First-class daughter

Chapter 1510 The blue is better than the blue

Chapter 1510 The blue is better than the blue
Chapter 1510 The blue is better than the blue
Zhao Liuxian, the most beloved third lady of the Zhao family, suddenly fell ill. The Zhao family invited doctors all over the city, but none of them could cure her, and in the end they were helpless.

Zhao Liuxian lay in bed every day, sometimes unconscious and sometimes talking nonsense.

So someone in the Zhao family said that there is a miracle doctor Dong in Beijing, who is skilled in medicine, and he is a member of His Highness Feng Yunzheng's sect. If he can ask for the help of doctor Dong, maybe he can be cured.

Zhao Bo came to the inn to ask Lian Siyue to see him, and asked Miracle Doctor Dong to come to Qizhou, but Lian Siyue said that Miracle Doctor Dong had disappeared in the black storm and might have died.

Zhao Bo was disappointed and returned home, heaving a sigh.

The Zhao family was shrouded in a layer of gloom, everyone sighed, and Luo Shi couldn't sleep or eat. He always pulled Zhao Guan and said, "Could it be that Liu Xian'er was destined to suffer such a catastrophe? I've been missing for so long, why not?" It’s easy to find it back, and now it’s sick again.”

Zhao Guan said, "Don't believe this, Liu Xian'er is the only legitimate daughter of our Zhao family, auspicious people have their own destiny, she will be fine, don't worry too much."

Luo Shi was preoccupied, and walked into Zhao Liuxian's room.

"Ma'am..." Fu Zhu bowed and said.

Luo Shi raised his hand, signaling the servants to go down first.

I saw her lying on the bed with her eyes closed, her face pale, like a porcelain doll that might break at any moment.

Luo Shi sighed, sat down by the bed, held Zhao Liuxian's hand, and said, "Liuxian'er, don't you want to stay in the Zhao family anymore, our family can't keep you anymore, right?"

When Le Yan'er heard this sentence, her heart trembled slightly, and her fingers moved.

"I always feel that after you came back this time, you are not so close to me. Are you dissatisfied with your mother? Did your mother do something to make you unhappy? If you say it, your mother will change it. Don't think about it." Leave us, okay?"

Luo Shi said softly, tears fell, and he kept holding his daughter's hand tightly.

When Le Yan'er heard what she said, she suddenly felt very sorry for Luo Shi, and also for the Zhao family.

She slowly opened her eyes, eyes misty with tears, looked at Luo Shi, and said softly, "Mother."

Luo Shi was still sad, when he heard the call, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly said, "Liu Xian'er, Liu Xian'er, are you awake?"

"Mother..." Seeing Luo Shi's joyful appearance, Le Yan nodded lightly, "I'm hungry, mother."

"Okay, okay, you're hungry, I'll send someone to bring your favorite food right away, you, you wait." Seeing that his daughter had been in a coma for several days, Luo Shi finally started talking to her, wept with joy, and quickly ordered his servants to bring her love to eat.

She took these things herself, fed them into her daughter's mouth bit by bit, and said, "Liu Xian'er, eat more, and get well soon."

"Mother... I'm sorry..." Le Yan leaned on the bed, holding Luo Shi's hand, and said.

"Silly boy, what are you talking about, as long as you get better, it doesn't matter anything." Luo Shi took out his handkerchief, wiped the sweat off Le Yan's cheeks, and said.

With a faint smile in her eyes, Le Yan said, "Mother, if your daughter recovers, what do you most want to do with your daughter?"

Luo Shi thought for a while and said, "I, there are so many things I want to do, go to Baoniang in the city to make you the most beautiful clothes, and then drag you to buy rouge and gouache, the one you used to like most I heard that the master chef has returned to the country, and I want your father to invite him back to make peach shortcakes for you..."

Luo Shi slightly talked about everything she wanted to do with her daughter.

And Le Yan silently remembered everything in her heart.

A day later, Zhao Liuxian's health improved, and Zhao Bao and others were very happy.

Zhao Liuxian then told Luo Shi that after recovering from his illness, his improvement was not good and he wanted to buy some rouge powder.

Luo Shi readily agreed, asked the servant to prepare the sedan chair, and went out with Liu Xian'er.

In the rouge gouache shop, Luo Shi looked very happy. He bought all kinds of good rouge gouache for Zhao Liuxian, as well as head accessories and earrings. He bought a lot.

The shopkeeper in the store said that Ms. Zhao is as beautiful as a fairy, and she is even more beautiful when paired with these rouge powders. Luo Shi was very happy to hear that, and when she was happy, she rewarded the store with ten taels of silver, and the store kowtowed happily.

After leaving the rouge gouache shop, Luo Shi stepped forward and took Le Yan's hand, and asked, "Liu Xian'er, are you tired? Is your body able to take it?"

"Mother, I'm fine. Don't worry, I like the things you bought very much. Mother, I bought a copy for you too." Zhao Liuxian said.

"Oh? Liu Xian'er bought it for my mother?" Luo Shi was delighted and looked forward to hearing that.

Le Yan took out a red gold ring and bead nine-turn exquisite bracelet from her sleeve, grabbed Luo Shi's hand, put it on for her, and said, "Mother, I just asked the shopkeeper, this bracelet means longevity, safety and health The money to buy the bracelet is the money the daughter got from doing business for her father in those days, and it is the daughter's own money. I bought this bracelet for my mother. I hope that my mother can live a long life and be safe and happy."

Listening to Zhao Liuxian's words, Luo Shi's eyes were moist, and he caressed the bracelet with great care, and said, "Liuxian'er is really sensible, and she knows how to buy things for mother, and mother likes it very much. From now on, I have to wear it every day. on."

"Mother is wearing the bracelet, it's like Liu Xian'er is with her." Le Yan'er said.

Luo Shi was taken aback for a moment when he heard this, but seeing that Zhao Liuxian's face was normal, he was relieved.

It should be that Liu Xian'er has been missing and has been seriously ill. She has thought too much. Liu Xian'er has recovered from her illness and is her daughter again. Where can she go?

"Mother, let's go to Baoniang's to see the wedding dress." Le Yan said.

"Look at the wedding dress? Liu Xian'er, why don't you go home first, go tomorrow or another day, I'm afraid you'll be tired, don't think about what your mother said, just stay with me all the time." Luo Shi said worriedly.

"Mother, it's fine. I've wanted to see it for a long time." Le Yan said.

"Well, let's go to Baoniang's place." Luo Shi told the bearers not to go home, but to go to Baoniang's silk shop.

When she arrived at Silk Village, Baoniang greeted her warmly, and she only praised, "Mrs. Zhao, your life is really good. Miss Zhao is so beautiful. She is already the number one beauty in our Qizhou city. Oh, no, not only In Qizhou alone, if I look around, I've never seen anyone more juicy than Miss Zhao."

Le Yan snuggled up to Luo Shi's side, Luo Shi smiled and patted her hand, and said to Bao Niang, "You, you said the same thing to me before, saying that you have never seen anyone prettier than me."

"Ma'am! Blue comes from blue and is better than blue. Without you, how can there be such a beautiful person as Miss Zhao, don't you think?" Bao Niang laughed and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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