First-class daughter

Chapter 1511 The Last Farewell

Chapter 1511 The Last Farewell

Chapter 1511 The Last Farewell

Le Yan watched Luo Shi and Bao Niang talking, with a slight smile on her face, and obediently followed Luo Shi's side, not saying much.

Luo Shi ordered more than twenty sets of clothes for her at Bao Niang at one time, all of which were made of the best fabrics and the most fashionable styles, which ordinary girls could not wear.

After leaving the silk village, this time he went all the way back to Zhao's house.

When Zhao Minxian heard that Zhao Liuxian ordered more than twenty sets of clothes at a time, he went crazy with anger, fell and beat in the room, crying and said, "She has more than twenty sets at a time, and I have already passed the age." In the first year, I saw that someone came to propose marriage, but I didn't make a new set of clothes, how can I meet people then?"

As she spoke, she fell down on the table and began to cry.

Aunt Li sighed, and said, "Resign yourself to fate, you are a concubine, and you are not as good as her in everything. What happened last time has put us in a situation where we cannot turn over. I can only hope that your father will be the master and let you Marry into a good family, so that you will have someone to rely on in the future."

Zhao Minxian gritted his teeth fiercely, and said, "Mother, I don't want to accept my fate, Zhao Liuxian, a sick child, how can he get whatever he wants, and won't be punished if he doesn't want anything?

The last time Mrs. Qi's family came to matchmaking for Qi Yan and Zhao Liuxian, Zhao Liuxian actually refused. She didn't want someone as good as Qi Yan!Mother, Zhao Liuxian doesn't want it, I want it!

I was thinking, my father really wants to maintain an in-law relationship with the Qi family. As long as there is a woman in the family who can marry into the Qi family, my father will be happy to see it happen. So, mother, let's find a way to let me marry into the Qi family instead of Zhao Liuxian. How about going home? "

Aunt Li's eyes lit up when she heard this, "The Qi family is on par with the Zhao family, and Qi Yan is the favorite in the family. If you can marry him, it would be great!"

"So, mother, let's not argue with Zhao Liuxian head-on. If she doesn't want it, I'll take it. No one will have anything to say."

"Okay, let's figure out a way." Aunt Li Hua said with a flash of thought in her eyes.

After Luo Shi and Le Yan returned to Zhao's house, Le Yan accompanied Luo Shi back to her yard, and said some words of concern to her.

Then, Le Yan returned to her room, took a forehead wipe embroidered by herself, went to Mrs. Zhao's yard, and greeted her.

Mrs. Zhao was very relieved to see her granddaughter in good health. She held her hand and said, "It's not in vain. I prayed for you day and night, and you finally got better. All right, don't worry about it anymore."

After hearing this, Le Yan felt a pang of sadness in her heart. The Zhao family thought she was Liu Xian, but she was not, she had her own destination.

The fate between her and the Zhao family was destined to be so shallow. No matter how sad she felt, she traveled through the past and present in order to reunite with her mother, so she had to leave.

"Grandmother, for the sake of Liuxian, you have bothered. Liuxian is grateful and will remember it for the rest of his life." Le Yan said.

"What is it for a lifetime, as if you are going to leave the Zhao family, you are not allowed to say that in the future, if you say that, grandma will really be angry." Mrs. Zhao felt inexplicably uneasy when she heard her say that, and then Pretend to be angry and authentic.

"Okay, okay, don't say it, I won't say that in the future, grandma, don't be angry." Le Yan'er quickly bowed her head to admit her mistake.

Mrs. Zhao's stern face immediately smiled again, and said, "That's right, the grandmother who said that was terrified."

Le Yan then took out the wiping forehead that she sewed by herself, and said, "I made this for your grandma these days. Grandma has a look, do you like it?"

When Mrs. Zhao heard that the forehead was made by Zhao Liuxian herself, she was very happy. She picked it up and asked the mother to bring it to her. She looked at the bronze mirror, looked at it again, and said, "It's beautiful, it's beautiful, I am Liuxian. My son is really ingenious, and my grandmother likes it very much."

With a slight smile on her face, Le Yan looked at Mrs. Zhao's joyful appearance, and thought to herself: Zhao Liuxian is really a person with little blessings. If he is still alive, he will be loved by thousands of Zhao family.

Unfortunately, she has already passed away.

Hey, everyone has everyone's life.

After leaving Mrs. Zhao's place, she went to Zhao Bo's again.

Zhao Guan was also very happy to see her, and said, "I heard that you learned the bracelet for mother and gave grandma a forehead wipe."

Le Yan nodded slightly, looked at Zhao Bao, and said softly, "Father."

Perhaps because she had never done it before, what she admired most about Zhao Liuxian was that Zhao Liuxian had a good father, who was not lacking in seriousness, but did not show warmth.

She stayed by Zhao Guan's side for a while, not only felt the warmth of a good father, but also learned a lot of useful things.

"Yeah. You're going to take a break recently, and the business at home is not in a hurry. We'll talk about it after you've had a rest." Zhao Bo said.

"Father, you should also take good care of your body and don't work too hard. When your younger brother is sensible, you can take him to study by your side. You don't have to wait until he is too old, so that he will be easy to learn in the future, and father will be much more relaxed in the future. " Le Yan said.

Zhao Bo nodded, and said, "What you said is reasonable, but your brother is still responsible for the Zhao family's affairs."

"Also, when Princess Heng came here that day, I had already asked the concubine, she said that she would greet the people below. From now on, the silk business in sixteen cities including Qizhou will be handled by the Zhao family." Le Yan She said, this is the only thing she can do for the Zhao family, which is to let the Zhao family's family business expand according to Zhao Bo's wishes.

"Really?" Zhao Bao's eyes lit up, he didn't expect such a good thing to happen suddenly, "That day you were talking with the princess in private, I told your mother that maybe you wanted to ask the princess for something, I didn't expect to be caught by my words. .”

"Yes, Father and Princess Wang have agreed, and have already written a letter back to the capital to Mr. Zhang who is in charge of this matter." Le Yan said.

"Liu Xian'er, you gave your mother a bracelet and your grandmother a forehead wipe, but you gave such a big gift to your father. My father is really pleased!" Zhao Bo said happily.

"Father, the daughter has to go back to her room first." Le Yan said.

"Okay, you have a good rest." Zhao Bo said kindly.

Le Yan bowed to him and walked out.

When she walked into Zhao's garden, the servants who passed by respected her respectfully, and everyone was very happy because she had recovered.


Two days later, just when everyone in the Zhao family thought that Zhao Liuxian had recovered and nothing would happen again.

She fell ill again.

Moreover, this time the illness was even worse, it was useless for Ren Luo to cry.

Until it was rumored that she would not live for a few more days, and would die soon.

The Zhao family once again fell into a cloud of gloom.

(End of this chapter)

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