First-class daughter

Chapter 1497 Urgent

Chapter 1497 Urgent
Chapter 1497 Urgent
Only then did Le Yan realize that the little brother's eyes are really beautiful, like the brightest stars in the sky.

No matter where she goes, she will never, never forget those eyes, never, never forget.


When Le Yan returned home and walked into Zhao's gate, she finally calmed down from the ecstasy of meeting her mother.

"Miss, you are back. Madam and Madam invite you to come over." At this time, Madam Zhang who was beside Madam Zhao came over and bowed.

"I'll go and change clothes first." Le Yan said.

She is now living as Zhao Liuxian, living in the Zhao family, and has received the kindness of the Zhao family. Then, while she is still here, she must be a good daughter of the Zhao family.

"Yes, miss, this servant will help you change." Madam Zhang signaled the maid to take Zhao Liuxian's clothes and change them on.

When I arrived at the old lady's yard, before I entered the house, when I was under the eaves, I heard voices talking and laughter inside.

It was only then that Le Yan realized that there were guests here today. She collected herself, the maid opened the curtain, Le Yan nodded slightly and walked in, calling, "Grandmother, mother."

"Le Yan'er turned around, come quickly, come to grandma." Madam Zhao was very happy to see her precious granddaughter.

"Le Yan'er, come, I have met your Aunt Guo." Luo Shi smiled and looked at his daughter, and said.

It was only then that Le Yan discovered that there were other people in this room. The person called Aunt Guo was a graceful and rich woman. She occasionally heard people from the Zhao family mention that this family named Guo was a prominent family in Lincheng, and she had been with her all the time. The Zhao family has contacts.

"Hello Madam Qi." Le Yan bowed to Madam Qi and called out.

She has a gentle voice and elegant manner, revealing a kind of natural nobility.

Madam Qi saw her, she nodded repeatedly, and said, "Liu Xian'er is getting more and more beautiful, the more I look at it, the more I like it."

"Madam Qi is too much." Le Yan nodded slightly.

Le Yan'er sat down beside Mrs. Zhao, with a slight smile on her face, listening carefully and obediently to what they were saying, sometimes saying a word or two.

After all, she was a princess once, and her words and deeds, her manners and manners, made the elders like her very much.

"Old Madam Zhao, in fact, I came here this time to say something important, just in case you have forgotten it." While talking, Mrs. Qi suddenly changed the subject and said.

"I don't know what Mrs. Qi said, what is it?" Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao looked at each other and asked.

"Puhaha..." Mrs. Qi just opened her mouth, and laughed out loud, causing the rest of the people to look at each other.

"Madam Qi, this is..." Mrs. Zhao was puzzled.

Mrs. Qi got up, walked in front of Le Yan, held her hand, and said, "Mrs. Zhao, the baby kiss we made for Qi Yan and Liu Xian, you Zhao family have not forgotten, right? If you want to formally order this good wife, I'm afraid you will forget it, and my heart will be taken away by others."

Liuxian is so good-looking, so sensible, and I heard that he has a talent for doing business. In two or three years, I'm afraid the Zhao family's threshold will be trampled. She has to formalize this child quickly.

"I think it's something, I remember it, I remember it naturally." Mrs. Zhao came back to her senses and said, "By the way, Qi Yan will be fourteen this year, I still remember, that child is very good-looking and very clever .”

"You still remember, at that time Liuxian was six years old and Qi Yan was ten years old. When Qi Yan saw Liuxian, he couldn't move his eyes. He came to tell me that he wanted to marry this younger sister as his wife when he grew up, haha Haha." Madam Qi said, laughing heartily.

Mrs. Zhao and Luo Shi also laughed.

"Remember, at that time Liuxian was crying for some reason, but Qi Yan was so anxious that he took out all his sister's things to Liuxian..."

Le Yan was taken aback: Zhao Liuxian still has such a marriage?
However, she has no memory of Zhao Liuxian, so she doesn't know who this Qi Yan is or what he looks like.

But she could tell that both the Zhao family and the Qi family were satisfied with this marriage, and even Mrs. Zhao, an old lady with a very high spirit and vision, had no intention of objecting, but kept smiling instead.

The Qi family was in Lincheng, and it took two days to travel there, so the Zhao family left Mrs. Qi to live in the mansion for a few days.

Not long after Le Yan returned to her yard, Luo Shi came over.

"Mother." Le Yan stood up and called out.

"Liu Xian'er, sit down." Luo Shi walked over and said lovingly.

"Mother, Mrs. Qi has already rested." Le Yan said.

"Yes, I've already rested." After Luo Shi signaled the maid beside her to step back, she said to her daughter, "Liu Xian'er, you don't really remember that child Qi Yan."

Le Yan was slightly stunned. She was six years old. According to Zhao Liuxian's memory, she definitely remembered it, but she really didn't remember anything. "Mother, it's been a long time, and my daughter really doesn't remember clearly."

"Liu Xian'er, don't worry, you are the apple of our eye, and no one will force you to do things you don't want to do, especially in this marriage, we won't let you be with someone you don't like. Married. What I said to Mrs. Qi today is just superficial, she brought a few boxes of gold and silver jewelry, if you don't like Qi Yan at all, we won't accept anything, and we will return them all."

It turned out that Mrs. Zhao made a special trip to talk to her about this.

Le Yan'er was suddenly moved, and also happy for Zhao Liuxian. Like herself, she had a very good mother.

She doesn't know how the real Zhao Liuxian will choose, but she... can't agree to this marriage, because she will leave here with her mother after all. How does the family face the Qi family?
So, Le Yan said, "Mother, my daughter is still young, I don't understand these things about men and women, I will regret it later, I think it's better to reject Mrs. Qi first, and it won't be too late to talk about it when my daughter grows up."

Mrs. Zhao nodded and said, "Liu Xian'er is very considerate. I discussed it with your grandmother and father just now, and I think so too. If that's the case, we'll go back to Mrs. Qi."

"Thank you mother." Le Yan said.

"You should rest earlier." Mrs. Zhao urged a few more words before leaving.

Tianyue Inn.

Lian Siyue sat on the chair, her eyes were thoughtful, at this moment, all she could think about was Feng Qianyue from the previous life.

Miraculously found Le Yan, she let go of a huge rock in her heart, and now she is even more urgent to confirm whether Mr. Huaixie is Feng Qianyue.

(End of this chapter)

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