Chapter 1512
Chapter 1512
On this day, a Taoist nun suddenly visited the Zhao family, and she was Mrs. Xuanqing from Tianning Mountain.

When Zhao Guan saw Mrs. Xuanqing, he was surprised and said, "I don't know why Mrs. Xuan came here suddenly?"

Master Xuanqing said, "When the poor nun was meditating on Tianning Mountain, he found an unusual aura at the foot of the mountain. This aura even disturbed the poor nun's cultivation, so he went down the mountain to find out. The breath came from your mansion."

Zhao Guan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Unusual? Mrs. Zhao, I don't know the meaning, can you express it clearly?"

"Can you let the poor nun look around the house in the mansion." Master Xuanqing asked.

"Master!" Hearing this, Luo Shi on the side quickly grabbed Zhao Guan's sleeve and shook his head.

For some reason, she felt an uneasy feeling in her heart.

"Mrs. Zhao don't need to worry too much." Mrs. Xuanqing saw Luo's worry and said.

Zhao Bo shook his head at Luo Shi, and said, "Master found a vision on Tianning Mountain, and the vision is in our Zhao family. Master came here specially. We should be grateful."

After hearing this, Luo Shi didn't continue to say anything.

Under the leadership of Zhao Guan, Mrs. Xuanqing walked around the Zhao family with a whisk in hand.

When he came to Zhao Liuxian's yard, he stopped suddenly, calculated with his fingers, and asked, "Who lives here?"

"Oh, Master, this is the courtyard of the little girl Liuxian. She has been ill recently, and Zhao is also deeply worried." Speaking of Zhao Liuxian, Zhao Bao had a sad expression on his face.

He was quite proud of such a beautiful daughter, and he loved her very much, but who would have thought that accidents would happen one after another.

"Hey!" Zhao Bo thought, and sighed deeply.

Master Xuanqing didn't speak, and walked into Zhao Liuxian's yard.

When the servants saw him, they hurriedly bowed and stood aside.

Mrs. Xuanqing walked to Zhao Liuxian's bed, looked at the person on the bed, and saw that her eyes were tightly closed, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Since the teacher is here, let's take a look at this delicate daughter for Zhao." Zhao Bo took the opportunity to ask.

Master Xuanqing stepped forward, flicked the whisk in front of Zhao Liuxian's bed, muttered something, and then walked around the room.

Finally showing a look of sudden realization, he said, "It turns out that this vision came from here."

"What does the teacher mean?" Luo Shi asked with a trembling heart.

"Could Mrs. Zhao make it clear, Mr. Zhao doesn't understand." Zhao Yuan asked with a tense expression.

Mrs. Xuanqing looked at Zhao Liuxian on the bed and said, "Your daughter Zhao Liuxian is not from this life. In her previous life, she was a bead worn by a boy in front of the Avalokitesvara. Because she has been in the Avalokitesvara for a long time After listening to lectures and practicing, you will have aura.

Later, she was inspired to join the mortal womb. Because of the spiritual energy in the previous life, this life is incompatible with this world. If she reluctantly stays in the Zhao family, her name may be in danger, and no doctor or doctor will be able to save her life. "

"What..." Zhao Bo and Luo Shi were shocked at the same time, showing expressions of disbelief.

"The fairy child's bead is inspired, the soul will be recalled, and the medical skills of the mortal world will not work. It is because her fate with you in this life is only so shallow." Xuanqing said.

"No, this, this is simply nonsense, Liu Xian'er is my daughter, how could it be the hand bead of the boy in front of the seat of Guanyin, I don't believe it, I don't believe anything." Luo Shi walked quickly to the bed , Holding her daughter's limp hand, tears rolled down.

"Master, this... Zhao really can't believe it!" Zhao Bo said.

Master Xuanqing looked serious, and said calmly, "If not, the poor nun would not have made this trip down the mountain on purpose. If you don't believe me, let's see that after three days, the immortals left by the Zhao family will disappear and die, and die."

When Luo Shi heard this, his knees softened, and he knelt on the ground, trembling all over, "No, no, my Liu Xian'er was born in my October pregnancy, she is my daughter, she is my daughter."

"Master, is there any way to resolve it?" Zhao Bo asked calmly.

"Yes." Master Xuanqing said.

"What is it? Please tell the teacher clearly." Zhao Bo asked.

"Within three days, let Ms. Zhao go to Tianning Mountain with the poor nun to practice in seclusion for three years. Within three years, she is not allowed to meet her family, not to go down the mountain, and not to miss the affairs of the world." Master Xuanqing said.

"Three years? Do you want Liu Xian'er to leave us for three years? Can't we meet?" Luo Shi was heartbroken after hearing this. She held Zhao Liuxian's hand tightly and said, "No, I won't!"


"Get out! You all get out! This is my daughter, not some fairy boy's bead. She grew up in my womb day by day, and grew up day by day after she was born. These days, I know best, I absolutely I won't let anyone take her away!" Luo Shi said firmly, and regardless of so many things, he stretched out his hand to drive Master Xuanqing and Zhao Bo out, and stayed in front of Zhao Liuxian's bed, not leaving for a moment.


Zhao Guan looked solemn, Liuxian was seriously ill, and seeing all the doctors in the city was useless, but now the highly respected Master Xuanqing came to the door, but told Liuxian's previous life experience.

"Master..." He showed embarrassment.

"It's okay, madam loves daughters dearly. Poor nun understands. Poor nun will stay at Zhao's gate for three days. If you change your mind, you can still come to me. After three days, pindao will leave. It's just that Ms. Zhao has no chance to recover." Mrs. Xuanqing said, and walked out of Zhao's house.

A man sat cross-legged in front of Zhao's house, holding a whisk in one hand and standing upright in the other, chanting words.

And inside the Zhao family.

Mrs. Zhao also hurried to Zhao Liuxian's yard when she heard about it.

However, Luo Shi closed the gate of the yard tightly, not letting anyone in, guarding Zhao Liuxian tightly, and kept saying, "This is my daughter, she wants to stay with me, I have given her new clothes yet She's not going anywhere, she won't go anywhere."

Mrs. Zhao sighed heavily when she heard her voice, and said, "Nie Yuan, Nie Yuan! You are the daughter of my Zhao family, but you have no fate with our family. It hurts people's hearts. "

"Mother, don't worry. Didn't Master Xuanqing say you have three days? Let's see first. Maybe the teacher is wrong and Liu Xian'er will get better and better." Zhao Bo said.

"Go and invite all the best doctors in the city, and then show Liu Xian'er. No matter what medicine you need, find a way to get it." The old lady ordered.

"Yes, mother, I'll go right away." Zhao Bo left in a hurry, and went to invite the doctor himself.

Master Xuanqing sat quietly at the door, beside the Zhao family servants and servants who were hurrying to and fro, all rushing to save Miss San's life.

(End of this chapter)

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