First-class daughter

Chapter 1507 End

Chapter 1507 End
Chapter 1507 End
Le Yan will even tell the process of Siyue and Feng Qianyue getting acquainted and becoming a relative by mistake.

Feng Qianyue couldn't believe it, but what the child said was exactly the same as what he experienced in his dream, even the details were the same, without any deviation.

"My mother from the previous life married you, she was so happy, she thought that you were also willing to marry her from the bottom of my heart, and secretly swore that I would treat you well and think of you for the rest of my life.

She knows that you were not born well, and she cares most about this, so she desperately helps you. You want to be an emperor, and you will do everything you can to become an emperor. Mother always does what you want, and she hopes that you If you can get what you want, she thinks you will be happy.

Once, in order to make meritorious service in front of the emperor, you prepared a brown bear in advance, and wanted it to bite the emperor, and then you rescued him in time, made meritorious service, and left a good impression in front of the emperor.

However, the person that the brown bear pounced on in the end was not Grandpa Huang, but you!Maybe this brown bear has eyes.

Just when you were about to be bitten by a brown bear, your mother stood in front of you without hesitation, and took over the face that was bitten by a brown bear. There was a lot of blood at that time, and she almost died.

Although he escaped from danger later, his face was destroyed, leaving deep scars.

In order for your mother to continue dedicating and working hard for you, you lied to her that you would remember her sacrifices for the rest of your life, and would never let her down, and that one day, you would become emperor and she would be the only queen.

Mother believed in your vows, and worked harder for you. She would never refuse anything you asked her to do...

However, when you truly become the Ninth Five-Year Master, all the vows of the mountains and seas come to naught.

My poor mother, this woman who has paid the most for you, how can you bear to let her down...

And me, am I not your daughter?Why, why are you so cruel to me... When you torture us, won't your heart ache? "

As Le Yan spoke, tears rolled down her cheeks, with a desolate smile on her face.

Feng Qianyue slowly closed his eyes, in a daze, he seemed to see the woman lying on the ground, the flesh on half of her face was torn off, and blood flowed all over her body.

He saw Lian Siyue wearing a cloak, standing in the snow waiting for him, his hands and face were flushed from the cold, but finally watched him walk towards Lian Shiya's dormitory.

His child knelt outside the hall, begging him to see her mother, but he left in the end and let her catch up without looking back.

He also saw that Lian Siyue lived alone in the cold palace, waiting and looking forward day after day. In such torment, he finally turned his head gray and his legs shrank, making it difficult for him to even get off the ground.


What's more, he watched as he ordered caesarean section, leaving the desperate woman behind...until he tortured her to the point of inhumanity.

These things from the previous life suddenly became clear in his mind, as if they were no longer dreams, but things that had been experienced once...


Now, he finally understood.

Why did Lian Siyue treat him as an enemy from the beginning? That's because she came here for revenge.


He slowly opened his eyes, stared blankly at the person in front of him, his mouth moved, "Le... Le Yan'er..."

The Zhao Liuxian in front of me seems to have slowly changed into Le Yan's own appearance: well-behaved, obedient, docile, always speaking in a low voice, often with a sad expression on her face, and sometimes holding the cakes she made , held it in his hand, sent it to his study, and asked him if he wanted to eat. A pair of timid eyes looked at him longingly, full of reverence and love for him.

This is his child in the dream, and also his child in the previous life.

It turns out that everything in the previous life has been realized through dreams. No wonder, every dream feels so real, as if I experienced it personally.

Even Si Yue and Le Yan'er belonged to him at that time.


He tortured them and abandoned them.

There is no chance to do it again!
Annoyance and remorse welled up in her heart, and Feng Qian became more regretful than before!

He failed her and failed them!

Le Yan looked down at the paper bag in her hand, it was full of her maltose, she just came back to give him maltose to eat.

I just didn't expect to hear such a thing.

Holding the bag of candy in her hand, she stood up and walked out.

Feng Qianyue watched her back go further and further away, feeling a slight throbbing pain in her heart.

Le Yaner...

My daughter... owes you.

Her back became more and more blurred.

Feng Qianyue lay on the ground, feeling more and more blood flowing from her body.

The air around him seemed to freeze, there was no wind, no sound, and his body seemed to be fixed, motionless.

"Do you want to eat it?" After an unknown amount of time, she came to him, took out a piece of malt candy from the paper bag, put it near his mouth, and asked.

Feng Qianyue looked at her and nodded.

She squatted in front of him, helped him up, and let him lean on her.

Her hands trembled, tears welled up in her eyes, watching him take the malt candy into her mouth.

"Is it delicious?" she asked.

Feng Qianyue's heart trembled, and the eyes that looked at her became a little moist.

"Very...sweet..." The maltose melted in his mouth, and the sweetness slowly melted away, and he kept looking at her.

"Eat more, remember this taste, this sweet taste." Le Yan'er took another piece and put it into his mouth.

After eating two pieces of candy, he seemed to be getting better. He slowly raised his hand, held Le Yan's arm, and said, "You... save me... I beg your mother to save me, let me live... I was wrong...I, I regret it...Le Yaner, daughter..."

save him?keep him alive?Does he regret it?
Isn't this the result she wanted to see the most?
But why is there no feeling of joy at all?
Le Yan blinked her eyes, a trace of bitterness appeared on the corner of her lips, and stared at him.

"Hmm..." Suddenly, Feng Qianyue felt a colic in his body, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he was dying.

"It's late..." Le Yan murmured.

He watched helplessly as Feng Qianyue kept bleeding from his mouth.

Feng Qianyue seemed to understand something, her eyes widened like copper bells, staring at the maltose in Le Yan's hand:

This sugar, yes, is it poisonous?

It is the sweetest, but it is also poisonous.

He raised his head and looked at her, with tears streaming down his eyes and a bitter smile on his lips.

A slight smile appeared on Le Yan's face, she stretched out her hand, embraced him, patted his back lightly, and murmured, "Father..."

Her hands trembled.

Everything in front of him was finally far away, he could not see anything anymore, his eyelids closed slowly, the hand holding Le Yan'er's wrist slowly fell down, his head tilted, and fell on Le Yan'er's shoulder , no more movement.

"..." Le Yan'er closed her eyes deeply, and two lines of tears slid down her cheeks, one by one, falling into Feng Qianyue's hair.

When the wind blows, the air seems to have a whimpering sound.

(End of this chapter)

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