lady is not allowed to leave the door for half a step. Otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

Secondly, to drive away the lone star of the evil spirits, so that the evil spirits have no place to cling to, please ask the master to recite sutras around the yard for 49 days, and the recitations will change every day.

The most important thing is that those possessed by ghosts can no longer enter this Qingquanyuan, otherwise the third lady will die soon. Since ghosts have been possessed for a long time, this is already the only available method. "Master Mo An said solemnly.

"You are talking nonsense! I don't have any evil spirits on me! My mother is not a lone star possessed by ghosts! This is all fabricated by you, a demon!" Finally, Lian Shiya exerted all her strength and suddenly Rolled off the bed, pointing at Mrs. Mo An and screaming.

She wasn't bewitched at all, it was all to leave Qingquanyuan, let Aunt Xiao return to her side, and frame Lian Siyue by the way, and her crazy words were all faked!
Now Mrs. Mo An actually said something serious!
"Old madam, prime minister, there can be no further delay, Miss San is going crazy again!" Master Mo An didn't wait for Lian Shiya to get up from the bed, and immediately tensed his face, quickly swayed the spell on the charm, and then The charm was pasted on Lian Shiya's forehead.

"Quickly, tie up the third girl and put her on the bed!" Lian Mu felt frightened again and hurriedly ordered.

"Yes!" Nanny Tai stepped forward, picked up Lian Shiya like a chicken, threw her on the bed, and then took the rope to tie her up. Lian Shiya felt dizzy and could crawl I can't get up.

Aunt Xiao ran over desperately and scolded, "What are you, how dare you be rude to Miss San."

However, before she could get close to Nanny Tai, she was caught.

"My lord, my lord, save third lady and I have been wronged, I am not possessed by ghosts, I am not a lone star, and third lady is not possessed by evil spirits, no..."

With a tense handsome face, Lian Yanqing sighed, waved his hand, and ordered, "Take it away, and do everything according to Mrs. Mo An's instructions."


After hearing this, Aunt Xiao looked at Lian Yanqing in horror. She didn't believe that he actually believed Mrs. Mo An, and that he actually regarded the pillow person whom he had loved for more than ten years as a murderer.

"What are you waiting for, drag it on quickly, the rest of you are waiting, leave this place quickly, and let Mrs. Mo An do it!" Lian Mu slammed her cane on the ground three times.

"It's Lian Siyue who harmed people, it was Lian Siyue who harmed people..." So, amidst Xiao Auntie's crying, she was forcibly taken away from Qingquan Courtyard and rushed back to West Courtyard.

The rest of the people went back to their own places, leaving Mrs. Mo An to cover the entire Qingquanyuan with talismans, and Lian Yanqing arranged for someone to pick up the monk master to sit in the yard and chant sutras.

From a distance, he saw that Qingquanyuan had become a practice place, and all the maids and women were evacuated, leaving Lian Shiya alone in the room.

The mantra, the chanting sound lingered, and Lian Shiya's crying voice could be heard, but soon the voices of dozens of people chanting at the same time covered it, and everyone watched from afar, no one dared to approach here.

And after the news of Aunt Xiao being possessed by ghosts spread, no one dared to approach her when she returned to the west courtyard. Even Aunt Zhao, who used to have a hot fight with Aunt Xiao, didn't want to come near her room, and only looked at her coldly. He spat at the door and said:

Soon, in order to prevent Aunt Xiao from being entangled by the evil spirits on her body, someone even killed a chicken and poured its blood at her door.



Observation platform.

Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng sat facing each other, Ye Feng and Leng Mei guarded the periphery, Qing Dai and Jiang Xiang brought tea and snacks, and the cool breeze made people feel refreshed.

"Your father is the prime minister, with a high position and authority, so he is most afraid of losing it. Naturally, he would rather believe it than believe it. No matter what, the Xiao family will never get it again. your father's heart."

(End of this chapter)

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