First-class daughter

Chapter 1491 The child is gone

Chapter 1491 The child is gone
Chapter 1491 The child is gone
The palace maid was taken aback, she thought she would be asked to feed the medicine, but now... She clenched her hands tightly, lowered her head, and walked over with the tray in her hand, holding it high above her head.

Her eyes fell on the man on the bed. He was asleep, exuding a hint of alcohol, and when he was asleep, he looked very affectionate, especially the slightly drooping lips, showing a cold chill.

Even in his sleep, he was a heartbreaker.

Lian Shiya reached out, took the bowl over, and said in a cold voice, "From now on, without my permission, none of you are allowed to approach the emperor, otherwise I will punish you severely!"

"...Yes." The maid said softly.

When Lian Shiya's hand touched
At this time, the maid suddenly pushed forward, Lian Shiya screamed, and the maid rushed towards her, and the dagger hidden under the tray suddenly stabbed Lian Shiya's abdomen fiercely. In the past, she heard the sound of a knife piercing flesh.

"Ah..." There was a scream, horrifying, terrifying!
Feng Qianyue, who was lying on the bed, woke up abruptly. With his quickness, before he could sit up completely, he had already kicked the maid's body fiercely, kicking her into the air and falling down. He sat on the ground with a pained expression on his face.

"Queen!" Feng Qianyue hurriedly walked to Lian Shiya's side, and gasped suddenly.

I saw that a dagger was stabbed into her abdomen, and she fell to the ground, her eyes were wide open, as if she was about to fly out.

Feng Qianyue stretched out his hand to hold the dagger, and soon his hand was covered with blood, which was very frightening.

"Emperor, Your Majesty, save me, save..." Lian Shiya reached out to Feng Qianyue with trembling hands, her face was pale, her eyes showed panic and helplessness, "My child, my child..."

"Hahaha! Your child? Are you scared now? When you took her child out of my mother's womb, didn't you ever think that you would have such a day? Lian Shiya, you bitch, I'm afraid My mother and my unborn brother took revenge! Hahaha!"

Feng Qianyue turned her head abruptly, only to see that the pale but clearly happy person sitting on the ground was his eldest daughter, Le Yan, the child who would move her feet even when she saw an ant!

It was she who assassinated his new queen and the unborn child in her womb.

How could Le Yan do such a thing?
He took two steps forward and stared at Le Yan, his eyeballs seemed to burst into flames.

Le Yan is not afraid at all now, looking back at her bravely, and said, "I am avenging my mother."

"So, you plan to kill me too, don't you?" Feng Qianyue asked furiously, her eyes were scarlet.

"Yes, I hate you, I wish I could kill you with my own hands! This bowl of hangover soup is just for you!" Unfortunately, the order of things was different from what she imagined. Originally, she planned to pretend to be a court lady and feed her father the hangover soup. Let him die in a dream, and then kill Lian Shiya.

But I didn't expect that even Shiya watched very closely, not giving anyone a chance to get close to the father, even an ordinary court lady was on guard.

Therefore, she had to choose one of the two, and let Lian Shiya get rid of it first.

"You... how dare you kill your father!" Feng Qianyue was furious, stepped forward a few steps, and raised her hands high.

Le Yan suddenly raised her head, with tears on her face, sad and angry, "You killed my mother!"

"That's her to die!" Feng Qianyue's hand finally stopped in mid-air, without fanning it down, and almost growled, "She deserves to die! She deserves to die the most!"

"No! The queen mother shouldn't die, she shouldn't die! It's you who are ruthless and vicious. You killed her. You are the one who deserves to die. You are the one who deserves to die! I failed to kill you. There will be no peace every day, because you have let down the person who treats you best in the world!" Le Yan said loudly.

Feng Qianyue's heart trembled, and he said: "If you kill your father, you will be struck by lightning!"

"A thunder strike? I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid at all. Besides, if there is a thunder strike, you should be the first to suffer, not me!" Le Yan's eyes turned red.

Originally, she respected him so much in her heart and looked forward to him as a father. Although he was cold to her, she still loved him.

Before seeing her mother's head, she even had a glimmer of hope for him, but after seeing her mother's head, she had completely stopped thinking about this man!
"Emperor, Your Majesty..." Lian Shiya groaned weakly.

At this time, imperial physicians, guards, maids and eunuchs ran in one after another.

"Quick, stop the queen's bleeding!" Feng Qianyue ordered, her eyes still looking at Le Yan.

"Yes!" The imperial physician hurriedly walked up to Lian Shiya, and a group of people hurriedly carried her onto the bed.

"My child, keep, keep my child..." After Lian Shiya left these words, her eyes darkened, she fainted, and blood gushed out of her abdomen.

Seeing the situation in front of them, the imperial doctors were frightened by the blood, and hurriedly began to treat him.

The new queen attaches so much importance to the first child, but the current situation seems to be...

Le Yan looked coldly at Lian Shiya who was on the bed, and suddenly laughed, "Hehe, hehehe... Evil people have evil rewards..."

After a while, the imperial physician knelt down in front of Feng Qianyue and said tremblingly, "Your Majesty, the empress's life is saved, but the child in her womb..."

"How?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"Son, the child is gone." The imperial physician wiped off his sweat and said.


Feng Qianyue took two steps back, looking at the knife that fell on the ground, covered with blood, it was his child's blood.

Feng Qianyue looked at her and said, "Prison the eldest princess and send her to the Xiongnu two days later to marry the Hun king! She will never return to the capital!"

According to the original plan, Le Yan'er went to the Xiongnu in a month's time, but now, he wants to send her away immediately!
What?Le Yan suddenly raised her head to look at Feng Qianyue...

Then, his expression slowly melted again, with a sad smile on his face, and he said, "You don't have to drive me away, I will go, no matter it is the Huns or wherever, I will go. But, I only hope that you will eventually betray your relatives and leave you." , a lonely life!"

In just a few days, Le Yan was forced to mature!She will never have any thoughts about the man she calls her father.

She turned around and walked outside the Rongyuan Hall.

Hate only hate that I failed to kill him with my own hands!

Three days later, Lian Shiya was out of danger, but the child was gone. After she woke up, she touched her abdomen and fainted angrily. Before she fainted, she cursed Le Yan fiercely.

At this time, Le Yan had already boarded a carriage and followed the Huns envoy to Mobei.

She sat in the carriage numbly, and she didn't hear a word what the Hun next to him said.

(End of this chapter)

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