First-class daughter

Chapter 1494 The Mirage Seen

Chapter 1494 The Mirage Seen

Chapter 1494 The Mirage Seen

And what she didn't know, Lian Shiya secretly sent someone to deal with her, so that she couldn't live a good life in the Huns.

Later, she was in the Xiongnu, and she did not stay as a princess of the Great Zhou at all. She lived worse than a slave. She was often beaten and scolded, and her stomach was not full. She curled up in the corner of the kitchen with her thin body and shivered. .

Moreover, she was used to fine food, while the Huns ate coarse food, and sometimes cut off the meat from cattle and sheep and ate it directly. When she saw it, she vomited again and again.

But no one cared about her...she would still be whipped to get up and do things.

On this day, she was tired all day and lay down without eating anything.

In half a year, she became skinny and skinny, her eye sockets were sunken, her hair fell out in handfuls, her hands were as thin as sticks, she was tortured to the point of listlessness, and sometimes felt like her soul was out of her body.

Late at night.

Feng Leyan curled up in a corner, and the strong wind blew.

It was so cold, she was about to lose consciousness, she hugged her body tightly, but it was useless, the cold wind poured directly into her body, and she moved to the position inside.

She opened a pair of dull eyes, looked at the twinkling stars in the vast sky, and the voice and smile of her mother when she was alive appeared in her mind.

A smile slowly appeared on her face, queen mother, are you alright in the spirit of heaven?I got rid of the child in Lian Shiya's stomach, and I avenged you and my brother.

But, queen mother, I'm so useless, I don't have the ability to kill that man, the man who pushed you into the abyss with his own hands.

He is now the Ninth Five-Year Master, and he is worshiped by the whole world, so he has long since forgotten my daughter.

Here, I never mention him, I don't even allow myself to think about him, I don't want to admit that I am his daughter.

I am looking forward to, looking forward to the day when he will repent, Queen Mother, I really want to see him kneeling in front of your tombstone crying bitterly, repenting...

No, he didn't even give you a tombstone.

Two lines of tears rolled down Le Yan's nearly dry eye sockets.

It hurts, my heart hurts.



two months later.

Great Zhou, Kyoto, Rongyuan Hall.

Feng Qianyue is reviewing the memorial. Since he took the throne, he has been conscientious about the affairs of the court and has not relaxed at all.

At this time, the chief eunuch came in and said, "Your Majesty, there is news from the Huns."

"What's the matter?" He asked without raising his head.

"The eldest dead." The eunuch said.

Feng Qianyue paused holding the brush, and slowly raised her head, her eyes were slightly dazed, and the scene of Le Yan being driven away that day appeared in her mind.

"How did you die?" After a long time, he asked, something seemed to flash in his dark eyes, but it was only fleeting, making it impossible to catch.

"The envoy of the Huns came forward and said that Princess Leyan often cursed the emperor in public. She insisted that the emperor killed the first queen. He was confined in the palace and sent to wait on him.

However, the princess still refused to stop, and even wrote many articles and poems to continue insulting the emperor, saying that she would... write down the emperor's evil deeds, so that future generations will not forget, and said that the emperor is a fool..."

But in fact, Le Yan never did any of these things. She was not imprisoned in the Huns, but enslaved!
The eunuch also presented with both hands Le Yan's poems and essays written when he was in the Huns, all of which were cursing and singing bad news about Feng Qianyue.

Feng Qianyue stood up abruptly, and dropped the brush in her hand to the ground, her whole body exuding terrifying anger!

"At the beginning of my ascension to the throne, the state treasury of the Great Zhou was empty, and the entire family property was short of 1000 million taels. I was very worried.

For the great Zhou society, I discuss government affairs with the ministers from morning to night every day, abolish the unreasonable system and establish a new system. I will benefit the people a lot and live and work in peace and contentment!
I just want everyone to know that I am a wise king!I am not a fool, I am not a fool! "

The word Hunjun pierced Feng Qianyue's heart. He knew that his throne was obtained unjustly and was stolen. He killed his father, brother, and he was extremely sensitive.


"Yes, the emperor is a Mingjun, long live the emperor!" The eunuch knelt on the ground and said.

"Go down." After a long time, Feng Qianyue raised her hand and sat down slowly with a calm expression on her face.

"Yes." The eunuch turned and left, and those poems fell to the ground.

a long time.

Feng Qianyue was the only one left in the entire Rongyuan Hall. He was leaning on the large chair, and suddenly a huge emptiness and loneliness surged towards him, almost drowning him.

Now, finally, all the people connected to his unbearable past are gone, all gone, and all the past is buried in his heart alone,

He got up and walked slowly outside the Rongyuan Hall.

When the palace people saw him, they knelt down one after another, but he seemed to be afraid of disturbing something, and waved his hand to signal everyone to leave.

Autumn is here, the first depression, the leaves are gradually turning yellow, and only a few fruits are left to be abandoned. The bright yellow dragon robe on his body looks dull, and the back of his hands is deep. Step by step, he walks where he once walked. .

"..." At this moment, he walked up to the Churen Bridge, looked up, and seemed to see a little girl standing in front of her, with a pair of eyes fixed on him, those eyes, like stars, like amber, could not bear to be destroyed .

"Are you back?" he asked.

The little girl didn't speak, but looked up, and saw another person walking slowly.

Feng Qianyue's heart trembled, "It's you, you're back too..." It was that woman, she was complete, standing in front of him with a familiar gentle smile on her face, he stood up abruptly, After walking two steps forward, he saw a third person:
"Old Nine?"

The man in a silver-white brocade robe looked at him with a slight smile, then stretched out his hand, holding the child and the woman at the same time, turned and walked forward.

Feng Qianyue hurriedly took two steps forward, but the person in front of her disappeared again.

Just a flash in the pan...

Is it his illusion?Or have their mother and daughter really come back?Was it taken away by Feng Yunzheng?

He is in the same place now, when the wind blows, a corner of the dragon robe flutters...


"What's going on?" Lian Shiya walked to Feng Qianyue's bed and asked.

"Go back to empress, the emperor is tired from working day and night, and just passed out suddenly, but the dragon's body is fine, just take a little rest." The imperial doctor replied.

"Cainted?" Well done, how did you pass out?

Lian Shiya was taken aback, and hurried to the dragon bed, only to see Feng Qianyue with her eyes closed and her thin lips slightly pursed.

"Your Majesty..." Lian Shiya called softly.

(End of this chapter)

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