First-class daughter

Chapter 1498 Conspiring to Death

Chapter 1498 Conspiring to Death
Chapter 1498 Conspiring to Death
If it is completely confirmed that Mr. Huaixie is Feng Qianyue, what should she do?

There is a saying that the cause of the previous life is the result of this life. Feng Qianyue tortured her, Yun Zheng and Le Yan in the previous life, so many blood debts will be repaid in this life.

This life was even more ruthless and merciless, causing her entire family to be burned in a sea of ​​flames. It was too horrible to look at. He should die a thousand times too!

The blood boiling inside was like a raging fire.


Feng Qianyue stood in the yard, looking up at the tree not far away.

Yao Tong walked over, followed his gaze, but saw nothing, and asked curiously, "My lord, what are you looking at, I think you have been looking at it for almost half an hour. "

"Spiders and webs." Feng Qianyue said, keeping his eyes on the front.

"Spider and web?" Yao Tong looked in Feng Qianyue's direction again, but still saw nothing. He walked forward a few steps, and finally saw what the young master said, it turned out to be a small spider web, Hanging in the middle of the branches and leaves, there is a little spider trying to climb up, "My lord, this spider web is already torn, and it's going to rain again, I think my spider will fall down soon."

Feng Qianyue looked at the spider and said, "When I saw it just now, I thought the same way as you did, but now half an hour has passed, and instead of falling, it spit out some silk, getting closer and closer to the target. It’s getting closer. Therefore, when you want to do something, as long as you identify your goal and keep working hard, it’s always right.”

After hearing this, Yao Tong became interested in the spider, stood a little closer, raised his head to observe carefully, and after a while, the spider was almost only a finger away from the topmost gaze.

Just when Yaotong was about to cheer, at this time, a huge dragonfly suddenly flew towards the face, rushing through the already crumbling spider web, the spider web was burst suddenly, and the little spider clung to a thread. , trying to continue to climb up, but after floating back and forth a few times, it fell to the ground facing the broken spider web and disappeared.

And the dragonfly that broke through the spider web was also entangled by the spider silk, hovering in mid-air, unable to use its wings to continue flying.

"What a pity! We're going to the destination soon!" Yao Tong couldn't help sighing.

The expression on Feng Qianyue's face paused slightly.

"Young Master, I think timing is very important. Even if this little spider is a little faster, it will not die with this dragonfly." Yao Tong said regretfully.

"Timing is important. If you miss it, you lose everything."

When Yao Tong heard Feng Qianyue's words, he was slightly taken aback, and looked back: he saw a look on the young master's face that he couldn't understand, it seemed that it was not only because of the cobweb and the little spider.

"Young Master..." He couldn't help calling out, what are you thinking, Young Master, Princess Hengqin?
Ever since Princess Heng had dinner with him, the young master has been in a state of reminiscence, and occasionally there will be a rare smile on his face, just like a man in love.

He always felt that the Young Master was hiding too many things, and so far, he still couldn't see through it at all.

"Where did your master go?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"Master?" Yao Tong was stunned, and said, "I didn't see him in the morning, and he wasn't there when I went to the medical center. I thought, I should go to see the medicinal materials."

"The medical clinic is running well now. Your master has contributed a lot. I hope you can improve your medical skills and surpass your master in the future." Feng Qianyue turned her head, looked at him, and said.

Yaotong scratched his head embarrassingly, and said, "Young Master, Master is not something that can be surpassed at will. If I follow Master with such an attitude, I will lose my sense of awe sooner or later."

Feng Qianyue shook her head, and said, "You are talented, but you are old-fashioned. If one day, you understand what it means to be a master, maybe you won't think so."

"However, I never thought about being a master." Yao Tong said.

"Don't want to be a master?"

"Yeah, I just need to live with a clear heart." Yao Tong said.

"Worthless?" Feng Qianyue chewed on these words.

"Yes, I have no shame in my heart." Yao Tong said.


in a corner not far away.

Wu Yong looked at Feng Qianyue for a while, a look of deepness flashed across his face, he turned around, walked outside the house, went out, and went to the medical clinic.

As he walked, he remembered the exhortation of the late emperor, no matter what, he must save the life of the Fourth Highness.

to the hospital.

He ordered the boy to close the door of the clinic and sent everyone away.

Then, he walked to the desk, opened the drawer, and took out a book about poison inside.

There are detailed records of the effects of various poisons, etc., among which there are some colorless and odorless poisons.

He gripped the book tightly and murmured, "In those days, my son often read this book, thinking that he was planning to poison Princess Heng to death while she was unconscious, but he never did it. Now It seems that the young master is lost and does not know where to go, so he can't drag on any longer, only the death of Prince Heng can make it all right."

Thinking about this, he opened the medicine cabinet and took out some of the medicinal materials. First, he ground the medicinal materials into powder, then poured the powder into a bottle, added water, and stirred well.

Then, pour in some medicine, and put it aside, waiting for the medicine powder to settle. After an hour, the medicine powder at the bottom of the bottle is covered with a layer of transparent watery liquid.

He took out this part of the liquid and put it into another bottle. After staring at it for a while, he covered the bottle with a cap and hid it in his cuff.

Then he took out two ingots of gold from the drawer and put them on his body.

After getting everything ready, Wu Yong walked out from the back door of the medical hall.

With no expression on his face, he carried the potion and gold all the way to the Tianyue Inn, and found the grandma who washed clothes in the inn. He put the potion and gold in the hands of the grandma, and said, "Pour these potions in the east. On the clothes of the female guests in the wing room, this is the first payment, and the second payment will be given after the work is completed."

Grandma has been washing clothes for people all her life, and she has never seen so much gold, so she didn't ask any questions, and said briskly, "Yes, yes, don't worry, my boy, the clothes in the east wing have just been hung up to dry. "

Wu Yong said, "You go and do it now."

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away." With the gold in her arms, Grandma hurried to the other side of the yard, and poured the potion on Lian Siyue's clothes.

After seeing this scene with his own eyes, Wu Yong's eyes flashed coldness, and his eyes fell on the water bag that Grandma just took a sip of. Taking advantage of Grandma's unpreparedness, he put some powder into the water bag.

(End of this chapter)

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