First-class daughter

Chapter 1492 Panic

Chapter 1492 Panic
Chapter 1492 Panic
Looking back at the familiar palace wall, and the Zhengyang Street that has been walked many times, there are bits and pieces of her and the queen mother here, but there is nothing, nothing is gone, she knows that she has been with this place all her life. It doesn't matter, she said with tears in her eyes:
"You must not be happy. You must think of my mother and me at your bleakest time... At that time, you will be full of regrets, regretting that you have let down your mother and regretting abandoning me. But you have already lost everything, your side There is no one to trust, and then you will spend the rest of your life in extreme pain... just"

Feng Qianyue is really cruel, she has no dowry, not even a guard to escort her to the Xiongnu, only a seal to prove that she is a real princess, and Xiaoman, a servant.

The Hun envoy looked at her differently, and she didn't care about it, it didn't mean anything to her anymore.

After leaving the palace, she gave half of the silver tael she was carrying to Xiaoman and let her go.

Seeing the silver, Xiaoman hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Princess, are you going to drive Xiaoman away? I heard that the place of the Huns is very bad, and there is no one to serve you. I am worried that the princess will not be able to bear it. Let the servant serve you." . . ”

Le Yan shook her head and said, "Xiao Man, because of this, I don't want you to suffer with me. You are loyal to me and have never betrayed me. I know that even Shi Ya bought you several times, but you didn't let me go. That's enough Yes! Xiaoman, you are a good person, you go, go home, don't follow me anymore."

"No, no, princess, the servant is the princess's servant, so the servant will be there wherever the princess goes." Xiao Man said hastily.

Le Yan bent down, supported Xiao Man who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "Xiao Man, I understand what you mean, but you go back."

"Princess." Xiao Man burst into tears, looking at Le Yan sadly, "Princess, Your Majesty, Your Majesty is really...too confused, first the Queen and the Princess..."

"Hush! Don't say it!" Le Yan immediately covered Xiaoman's mouth nervously, and said, "Don't be unfair for me, you just need to take care of yourself, all I can give you now is freedom, go home!"

"Princess, you must take care..." Xiaoman burst into tears, and finally watched the eldest princess leave the bustling capital and head for the unknown Mobei.

A month later.

After Lian Shiya's conditioning, her body finally recovered and she was able to walk freely.

However, after lying on the bed for a whole month, she was in a very bad state of mind. Her face was pale and bloodless. The plump red lips she was proud of were like shriveled grapes that had lost their moisture. The blue hair also becomes dry and withered.

The moment she saw herself in the mirror, she almost screamed, with a look of horror in her eyes, she took a step back and almost fell off the chair.

These days, the emperor has come to see her condition every day. Could it be that she saw him with this face?

"Ah!" She screamed suddenly, flipped the bronze mirror to the ground, covered her face with her hands tightly, and cursed, "You dog slaves, why didn't you remind me, no, why didn't you give me a good lesson?" Do you want to groom the palace before welcoming the emperor?"

In Feng Qianyue's mind, she has always been the most perfect image, but now... thinking about being seen by him just now, she feels annoyed, uneasy, and annoyed... wishing to kill all the stupid people around her. kill!
"Queen Empress, calm down, Empress Dowager..." Everyone quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Lian Shiya stood up suddenly, because she had just recovered, she was still a little illusory, she staggered twice, sat on a chair, a little out of breath.

"You, you... you dog slaves..."

"Queen Empress, calm down, it's's because you're still sick and not in good health...if you dress up as usual, I'm afraid, I'm afraid the emperor will think you're pretending to be sick, or, or the emperor doesn't treat you like that. My heart hurts..." the maid next to her said tremblingly.

Lian Shiya was taken aback when she heard this, yes, she should make Feng Qianyue feel sorry for her and care about her. She is clearly ill, but if she is still dressed exquisitely and beautifully, then in Feng Qianyue's view, her illness is even worse. It's fake.

In order for Feng Qianyue to always remember the hurt his eldest daughter gave her today, she must be sick, very sick, in order to capture his heart.

But in this case, it is what she looks like now.

She clasped both hands tightly, trembling, "It's all this little bitch Feng Leyan! Not only did Bengong lose his child, but he became like this! Bengong will never let this little bitch go!"

"Empress, Princess Leyan has already set off for the Huns a month ago..." said the servant girl beside her.

"Xiongnu? Even if she goes to the sky, I will not let her go. I will torture her to death like her mother!" Lian Shiya said viciously, thinking about the child she had lost, she felt sorry for Feng Le. Yan, even gritted his teeth in hatred for Lian Siyue.

She wanted to invite her uncle Xiao Zhenhai into the palace to discuss this matter.

"By the way, is there any vixen in the harem recently, taking advantage of my injury and illness, to seduce the emperor?" Lian Shiya asked.

I have to admit that if you gain by means, you are always afraid of losing. Besides, the emperor is unpredictable and moody. If she didn't spend enough time to keep an eye on him, she would always feel a little worried.

I really don't know how that bitch Lian Siyue got along with him for so many years. She vaguely remembered that they seemed to get along pretty well on weekdays.

"Empress Empress..." A look of embarrassment appeared on the maid's face.

Lian Shiya's heart tightened immediately, and she immediately asked, "What does your face mean, someone suddenly fell in love with you?"

If there is, she will definitely find a way to eradicate it, even the former queen is not a problem, and the rest of the little sluts who dare to fight her will die!
"Empress, a few days ago, a group of beautiful women were selected to enter the palace, and the emperor sealed some empresses, a total of eleven." The maid said cautiously.

"Eleven?" Lian Shiya clenched her fists, feeling displeased!
Although, the emperor will always enrich the harem to extend his heirs.

However, during her illness, there were eleven more people suddenly, and none of them had the permission of her queen.

Thinking about it is also infuriating.

"Where is the emperor now?" Lian Shiya asked.

"It should be in the palace of two Sumerians."

Two Sumerians?
"It's twins."

"Fashion and dress up for this palace, this palace will go to see the emperor immediately." Lian Shiya sat down and ordered.

"Yes, empress." The maids and nuns didn't dare to slack off, and hurriedly began to groom Lian Shiya.

(End of this chapter)

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