First-class daughter

Chapter 1505 end it!

Chapter 1505 end it!
Chapter 1505 end it!
"No matter what I become, you can still recognize me, Lian Siyue, shouldn't I be happy? It means you always remember me deeply!" Feng Qianyue sat on the wide chair with a smile on her face. With a faint smile, he said.

"That's because... I've always been thinking about you, Your Highness." There was a hint of coldness in Lian Siyue's voice.

The expression on Feng Qianyue's face slowly cooled down, and he said, "I still don't understand why you hate me so much from the beginning. I still remember the first time I saw you in Xiangfu, you The look in his eyes seems to be looking at a person who has a deep hatred, Lian Siyue, why, why?"

Lian Siyue glanced at the door, there were several guards, Kong Wu looked powerful, these were hired by Feng Qianyue, it seemed that he knew his sins were serious, and he was always afraid that someone would come to claim his life, so the guards were so Multiple.

Then...she touched the dagger in her sleeve, if she didn't kill Feng Qianyue with one blow, then those guards rushed over and kicked her away to save Feng Qianyue.

"Lian Siyue, why don't you talk? I've thought about this question for a long time, but I still don't understand. What's wrong with you?"

"Does the Fourth Highness want to know?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Yes, I want to know." Feng Qianyue said.

"Okay, I'll tell you, you come with me." Lian Siyue got up and walked out the door.

Feng Qianyue was slightly startled, stood up, followed Lian Siyue and walked out.

Lian Siyue walked very slowly, step by step, the leaves occasionally fell on her body, her shadow was stretched very long by the sunlight, Feng Qianyue followed behind her.

In fact, her eyes have been secretly observing these guards, their distance from the front hall, their speed, what should she do to successfully insert the dagger into Feng Qianyue's heart!

And Feng Qianyue was thinking, now that she knows his identity, what does she want?kill him?torture him?Will his true identity be made public?
"Did you find out Yun Zheng's whereabouts?" Lian Siyue said suddenly, stopped in her tracks, and asked.

At this time, the distance from the nursing home was already relatively far.

Feng Qianyue's face changed slightly, and he said, "How would I know his whereabouts? Even you don't know, you've been tracking it down, haven't you?"

"You've been investigating too." Lian Siyue said in a positive tone. "And you are going to Mobei, you want to kill him, don't you?" Lian Siyue suddenly turned around, looked at him, and asked.

Up to now, Feng Qianyue doesn't intend to hide anymore, "Yes, I want to get rid of him! I want to get rid of him even in my dreams! He got everything I dreamed of, but I have nothing! So , I want to kill him day and night! This kind of thought has never stopped!"

"So, where is he? Tell me! Tell me quickly!" Lian Siyue stepped forward, with tears in his eyes, and said, "You know, tell me."

Feng Qianyue saw that Lian Siyue actually had the intention of begging, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled wryly, "I never thought that Lian Siyue, for the sake of a man, would put down your posture like this."

"What do you want? Are you willing to tell me?" Lian Siyue said with a trembling voice, "Feng Qianyue, I have never begged you, this time I beg you, let me know Yun Zheng's whereabouts, I am too Haven't heard from him for a long time."

At this moment, Lian Siyue is just a woman who has been looking forward to her husband for a long time.

"Hehe..." Feng Qianyue said, "Even Siyue, you recognize me, do you think I will tell you? Didn't I say, I want to kill him?"

Yes, he didn't want to tell her that seeing how much she cared about Feng Yunzheng made him feel unhappy, and even had a cruel idea that it would be best for Feng Yunzheng to die in Mobei, or be robbed by that woman named Ti Li. husband.

In this case, Lian Siyue would be in pain.

Abandoned by Feng Yunzheng, besides him, Feng Qianyue would want her, who else would want her?

Lian Siyue's face turned pale, she took two steps back, staggered, fell to the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "Yun Zheng..."

Feng Qianyue walked over, squatted in front of her, and said, "Lian Siyue, do you know why I gave you a gift, a picture scroll?"

"Why?" Lian Siyue asked, with tears in his eyes.

"Originally, when I saw you for the first time, I had a chance to kill you, because at that time, you were still in a coma, and it was easy for me to kill you." Feng Qianyue looked at Lian Siyue, Slowly raised his hands, holding her shoulders, his hands were trembling, and his eyes were filled with scarlet, as if he was fighting fiercely with his own heart, "But I didn't, because I couldn't be cruel, I actually I hope you live. When you wake up, I even... even secretly rejoice that I have another face now. Can I re-enter your world like a stranger and let you know it again? I, can I... make you look differently."

"What's more..." Lian Siyue looked at him closely, her voice trembling, but at this time, her hand had already clenched the dagger tightly, but Feng Qianyue was too excited and forgetful, so she didn't notice it.

"Also, Lian Siyue, you and I just framed each other and tortured each other. I killed hundreds of your family and you made me down to this day. Everything has been evened out. So far, from the scriptures onwards, don't How about going to investigate further?" Feng Qianyue asked, her eyes fixed on her, and the hands holding her shoulders gradually tightened.

But Lian Siyue just looked at him quietly like this, "Feng Qianyue..." She called his name word by word, from past life to present life.

Suddenly, she slammed the sharp dagger in her hand towards Feng Qianyue's heart!This is when he is most defenseless!
This knife almost used up all the strength in Lian Siyue's body!

The dagger penetrated deeply!
The mournful expression on her face was gone, replaced by a touch of coldness and rejection!

Feng Qianyue had an unbelievable look on his face. He lowered his head and looked at the dagger in front of his chest. It was inserted so deep, so deep. He slowly raised his hand and held the dagger. The blood soon turned red. Drop by drop fell to the ground.

"You...why..." There was a painful expression on his face.

"..." Lian Siyue stood up, her usual indifference and ruthlessness returned to her face, "Feng Qianyue, you let me go because you want me to live again! You just want everything to go according to your ideas, you It's about being a new you, and you want your own redemption, so imagine yourself forgiving a lot of people.

As you said, you want to enter my world with another face, and watch me being deceived by you, tricked by you, played around by you, you cover up your stains, and watch it like a joke Looking at us...Feng Qianyue, everything about you makes me feel so disgusted! "

"...Hmm..." Feng Qianyue felt his body tremble, and leaned forward, his eyes were bulging, like two gongs, and the eyeballs were about to fly out!
"You have never changed, you are still you, even if you turn into ashes, you are still you! Feng Qianyue! Feng Qianyue!" Lian Siyue said word by word.

"My lord, my lord!" At this time, the guard in the distance saw this situation and ran over quickly.

Seeing the dagger stuck in Feng Qianyue's chest, everyone was startled, and pulled out the saber at his waist with a swish.

And Leng Mei leaped from the side, and drew out his sword to stand in front of Lian Siyue, saying, "Who dares? This is Prince Heng of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the Mr. Huaixie you are talking about is not Mr. Huaixie. He is a key criminal of the imperial court!"

(End of this chapter)

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