Chapter 1495
Chapter 1495
Lian Shiya felt melancholy in her heart. In the past eight months, Feng Qianyue still regarded her as a queen, but her attitude towards her had changed drastically.

She rarely went to the Changchun Palace, and she began to have other favorite concubines. She had to deal with those sluts to prevent her position from being replaced.

Moreover, I don't know what's going on, since the last dragon species disappeared, it has been eight months, and her stomach has not moved. She has tried all kinds of thoughts, taking medicine by herself, and even giving Feng Qianyue a medicated diet secretly, but , just can't get pregnant.

Seeing that two Sumerians were pregnant at the same time and were canonized as concubines, the two sisters were from Jiangnan, and they were so charming that she had to try her best to deal with them.

Not only these two sisters, but also the other concubines in the harem, she must be on guard against all of them, and prevent anyone from being spoiled too much.

She lowered her head and looked at her flat stomach. The imperial doctor said that she had no physical problems, but why couldn't she conceive!
What an annoyance!

This queen is not so easy to be, I really don't know how Lian Siyue tolerated these things before.

"Ah Yue..." When she was worrying, Feng Qianyue beside her turned over and murmured a name.

"..." Lian Shiya was shocked, and turned her head suddenly, only to see Feng Qianyue with her eyes closed and her brows slightly frowned.

She looked at him in disbelief, he actually called Lian Siyue by his childhood nickname?
This title is rarely called, because Lian Siyue is the eldest daughter, so no one would call it that, unless it is someone extremely close.

Ah Yue?

He actually...he actually...still thinking about that bitch, didn't he push her into hell with his own hands?Didn't he give her the most painful torture?Caesarean section!

In the end, he actually... still had her in his heart?I remember her even in my dreams.

what does he mean?Could it be that after Lian Siyue's death, the indifference towards her was due to the guilt and reluctance for Lian Siyue, a bitch?
Feng Qianyue, what kind of person is he?

She thought he was fond of beauty, so she was bewitched by her, so she abandoned Lian Siyue, but he seemed to know everything and was not bewitched by him.

She thought he didn't like sex, but as a result, he filled the harem with people day by day, and as long as he fell in love with her, he would never ask her, the queen's opinion.

Now... even a dead person wants to compete with her to be jealous?

It's still like a month!This is the person she can't tolerate the most.

Lian Shiya stared at him with wide eyes, clenched her fists tightly, and there was a hint of hatred in her eyes!
Compete with a group of living people to be jealous, but now you are still fighting with a dead person...




Tianyue Inn.

Lian Siyue listened to what Le Yan had experienced after her death, and realized that the way her eldest daughter came to this world was different from her and Yun Zheng. Zhao Liuxian survived as the daughter of the Zhao family.

However, the method is not important, the important thing is that the daughter she has been thinking about has returned to her.

At the same time, she felt sorry for what happened to this child. At that time, she was only ten years old, but she suffered so much.

Although Lian Shiya is dead, but thinking about it now, I still feel hatred. The method of torturing Lian Shiya to death back then was considered light!

She hugged Le Yan tightly, unwilling to relax for a moment, reached out and stroked her back, and said.

"At the beginning when I was imprisoned in the cold palace, Lian Shiya told me that she would ask Feng Qianyue to agree to send you to the Huns. I knew Feng Qianyue would do this, but I still prayed in my heart that this would not come true. In the end, You have suffered so much all your life, and you were frozen to death in a foreign land..." Lian Siyue's eyes were clouded with tears, her heart was broken and she wanted to die.

Therefore, if Huaixie is Feng Qianyue, she wants him to bear all these things again.

"Hmph, but fortunately, Lian Shiya's child is gone, and I have avenged you and my brother." Le Yan snuggled into Lian Siyue's arms and said, finally doing something to relieve her anger.

However, when that man learned that her child was gone, the look on his face hurt her deeply.

Lian Shiya's child is a child, isn't mother's child a child?
How could he be so eccentric.

"My Le Yan'er..." Lian Siyue held her blood-stained hand and put it on her lips.

Ever since Le Yan was born, she wanted to give her the best love, but in the end, because of her useless mother, her daughter was displaced at a young age and died in a foreign land.

"Mother..." Le Yan still couldn't help crying, she never dreamed that she could recognize her mother like this.

"Le Yan'er, now you don't have to be afraid of anything, mother will protect you from the wind and rain, and no one can bully you." All regrets and debts in the previous life must be made up.

"But, and I don't look like mother and daughter now." Le Yan said.

Lian Siyue gently wiped away the remaining tears on her cheeks, and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as we know it in our hearts, for outsiders, Mother has an explanation."

"Then... Mother, you are Princess Hengqin, and suddenly there is a girl my age beside you, what will others say? What will Uncle Nine Emperors say? Will it... cause trouble to Mother?" Le Yan still Some are worried.

"Silly boy, it won't cause trouble to me. Mother will find a way." Lian Siyue said with a smile, "Besides, what others say has nothing to do with us? We live our own lives, and we are all Someone who has died once, other people's gossip, my mother will not take it to heart, as for your Uncle Nine Emperors, he will be very happy, this time he is also encouraging my mother to go to the Huns, to see if it is possible to find you, Even if the hope is so slim, if my mother wants to do it, he will fully support it..."

"It's so good." Le Yan said, "When I found out that my mother and Uncle Jiuhuang were married through inquiries, although I didn't understand what was going on, I was so happy. I always knew that Uncle Jiuhuang was married. The only person I like the most is my mother."

With a slight smile on Lian Siyue's face, she said, "How do you know?"

"Because at that time, Uncle Jiuhuang often took me to play together. Every time he saw me, he would look at me in a daze. His eyes clearly looked at you through me." Le Yan said, "Sometimes, he still Will I ask for news about my mother intentionally or unintentionally, I am very smart, so I will tell him everything, and when he hears about my mother, he will smile, Jiuhuangshu looks really good when he smiles."

"...Yun Zheng..." Lian Siyue felt a slight pain in her heart when she thought about him.

"Mother, don't worry, it's not easy for you and Jiuhuangshu to be together, and we won't be separated easily. We will definitely find him." Le Yan said.

(End of this chapter)

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