First-class daughter

Chapter 1515 Do You Remember

Chapter 1515 Do You Remember

Chapter 1515 Do You Remember

"Le Yan, what's wrong with you, are you having a nightmare?" Lian Siyue opened her eyes immediately, sat up, pulled the quilt for her, and asked softly.

Le Yan nodded, with tears in her eyes, she said, "Mother, I dreamed of him."

After hearing this, Lian Siyue understood who she was talking about, reached out and took Le Yan into her arms, patted her on the back lightly, and said, "This is just a dream, a dream that has woken up."

"Yes, a dream." Le Yan murmured.

He was already dead. In this life and in the future, he would only appear in her dreams forever and stay in that world forever.

The carriage continued to move forward, and Lian Siyue slowly sang the hypnotic song he sang to her:

"There are many flowers in the rain window, the dream is startled, and the sky is fragrant. It is like the flower god of Langyuan, pitying people and neglecting, riding a crane to swim. To ask the scenery of Zhuxi, the sky is light and the smoke is long. At dusk, Qiang pipes the lonely city, blowing up Xinchou."

"Mother, this song is really nice. I remember when I was young, you often sat by the bed and sang it to me. I didn't expect that there would be a chance to hear it." Le Yan lay in Lian Siyue's arms and said.

"Le Yan, I will hear it often in the future." Lian Siyue said softly.

The moonlight is slightly cool, reflecting past and present lives.

Mobei, barracks.

After more than a month of intensive treatment, Feng Yunzheng's injuries have gradually healed, but his feet are so badly injured that he can't walk, he can only sit and move, so he has never left the camp.

Three meals a day, basic necessities of life, housing, and transportation are all taken care of by special personnel.

The wound on the face has also healed, leaving only a faint scar on the forehead, which can't be seen unless you look carefully.

Feng Yunzheng's magnificent face amazed all the Mobei people who had seen him.

Not long after, everyone in the army knew that there was an extremely handsome man in the general's tent, and some people said that this was the man the general liked, so they spared no effort to heal him.


The doctor was putting needles on the acupuncture points on his legs. He had done more than a dozen needles in total. He was holding the sheet in his hand, fine beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead, and he was looking at his legs.

Tilly stood aside, didn't speak, just watched quietly.

She was wearing a red armor, and her face was still covered with a red veil, only her eyes were exposed. At this moment, these eyes had been looking closely at the place where Feng Yunzheng's feet had been pierced, and her hands were placed by her side, slightly clenched into fists.

For more than a month, she never took off her veil in front of Feng Yunzheng.

After a while, the doctor pulled out the silver needles one by one.

"How?" Tilly asked.

The doctor bowed and said, "General, this young master's body is basically fine, but his leg injury is too serious to walk forcibly, and it will take some time to recover. Therefore, I suggest that you prepare a wooden wheeled cart for the young master first." , push it out and walk around more, which is conducive to speeding up recovery.”

Tilly nodded and said, "Understood."

"How long will it be better?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"This...we will do our best to give you the best medicine, but it also depends on your own body. If it goes well, it will take a month or two. If it doesn't go well, it may take half a year or a year... "The doctor said truthfully.

Feng Yunzheng nodded, stretched out his hand to touch his unconscious leg, and said, "I'm sorry."

The doctor said, "It's all ordered by the general. We just follow the general's wishes. You are welcome, young master."

Feng Yunzheng looked at Tili who was opposite.

Tilly also looked at him, and their gazes met in mid-air. Tilly was slightly startled, and at that moment, felt a beating heartbeat.

She hurriedly turned her face away and said to the doctor, "Go down first and let the maid cook the medicine."

"Yes, General." The doctor bowed and retreated.

When the doctor retreated, Feng Yunzheng said, "Thank you General for saving me."

From the mouths of other people, he also knew that Tilly had spent a lot of effort trying to save him.

"You're welcome, it's easy. But, you still can't remember anything?" Tilly asked.

Feng Yunzheng rubbed his temples with both hands, his eyes showed confusion, and said, "It's blank, I can't remember anything, even how I was injured at that time, I seem to remember some, but now I don't remember."

When Tilly heard this, a flash of thought flashed across her face, and then she concealed the thought, saying, "Don't worry, take your time, you will always remember."

"When you rescued me, was there anyone around me? Or, are there any clues? Do you remember?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Tilly paused for a moment, then said, "When I rescued you, I saw you alone, I didn't see anyone else, and I didn't find any clues."

Feng Yunzheng's face darkened, and he said, "I don't remember anything, not even myself. I don't know if anyone is waiting for me, and I don't know who is waiting for me."

His eyes are far away and his expression is light.

At first, he would be terrified when he felt that his life was blank, but now, he has calmly accepted the fact.

Hearing his words, the appearance of that indifferent woman flashed in Tilly's mind.

Seeing that Feng Yunzheng was in a daze thinking about something, she said, "You haven't had lunch yet, so you're hungry. I'll have someone bring it over. Also, after you get your wooden wheel chair, you can go out for a walk and say Once the indeterminate field of vision is opened, the memory is also opened."

She stepped out of the tent, feeling a little evasive.

Because she didn't tell the whole truth to him.

After Tili left, Feng Yunzheng leaned against the bed for a while, and suddenly he wanted to try the feeling of being supported by his feet.

So, he grasped the edge of the bed tightly with both hands, and moved his legs with great effort, but after a while, he was sweating profusely, and his feet finally lifted to the ground.

His hands trembled a little, and his heart trembled slightly. He clung to the edge of the bed tightly, and with a lot of strength, he stood up abruptly, wanting to move forward quickly.


One beep.

His feet were completely unable to support his body, and he fell forward suddenly.

After only hearing a sound, the whole person fell to the ground. Suddenly, a look of annoyance flashed across his face, and he closed his eyes weakly.

He doesn't know who he was before.

But now, even standing up became impossible, and he felt powerless and melancholy.

"What's the matter with you?" After a while, the curtain of the tent was lifted, and Tilly walked in with the food in her hand. Seeing the people on the ground, she quickly walked over, put down the dishes, and walked over to him. and asked, "Why did you fall?"

She reached out and helped him up vigorously.

Although she was a great general with extraordinary skills, but Feng Yunzheng was tall and burly, and his body was extremely heavy, she still had to waste a lot of energy before finally helping him onto the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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