First-class daughter

Chapter 1508 They are all dead

Chapter 1508 They are all dead

Chapter 1508 They are all dead

The wind blows, and there seems to be a whimpering sound in the air.

"Father... Le Yan'er hugged Feng Qianyue all the time, from crying silently to breaking down and crying, the crying was full of sorrow.

The sound of footsteps came slowly, Lian Siyue came over, stood in front of Le Yan, squatted down, and stroked the tears on her face, "Le Yan'er..."

Le Yan looked at Lian Siyue and said, "Mother, he's dead, he's finally dead."

Lian Siyue nodded slightly, "Yes, he is dead."

Feng Qianyue, the man who had tortured him so much in his previous life and was still entangled with him for half his life in this life, finally died.

She quietly looked at the man in front of her who had closed her eyes, and her heart suddenly became extraordinarily peaceful. From her previous life to this life, everything disappeared with his death.

All the grievances and grievances finally stopped.

Feng Qianyue, you go!

"Young Master, Young Master...Young Master..."

At this moment, a anxious voice came, and Yaotong ran in panting. Seeing the situation in front of him, he was stunned, took a deep breath, bent his knees, and knelt on the ground :
"Young master... what's wrong with you, young master?"

But Feng Qianyue had already closed her eyes tightly and could no longer hear it.

"What the hell is going on... What's going on..." He trembled, unable to believe everything in front of him.

"Young Master, Young Master!" He yelled loudly, ran over and grabbed Feng Qianyue's hand, but his hand trembled suddenly, and the young master's fingers had already started to become cold, only the palm was still dissipating the warmth .

Hold and hold, the remaining bit of temperature is gone.

Young master... is dead... he... is dead...



Two days later.

In the house of "Young Master Huaixie", in the middle of the courtyard.

Feng Qianyue's body was placed on a high pile of firewood, his eyes were closed, but his face was calm, as if he had fallen asleep.

Yaotong knelt in front of the woodpile, lowered his head and burned paper money, wiping tears while burning.

In the past few days, he only found out that the real identity of the young master is Feng Qianyue, the former Fourth Highness.

He was stabbed to death by Princess Heng himself, because he had slaughtered hundreds of members of the Lian family, and he was a heinous person.

The Qizhou government also treated the young master as a key criminal of the imperial court and reported it to the imperial court.

These days, he has learned a lot about the young master from sister Lengmei.

Yaotong never thought that the young master turned out to be such an identity, such a person.

No wonder, he often feels that the young master is always thoughtful, and his eyes seem far away at this time... Maybe he is thinking about his past

At this time, the haystack was on fire, and the fire became more and more intense, gradually devouring Feng Qianyue's body.

In the end, as the fireworks burned, he finally turned into a pile of ashes.

After the fire was extinguished and cooled down, Yao Tong took Feng Qianyue's ashes bit by bit and put them into a black jar.

"My lord, I hope you will be reborn in an ordinary family in your next life, be a simple and good person, and stop fighting for power..." Yao Tong put the lid on the urn while talking, and carefully sealed it with beeswax.

However, when he held the ashes urn, he was a little dazed, not knowing where to put it.



Lian Siyue stood in the yard, she saw a trace of smoke floating in the air, and the trace of smoke fell on the tree and her body.

The air was filled with the smell of burning, looking east, billows of green smoke rose from the house.

This is Feng Qianyue being cremated.

"Princess..." At this moment, Leng Mei came over, holding a stack of papers in his hand, and said, "Wu Yong is dead, this was found from him, and it was written in the past two days."

Lian Siyue took it, opened it, and read what was written inside.

Seeing this, she was taken aback for a moment, her heart trembling:
Wu Yong said in this final letter that Feng Qianyue was not born to a court lady, nor was she born to the Khitan Queen Mother Zhao Ziying.

His biological mother turned out to be Mrs. Ning, the woman most cherished and cared about by the late emperor in his life.

Born to Mrs. Zining?
Lian Siyue was taken aback for a moment, he was born by Zining?
If Zi Ning was born, based on the late emperor's memory of Zi Ning, Feng Qianyue would definitely not have been neglected since she was a child.

But at that time, Zhao Ziying said that she gave birth.

Even Si Yue thought about it for a while, and then figured it out, people's hearts are unpredictable, even sisters may turn against each other.

What is it to drop a child?
When Lengmei walked out, he saw Yao Tong sitting on the steps of the door, holding a black jar in his hand, in a daze.

She was startled.

Yao Tong turned his head, his face was full of tears, his eyes were red, and he asked, "Is my master dead too?"

"He poisoned the princess. If the princess hadn't been sensitive and found out early, the person who died would be the princess." Leng Mei said.

Yaotong wiped away his tears and said, "Master often said that doctors are benevolent and strict with me, but they always told me to study medicine hard and benefit the villagers. I never thought that Master would do this."

"So, don't resent the princess. He tried to kill the princess and almost succeeded. If the current emperor finds out, he might not be the only one who dies." Leng Mei said.

Yaotong finally cried out, "Sister, I know that my master is wrong, but I am still very sad. I also know that the young master is also wrong, and I am still very sad. I am really sad now, very sad... ..."

Seeing him like this with cold eyebrows, he sighed slightly, walked to sit next to him, and said, "I know, you are very sad, one is your master, and the other is your master."

Yaotong sobbed and said, "They're all dead."

Asked coldly, "I asked the princess, she said that the medical center can let you inherit. Do you have any plans?"

Yaotong shook his head, and said, "I don't know, but my medical skills are still inexperienced. If I inherit the clinic, I'm afraid I will disappoint the patients."

Leng Mei raised his hand, patted his shoulder, and said, "It's okay, don't worry, you think about it slowly, come to me when you think about it, and I will tell the princess."

"Sister, why are you being nice to me?" Yao Tong asked.

Leng Mei froze slightly, did not speak, stood up, patted his shoulder again, and walked out.

Because there is a person who looks like him when he was a child, and he is very similar.

Night Breeze, where are you?Why don't you come to me?
I, waiting for you, have been waiting for you.


At this moment, someone came outside, the personal maid of "Zhao Liuxian", begging to see Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue immediately let her in, she knelt down and said, "My lady, my lady is sick, she has been in a daze for two days and two nights, my old lady is dying of anxiety.

When the young lady was in a coma, she said that she wanted to see you. Now the old lady, the old lady, the old lady asked me to invite Wangfei to come over. "

Upon hearing this, Lian Siyue stood up abruptly and said, "Quickly, take me there!"

(End of this chapter)

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