Chapter 1509 Come with me
Chapter 1509 Come with me
Lian Siyue went all the way to Zhao's house in a sedan chair. On the way, she kept holding on to the handkerchief tightly, burning with anxiety.

She understood that Le Yan must have been hit too hard.

Mr. Huaixie was the uncle she liked, but it was Feng Qianyue who found out this fact, and Feng Qianyue died.

The facts change too quickly, the emotions are too intense, and suddenly fell ill.

The old lady of the Zhao family was already waiting at the door. Seeing Lian Siyue, she hurriedly knelt down and said, "I should have come to invite Wangfei in person, but really..."

"Old lady, it's all right. I heard that Le...Miss Zhao is not in good health, so I'll come over to see where she is now?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Thank you, Princess, come with me." Mrs. Zhao quickly brought Lian Siyue to Zhao Liuxian's room. As soon as she walked in, she saw Luo Shi sitting in front of the bed with red eyes. Several doctors were checking the pulse. Walk up and down the room.

Seeing Lian Siyue, she hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Princess, my Liu Xian'er said that she wants to see you..."

"I see." Lian Siyue nodded.

When she saw the person on the bed, her heart tightened, and she wished she could walk over immediately, hold her daughter in her arms, take good care of her, and comfort her.

"Princess, my daughter doesn't know what's wrong. She's fine, but she suddenly fell ill. The doctor saw her and took medicine, but she couldn't get better." Luo Shi's eyes were red from crying.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look." Lian Siyue walked to the bed, and immediately someone brought a chair over and asked her to sit down.

Behind everyone's back, Lian Siyue's eyes showed a hint of distress, and tears glistened.

She stretched out her hand, held Le Yan'er's hand tightly, and said, "I'm here."

Le Yan'er, who had her eyes closed tightly, probably heard this sentence, although she didn't open her eyes immediately, a line of tears slowly fell from her eyes.

"Liu Xian'er is crying..." Luo Shi said with a trembling heart when he saw the tears.

"Shh!" Zhao Bo hurriedly signaled her to stop talking.

Lian Siyue turned around and said, "You two, can I talk to Miss Zhao alone."

"But..." Luo Shi wanted to say something, but Zhao Bao stopped him and said, "Yes, Wangfei, I will leave the little girl to you."

"..." Lian Siyue nodded.

Zhao Bo, Luo Shi, and their subordinates withdrew one by one.

Luo Shi walked to the door of the room, took a few steps forward, and then turned around, "They...Master, why do I feel a little strange?"

"Why is it so strange?" Zhao Bo asked.

"If Liu Xian'er is sick, the person she relies on the most should be me, and the person who guards every step of the way should also be me. Why does the person she wants now be the princess? Except for us, Xian'er and the princess at the banquet I've seen it before, but I'm not familiar with it at other times." As a mother, Luo Shi is naturally much more sensitive than Zhao Gong.

Zhao Guan paused when he heard this, and said, "I heard that she also went to the inn to look for the princess."

"Strange, the current Liu Xian'er is really different from the previous Liu Xian'er. How could the former Liu Xian'er take the initiative to get acquainted with others?" Luo Shi said.

"Hey, don't think about it too much, the princess is a princess after all, maybe Liu Xian'er wants to ask the princess for something." Zhao Bo said.

"However, the moment the concubine held Liu Xian'er's hand just now, she shed tears, and I have been comforting her by the side, but she didn't respond." Luo Shi always felt that something was wrong.

A flash of thought flashed in Zhao Bo's eyes.

"Master, let's find a way to prevent Liu Xian'er from meeting the princess." For some reason, Luo Shi suddenly felt uneasy.

"Shhh!" Zhao Guan said hastily, "We invited the princess to our door today, it would be bad if word got out, so don't say anything."

Luo Shi pursed his lips and remained silent, but his brows were deeply frowned. When he arrived at his other courtyard, he suddenly remembered something, and said, "Have you heard that Mr. Huaixie next door is actually the Fourth Highness of the court? In order to avoid being chased and killed, she changed her appearance, but was still seen through by Prince Heng, who was arrested on the spot and executed on the spot."

"Of course I heard about it. Thinking about it, I broke out in a cold sweat. He is a beggar from the court, and we cooperated with him. Fortunately, we were not implicated in it, otherwise the Zhao family would suffer." Zhao Hou said fearfully.

"I never thought of it..." Luo Shi sighed and said.



All the people left, Lian Siyue signaled Leng Mei to stand guard at the door.

She held Le Yan'er's hand tightly, put it on her lips, and softly called out, "Le Yan'er, I am mother, my good boy, I am here, wake up quickly."

She understood that Le Yan'er was stimulated by Feng Qianyue.

"Le Yaner, Le Yaner, don't be afraid, mother will always be with you, don't be afraid, Le Yaner..."

She sat by the bed, hugged Le Yan in her arms, patted her back lightly, and said softly:

"Le Yan'er, I'm sorry, it's my mother who didn't protect you well... You didn't do anything wrong, it was my mother's mistake, that man was wrong, but you alone, you didn't make any mistakes, don't secretly blame yourself up.

Mother finally found you, and you finally found mother. In the previous life, the relationship between our mother and daughter was too shallow. Now that we meet again, mother wants to make up for you and make you happy and happy.

Le Yan'er, my good boy, don't be too sad..."

Le Yan finally woke up slowly opening her eyes, "Mother, are you here?"

"Le Yan'er..." Lian Siyue's eyes showed joy, "You finally woke up."

"Mother, I'm so sad..." Le Yan said.

Lian Siyue nodded, "Mother knows, mother knows, after all, that person is your father..."

"..." Big tears fell from Le Yan's face, "Yes, he is my father..."

Seeing such Le Yan, Lian Siyue's heart ached unbearably, and she didn't want to leave her for even a moment.

"Le Yan'er, I'm going to find your Uncle Nine Emperors, you can come with me, mother doesn't want to be separated from you anymore."

"Mother, I don't want to be separated from you either."

Le Yan didn't dare to say, every moment of separation, she was afraid that she would not be able to see each other again, and this feeling became more and more intense, she was terrified.


"How do I explain to the people in the Zhao family? They thought I was the real Zhao Liuxian, and everyone treated me very well... If I leave without saying goodbye, they will look for me everywhere." During these days in the Zhao family, Le Yan felt their love and importance for Zhao Liuxian, and she even envied Zhao Liuxian very much for a time.

Lian Siyue pursed her lips, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes, and said, "Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. You are still not the real Zhao Liuxian. Zhao Liuxian is dead."

"Mother, do you want me to fake my death?" Le Yan asked.

"No, if they really die, I'm afraid their hearts will also die. Especially Luo Shi, I am a mother, and even if my beloved child leaves, it will be so painful. So, let them leave a glimmer of hope Right." Lian Siyue already had an idea in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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