First-class daughter

Chapter 1504 It's been a long time

Chapter 1504 It's been a long time

Chapter 1504 It's been a long time

"So there is such a thing." Lian Siyue said calmly with a faint smile on his face.

Feng Qianyue actually saved Le Yan'er from a beggar?
And it seems that Le Yan'er is very grateful for this matter, if she knows that Mr. Huaixie is her father who is not as good as a beast, what will she do?
Lian Siyue can't predict it, so the best way is to never let Le Yan'er know that Huaixie is Feng Qianyue.

Thinking of this, the expression between her brows and eyes became more relaxed.

"I just said it in passing, Miss Zhao doesn't have to take it to heart all the time." Feng Qianyue said, sat down on the rosewood chair opposite the two, picked up the tea on the side, and took a sip.

Le Yan sat beside Lian Siyue, leaning in her direction involuntarily.

Lian Siyue vaguely recalled the exact same situation in her previous life.

At that time, they were also sitting like this, but his expression was cold and hard, as if he was always thousands of miles away from their mother and daughter, Le Yan was trembling, and always looked at the opposite father with expectant eyes in his clothes.

Often, however, he was able to look at them without looking up at all.

At that time, she always thought that he was too busy with official duties, so he always took care of her with all his heart, and he did everything by himself, and seldom handed over to his slaves.

This is, no matter what she does, his heart is actually long gone from them.

"Princess, this marzipan cake is really delicious, try it." At this moment, Le Yan'er handed a piece of sugar cake in front of her, interrupting her thoughts.

"Okay." With a natural expression on her face, she took the sugar cake and chewed it in her mouth. It was really delicious, it melted in the mouth, sweet but not greasy.

Feng Qianyue looked at the two people opposite, and said, "Miss Zhao and Princess Wang are not unfamiliar."

Le Yan was slightly taken aback, and said, "I like everyone who has helped me."

"I know, you are a very grateful child." A faint expression appeared on Feng Qianyue's face.

Hearing this sentence, Lian Siyue's hand holding the teacup slightly tightened.

"Miss, the master's business is almost over, and I will wait for you to go back together later." At this moment, Fu Zhu, the servant at the door, said.

After hearing this, Le Yan showed a look of regret on her face, and said, "I originally thought about having a meal with the princess and the young master, but now I can't, next time, I have to go first, and I can't let my father wait." on."

Lian Siyue stood up, held her hand, and said, "Okay, next time, be careful on the road."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry." Le Yan secretly squeezed Lian Siyue's wrist and said.

Lian Siyue nodded slightly.

Le Yan said to Feng Qianyue again, "Uncle, I'm leaving first, see you next time."

"Okay." Feng Qianyue nodded and said.

Le Yan turned around, with a smile on her face, and left here happily.

Feng Qianyue looked at her back, and said, "This girl is much more cheerful than when she was the inn's mistress just now. In fact, I suspect that she is not the Zhao family's daughter at all."

When Lian Siyue heard this, her heart trembled, and she said, "Isn't it the Zhao family's daughter? Why would Mr. Huaixie say that?"

Feng Qianyue didn't hide this matter from Lian Siyue, saying, "She was harmed by the Zhao family and couldn't go home, so she could only live in the Tianyue Inn. During the interview, I heard that she had a dream. , She wanted to kill her father in her dream, how could she have such respect for Zhao Yang. Moreover, she said that she is from the capital, I once wondered if he might be the seed left by a certain highness. But looking at her, she is very happy to stay in Qizhou now, so I don't care about that much, anyway, she has to be responsible for her own affairs."

"So that's how it is." Lian Siyue did not expect that Feng Qianyue had secretly observed Zhao Liuxian.

"Have you read my painting?" Feng Qianyue asked.

Lian Siyue raised her eyes slowly, looked at him with a pair of sharp eyes, pursed her lips and said nothing, those eyes made Feng Qianyue's heart tremble.

He picked up the teacup in front of him, lowered his head to drink tea, and avoided her gaze, but his heart beat faster involuntarily. Why did her eyes suddenly appear like this, as if she was looking at an acquaintance.

Did she see through something?

No, it's impossible, his face is completely another person, when he gets along with her, he pays special attention to his every word and deed, almost doing things in the opposite way from his original habit.

She can't see it.

"I've seen this painting." Lian Siyue said.

"How?" Feng Qianyue asked, her heart trembling again.

"His Royal Highness Suwen's calligraphy is well written. I never thought his paintings would be so good." Lian Siyue looked at the man in front of him quietly and said.

"..." Feng Qianyue held the teacup and was about to put it into his mouth when he suddenly stopped.

what does she say?
"Feng Qianyue, it's been a long time." Lian Siyue's voice was cold, holding the hand on the back of the chair, secretly exerting force, these six words seemed to have exhausted the strength of a lifetime.

Feng Qianyue slowly put down the cup, the surprised expression on her face faded, she looked very calm, and said, "When I first saw you in my clinic, I never thought that you would still be alive in this life. I can see you in this way." He said, raised his eyes, and looked at her, "Lian Siyue, long time no see."

"Hehe..." Lian Siyue smiled.

"How did you know that I was Feng Qianyue?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"This painting is exactly the same in style and technique as Feng Qianyue, so I affirm without hesitation that Mr. Huaixie is Feng Qianyue." Lian Siyue didn't say that she had felt something before, but only mentioned Feng Qianyue to her. painting.

painting?Feng Qianyue was slightly stunned, "I have never painted a portrait of you, if I remember correctly, you have only seen me write, not a portrait."

"..." There was a meaningful smile on Lian Siyue's face.

That's right, I've never seen it in this life, but I've seen it in my previous life!

At that time, she admired him very much, so she admired his painting skills, and quietly kept a portrait he drew of her as a treasure, so she saw through the painting at a glance.

"Who said I haven't seen it, I've seen it a lot." Lian Siyue said, the expression on his face gradually became cold and hard.

"..." A look of doubt flashed in Feng Qianyue's eyes, "Impossible, I have a good memory, you haven't seen it before."

"Is it important whether you have seen it or not, and how you have seen it? The important thing is that you are Feng Qianyue." Lian Siyue shook his hand and touched the dagger hidden in his sleeve.

"Hahahahahahaha..." Feng Qianyue laughed suddenly, then stopped abruptly, and said, "That's right, Wu Yong changed my face according to the late emperor's instructions, so I became the current I have become the current Mr. Huaixie, and I have lived to this day because of this."

(End of this chapter)

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