First-class daughter

Chapter 1514 Leaving the Zhao Family

Chapter 1514 Leaving the Zhao Family
Chapter 1514 Leaving the Zhao Family
Luo Shi clenched Zhao Guan's wrist, and asked sadly, "Master, is Liu Xian'er really leaving like this? This is the meat that fell from my body, it's my heart and soul."

"Ma'am, I know you don't want to give up, but don't be too sad. It's better to do this than to die at home. Didn't Master Xuanqing say it? Three years, after three years we can take her away." It's only been three years, and it will be over soon." Zhao Bo comforted.

Seeing Zhao Liuxian's carriage getting further and further away, Luo Shi finally fainted.

When Le Yan's carriage was about to leave the city, a boy's voice suddenly came from far behind.

"Wait, wait..."

The sound was getting closer and closer, Le Yan heard it, opened her eyes quickly, sat up, and said, "It's Yaotong, it's Brother Yaotong."

As she spoke, she was about to lift the curtain of the carriage, but Mrs. Xuanqing held down her wrist with one hand.

"Master..." Le Yan said.

"Since you have decided to leave, don't tell anyone the truth." Master Xuanqing said.

"However, my little brother is someone I trust. He has helped me a lot and treated me very well." Le Yan said anxiously.

"If that's the case, don't let him know, otherwise, letting him carry such a big secret will be a burden to him." Master Xuanqing said.

After hearing this, Le Yan's eyes sank slightly, and she slowly let go of the hand holding the curtain of the carriage, a look of sadness flashed across her face.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Yaotong had already run to the front of the carriage, and blocked their way with his hands outstretched.

Master Xuanqing lifted the curtain, looked at him, and asked, "Little brother, who are you and what is your business?"

Yao Tong nodded and said, "Master, my name is Yao Tong, and I am Miss Zhao's... friend."

Master Xuanqing looked back at the carriage. Le Yan was lying on the cushion, gritting her teeth, with faint tears in her eyes. The master said, "She hasn't woken up yet."

"I know." Yaotong nodded, and took out a red rope from his arms. There was nothing on the red rope, and he said, "This is a red rope that I wove myself. Can the teacher keep it for me and wait for her?" I will give it to her after waking up. It is a token between me and her, because, because I am afraid, I am afraid that many things will change in three years, I am afraid that we will be separated, I am afraid... I am afraid that she will never remember me again , she is my only playmate, I hope I can meet again in the future, so..."

Yaotong said, stepped forward, handed the red rope to Mrs. Xuanqing with both hands, bowed to her, and said, "Please!"

"Okay, the poor nun will bring it, don't worry, little brother." Master Xuanqing took the red rope and said.

"Thank you, Madam." Yao Tong clasped his hands together, bowed, paused, and asked, "Can I take another look at her?"

Master Xuanqing said, "Brother, there is no need for this. The so-called mountains and rivers meet each other. If there is a destiny, we will meet each other in the future. If there is no destiny, it is useless to see this side."

After hearing this, Yao Tong felt a sense of loss in his heart, but after all, he still didn't see Le Yan's last side.

He stood there, watching the carriage go further and further away, gradually disappearing from his sight, and he wiped his tears with his hand.

Three years later, he will be seventeen years old. By then, he will be an adult. At that time, maybe he will marry a wife and have children, or he will be called a famous doctor as the young master said?
When the carriage completely disappeared in front of him, he turned around and went back, gradually firming up some thoughts in his heart.

Inside the carriage.

Le Yan held the red rope given by her little brother in her hand, and tears rolled down her cheeks, feeling very sad in her heart.

She put the red rope on her hand, and said silently in her heart, "Little brother, goodbye!"

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, the carriage went all the way to Tianning Mountain, and Le Yan got out of the carriage, and no one saw her along the way.

She got out of the carriage, and Lian Siyue, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried over, "Le Yan, you are finally here."

"Princess." Le Yan's eyes became hot, and she walked over quickly.

Even Mrs. Xuanqing who helped her didn't know the real relationship between Le Yan and Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue held Le Yan's hand and let go of her heart.

Mrs. Xuanqing held the fly whisk, clasped her hands together, and said, "Princess, you are welcome. The poor nun has already prepared the carriages and horses for the route that the princess and the young lady leave, and they are ready to leave at any time. As for Miss Zhao's entry to practice tomorrow, the poor nun It will also be announced."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Thank you so much, Master."

"You don't need to thank the princess, and the poor nun also hopes that the princess will find His Highness the Ninth Highness as soon as possible." Master Xuanqing said.

Lian Siyue and Le Yan lived in the room arranged by Mrs. Xuanqing, and talked about how to find Feng Yunzheng after leaving tomorrow.

On the other hand, Master Xuanqing was preparing for Zhao Liuxian's entry to practice.

That night, even Si Yue and Le Yan didn't sleep all night, lying on the bed, staring at the bed curtain.

Even Siyue couldn't calm down when she thought of Feng Yunzheng. She could only pray in her heart that the search would go smoothly this time.

But in Le Yan's mind, there were also mixed feelings. She touched the red string on her wrist, and remembered the little things she knew with Yao Tong.

"Mother, after finding Uncle Nine Emperors, what will be the arrangements?" Le Yan asked.

Lian Siyue took her hand and said, "Go back to Beijing, you are with us. You know, you have a younger brother and younger sister, who belong to Mother and Uncle Nine Emperors. Mother seems to miss you, too Miss them and you will live with us in the future."

Tears flashed in Le Yan's eyes, and she said, "Mother, I still can't believe that I can see you again, and I will live with you and Uncle Nine Emperors in the future. I'm afraid I'm the most beautiful woman in the world." You are a happy person, mother, I am so afraid, this happiness will be like a flash in the pan, and will disappear soon."

"Silly boy, maybe in the past, but certainly not now, now that you have mother here, you don't have to be afraid of anything." Lian Siyue said firmly.
"En!" Le Yan nodded vigorously.
this evening.

Le Yan and Lian Siyue sleep together.

She thought a lot, and had a dream all night.

In the dream, she saw that man. He was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, leaning on the dragon chair, with stern eyes all over his body.

After a while, he slowly walked down from the dragon chair.

His face was cold, without any expression, he walked up to her, looked at her with those deep and condensed eyes, and said, "Le Yan'er, if you had another choice, would you let me live?"

"I..." She stood in front of him in a panic, at a loss.

"Hehe..." He suddenly laughed, and said, "I don't blame you, Father doesn't blame you."

Le Yan's heart shrank suddenly, and she sat up sharply, with her hands tightly clutching the skirt of her chest, and fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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