Chapter 1516
Chapter 1516
Feng Yunzheng sat on the bed, leaning against the head of the bed, a glint of darkness flashed in his deep eyes, and said, "Movement is inconvenient, everything is inconvenient."

He didn't know who he was before, he didn't know what he was like before, his understanding of himself was blank, and when he couldn't control his actions, he felt a sense of powerlessness.

"Don't be discouraged, and don't be anxious, the doctor has already said, you just need time." Tilly comforted, she was always cold, and her comforting words were a bit blunt.

A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Yunzheng's lips, and he said, "I'm sorry, you have already put in a lot of effort for me, and it's really wrong for you to see me like this now."

Tilly saw his smile, her heart trembled slightly, and a touch of emotion flashed across her face under the veil, and she said, "You are welcome, this is food, you can eat it."

She put the food on the table with her own hands and moved the table to the bedside.

Then, he walked out quickly.

Standing outside the military tent, she took a deep breath, only feeling her cheeks under the veil become hot.

No, this is not possible!
Her purpose is just to let this person be used by her Mobei, and she must not touch her personal feelings, otherwise, what is the prestige of her general?Otherwise, how can I bear to use him?
"General!" At this moment, Wu Zhu, one of her deputy, suddenly came from behind and called out.

Tilly turned around abruptly, and the veil floated up, revealing her true face for a moment.

Wu Zhu was taken aback for a moment, then froze immediately, and murmured, "Great, great general."

Tilly immediately covered the scarf with her hands, and said coldly, "You're being rash, what's the matter? Tell me!"

Wu Zhu shuddered all over with fright, and said, "No, it's all right."

Although the general is a woman, her aura is not inferior to that of a man, which makes him, who has been by his side for several years, feel afraid.

"Say!" Tilly obviously didn't have the patience to waste time with him.

"Yes, it's Shan Yu (emperor) who came to order that the general come to the palace tomorrow for an audience." Wu Zhu said.

"Understood, I will go there on time tomorrow." Tilly said.

"Yes!" Wu Zhu looked happy after he came back to his senses.

"You don't have to go," Tilly ordered.

"Huh? Why, why?" In the past, every time he entered the palace, the general would definitely bring him with him, because the general never showed his true face to others, and he was one of the very few people who knew her true face. It is convenient for him to take care of things.

"You stay and take care of him. I can't trust others." His feet haven't healed yet, so she needs to be more vigilant.

A flash of surprise flashed in Wu Zhu's eyes, the general actually left him to look after this man, this...

"General, I don't know if I should say something about my humble position?" Wu Zhu glanced at Ti Li and said.

"Say." Tilly's eyes froze, "This general doesn't like to be hesitant."

"Actually, I have recently heard rumors in the army that the general has a very close relationship with this Han man, and even said that the general has feelings for this Han man, and he kept him by his side out of selfishness, and he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money Financial resources healed him." Wu Zhu said.

Tilly snorted coldly, and said, "When did this general care about these rumors?"

If she cared about other people's opinions, she would not be in this position now.

"The humble official knows the general's grandeur, so he doesn't care about these things, but... if this matter gets to the ears of the eldest prince, I'm afraid it will be bad. The eldest prince is a man, and he will take revenge. If he knows that the general rejected him, but takes in a Han, what will he do?" If you spend so much time and effort, you are afraid that he will suppress the general and deal with this Han Chinese." Wu Zhu expressed his worries.

Tilly's eyes gradually turned cold.

"So, it's better for the general to be careful. If you enter the palace tomorrow, if you meet the prince, please think twice before you go." Wu Zhu said.

Tilly didn't speak, turned around and walked into the tent.

Feng Yunzheng finished his meal.

Wu Jie came in to clean up. While cleaning up, she couldn't help but sneak a few more glances at Feng Yunzheng, and a smile appeared on her face while watching.

She thought to herself:

This Han man is really good-looking, she has never seen such a good-looking man, although he is not good at acting now, but it does not affect his demeanor and demeanor at all.

How many women would be heartbroken if their feet were healed and they could stand up.

No wonder, they have always been cold-hearted and cold-hearted, and the general who is not at all tempted by the prince's pursuit will take extra care of this man.

"What are you looking at?" Feng Yunzheng suddenly opened his eyes and said.

The moment he opened his eyes, he was like a lion suddenly waking up, which made people dare not violate him. Although the memory was lost, his aura returned little by little.

Wu Jie was startled, took two steps back, and the plate in her hand fell to the ground with a snap.

She hurriedly knelt down, kowtowed, and said in panic, "My lord, slave, I know I was wrong, I dare not..."

Feng Yunzheng's eyes were full of coldness, and he said, "This is the last time, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Yes, yes." Wu Jie said hastily.

Only then did she realize that this young man is not as simple as the person rescued by the general, he is a person who cannot be violated at will, he is obviously not good at doing things, but he has terrifying abilities.

"Get out." Feng Yunzheng said, his voice was indifferent, as cold as the breath of an iceberg.

"Yes, yes." Wu Jie tidied up her things in a hurry, and hurried out.

There was no warmth in Feng Yunzheng's eyes all the time, and wherever he looked, they were all unfamiliar things.

He slowly closed his eyes, trying to recall something in his mind.

However, it was useless, it was still blank, and I couldn't think of anything. After thinking about it for a long time, my head still felt groggy.

He lay down with his hands behind his head, his eyes staring at the curtains, and his eyes were empty.

After a while, a man's voice sounded outside:
"Young master, I am Wu Zhu who is next to the general, can I come in?"

A look of vigilance flashed in Feng Yunzheng's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Come in."

Wu Zhu opened the tent and walked in. Two guards behind him carried a Mulun chair in their hands.

"My lord, the general has entered the palace. It will take about four or five days to go back and forth. This is a wooden wheelchair. It's already ready. Would you like to try it now?" Because Ti Li had ordered, these people also treated Feng Yunzheng. Very polite.

Feng Yunzheng nodded and said, "Take care."

"Come here, help the young master to get up." Wu Zhu ordered the two guards, said.


The two put down the wooden wheelchair, then helped Feng Yunzheng up, and sat on the wooden wheelchair.

"My lord, this chair can be used in this way. Put your hand here and push it to move it." Wu Zhu said respectfully.

Feng Yunzheng put his hand on the wheel, pushed forward, and went forward.

(End of this chapter)

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