First-class daughter

Chapter 1496 1 Always Standing By Your Side

Chapter 1496 Always Standing By Your Side
Chapter 1496 Always Standing By Your Side
"En." Lian Siyue nodded, looking at Le Yan with doting eyes.

"Miss, the master sent someone to wait outside." When the two mothers and daughters were immersed in the joy of reunion, the voice of Zhao's servant girl Fu Zhu came from outside the door.

Le Yan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly woke up.

Yes, now, she is not only Le Yan, but also Zhao Liuxian, the apple of the eye of the Zhao family.

She looked at Lian Siyue reluctantly, and said, "Mother, what should I do? I don't want to leave you at all, I want to be with Mother, but..."

Lian Siyue held her daughter's hand and said, "Mother doesn't want to be separated from Le Yan'er, she wants to keep Le Yan'er."

"Miss..." Fuzhu probably didn't get a response from Le Yan, and his tone was a little anxious. Madam cares about Miss so much, there can be no harm.

"Wait a little longer, I'm with... the concubine." Le Yan responded.

"Le Yan'er, mother wants to confirm one thing now, to confirm whether someone is Feng Qianyue who has changed his face, you go to Zhao's house first, and when mother confirms, you will go to Mobei. At that time, we will go to Mobei together Let's go." Even Siyue is naturally very reluctant, but for Le Yan'er now, the Zhao family is the best place for her to go. According to her observation, Mrs. Zhao's Mrs. Luo is very good to Zhao Liuxian, and the aunt and concubine No climate.

She suddenly kept Le Yaner by her side rashly, but was suspected and jealous by others.

After all, this is Qizhou, and the Zhao family is a big family here, so if anything happens, there will be a lot of trouble.

Now, Yunzheng has not been found yet, so we need to be more cautious.

"Well, mother, Le Yan'er listens to your arrangement, I will obediently wait for mother." Le Yan said sensiblely.

Lian Siyue hugged her daughter reluctantly again, "I really wish that time would stop like this, and Le Yan'er would not have to be separated from mother, but we still have things to do."

Because she owed Le Yan'er so much in her previous life, Lian Siyue really couldn't let go.

Le Yan left Tianyue Inn after the two said some words of exhortation to each other.

Lian Siyue reluctantly watched Le Yan leave, and finally heaved a solemn sigh of relief, a stone that had been in her heart for several years fell down.

Leng Mei walked in.

Lian Siyue said, "I know you have many questions in your mind."

"The humble job is subject to the arrangement of the princess." Leng Mei said without further questioning, nodding his head.

When His Highness the Ninth Highness sent her to Wangfei's side on the first day, he gave her an order. Everything was arranged by Wangfei, and it had no meaning. The princess was equal to himself.

Leng Mei always kept this sentence in mind, even if the princess suddenly had a daughter, she would still be loyal to her.

Lian Siyue felt very at ease in her heart, it was always like this when she was with the people around Yun Zheng.

This is one of the best gifts Yun Zheng gave her.

On the way back to Zhao's house.

Le Yan was sitting in the sedan chair, but she still hadn't come out of the joy of meeting her mother. She was so happy, she wanted to announce her happiness and happiness to everyone.

No matter what, I never thought that Mother and Uncle Nine Emperors came here to find her.

It feels so good to be missed and loved.

She opened a corner of the car curtain, looked outside, and felt that every place in Qizhou was so comforting.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a familiar figure: Yao Tong!
She just opened her mouth to scream, but thinking she was on the street, she swallowed the words again, and saw Yaotong walking towards the medical center with a basket in her hand.

She thought for a while, quickly called Fuzhu over, whispered a few words in her ear, Fuzhu understood.

The sedan chair continued to move forward, and a smile appeared on Le Yan's face.

Fu Zhu ran to Yao Tong's side, and when he reached him, he bowed and said, "Brother, my lady invites you to meet."

When Yaotong saw the talisman, a gleam of light burst into his eyes, "Where is it? Take me there."

"Come with me." Fuzhu said.

"Okay!" Yao Tong moved forward excitedly.

Since the banquet that day, he was afraid of causing trouble to Le Yan'er, so he never saw her again, but he still cared about her every move. Whenever she and Mr. Zhao went out to inspect the shop, he would So he followed the crowd from a distance and took a look, and was relieved to see that she was in good condition.

"Brother, here we are, right in front." Fu Zhu led him to an inconspicuous alley, where Le Yan's sedan chair was parked.

He put the basket on the ground.

At this time, the car curtain was lifted, and Le Yan walked down.

As soon as she saw Yaotong, she immediately ran over, took his hands, and happily spun around in place, "Brother, I'm so happy, so happy."

Yaotong was taken aback for a moment, and looked down at the hand she was holding. Suddenly, his face became slightly hot, his ears turned red, and his heart was pounding.

He had never seen such a cheerful and unrestrained Le Yan'er. She had always been reserved and cautious, and now she was like this, which showed that she must be very happy.

Although he didn't understand what made her so happy, but seeing her happy, he was also very happy, and followed her around in circles.

After a while, Le Yan'er finally stopped, stood where she was, looked at Yao Tong happily, gasped slightly, the smile on her face was like sunshine, and she didn't even notice that the hairpin on her head was crooked.

Yaotong looked at her, stretched out his hand involuntarily, reinserted the hairpin for her, and asked, "What happened, you are so happy."

"I finally met the person I want to see the most, and fortunately, she has always been thinking about me. In order to find me, she traveled a long distance to Qizhou." Le Yan made no secret of it said.

The first person she thought of sharing this joy was Yao Tong.

"Really? That's great! Le Yan'er, seeing you so happy, then this person must be very important to you." Yao Tong was also happy for her.

"Yes, it's my most important person." Because, that's the mother I miss so much.

Yaotong looked at her with a smile.

"Little brother, how are you recently?" Le Yan finally calmed down and asked.

Yaotong nodded, "I'm good, don't worry."

"That time..." Le Yan's eyes dimmed slightly, "You were arrested by Aunt Li and Zhao Minxian, saying that you were not familiar with me..."

"That's to lie to them! I know you well, of course I do." Yao Tong explained quickly.

"No, I just feel... I'm so sorry for making you wronged in public." Le Yan said guiltily, it was because of her that Yaotong was involved.

"I'm not wronged, Le Yan'er, because, because it's you, I'm not wronged at all." Yao Tong's cheeks began to feel hot again.

After hearing this, Le Yan moved forward, took Yao Tong's hand again, looked at him with amber eyes, and said, "Thank you, little brother, for always standing by my side and helping me."

"I will always stand by your side, Le Yan'er." Yao Tong's eyes were shining brightly, with a smile on his lips, Le Yan stared into his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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