Chapter 152
Chapter 152
When she first entered the palace, she was quite favored. Although she lost her favor because of other new favorite concubines, she has always been valued by the emperor after more than ten years in the palace, and has the status of both wife and friend.

It is unbelievable that he was suddenly thrown into the cold palace, and his son was not allowed to enter the palace to participate in the government. In the previous life, Feng Qianyue seemed to avoid this matter very much, so even Siyue didn't know much about it.

I only know that Concubine Liang not only didn't cry or beg after being thrown into the cold palace, but also said something to the emperor:

"What the emperor cares about, the courtiers and concubines not only don't want to do it, but even disdain to do it. My virtue cannot be tarnished by the suspicion of villains. If the emperor has no courtiers and concubines in his heart, it is better to never communicate with each other from now on. It's no different."

Seeing that she was so strong, the emperor threw her into the cold palace in a rage, and declared that he would never see her again in this life, and neither would their son Feng Yunzheng.

Speaking of the concubine mother, Feng Yunzheng's expression became serious, a look of frustration flashed in his eyes, he sighed, and said:

"The world thinks that the mother and concubine are dignified and gentle, skilled and weak, but in fact, she has a dry temper, aloof and lofty, and cannot tolerate any slander, exclusion, and frame. She will never try to curry favor with others. When she still had doubts about her virtue and integrity, she chose to stay away from her father.

Therefore, when she was framed and wronged, her father distrusted her and was jealous of her. She would rather be thrown into limbo than stay with her father again. "

In Lian Siyue's memory, she had met Concubine Liang a few times. She was a beautiful, charming, virtuous and upright woman. Because of falling out of favor, she looked down on herself, and after being cast into the cold palace, she spent the rest of her life in the quiet deep palace.

She can survive in the harem with a personality like hers, relying on her own charm, not means, and she doesn't bother to use means.

Feng Yunzheng is very similar to Concubine Liang in this respect, she is noble and arrogant, mighty and unyielding, admirable, but because of this, she fell into the hands of treacherous people and was framed many times until she gave her life.

"Then, who framed her?" Lian Siyue asked. In the previous life, she also lived in a muddleheaded way, and lost her life in the hands of scumbags and scumbags. She had no time to care about Liangfei's affairs. In this life, she can no longer stand by and watch.

Feng Yunzheng recalled slowly:
"A year ago, my father went on a tour in micro-clothes. When he was in the Ruyang Palace, he met a woman named Youxuan with clear singing and graceful dancing. His father was bewildered by Youxuan's beauty, so he brought her back to the palace. , from a third-rank concubine to Linhua Palace, and from a noble concubine to a promotion in a short period of time, and became a first-rank concubine in just two months.

Not only was she loved all the time, but her family, father and brother were also promoted to ranks. Youxuan's family was honored, and her father's love for Concubine Xuan continued unabated. Because it caused the dissatisfaction of other concubines.

Especially the Empress, who hated Concubine Xuan very much. She persuaded her father many times not to indulge in beauty.

Concubine Xuan was arrogant because of her favor, and she ran into the queen several times. Just when the crown prince was abolished, the queen pleaded with her father but was ordered to stay in the Changchun Palace.

At this time, the queen had lost her rules, and at the instigation of the palace people, she came up with a clumsy and stupid method. Under the guise of praying for her father, she let the wizard enter the palace pretending to be a Taoist priest, but in fact she pretended to be a ghost behind her back, and set up an altar to try to curse Concubine Xuan.

Concubine Xuan soon found out about this matter, and she cried to her father, and brought along her mother and concubine who had been to the Changchun Palace several times during this period. Being thrown into the cold palace and deprived of his title, the emperor thought about the old relationship with the mother and concubine, so he didn't tell everyone the reason why the mother and concubine were thrown into the cold palace. "

Lian Siyue nodded slowly, "So that's the case. From His Highness's point of view, is it Concubine Xuan or the Empress who framed Concubine Liang?"

Lian Siyue remembered that in her previous life, she had only heard the anecdote about Concubine Xuan being favored a few times, but had never seen her real face.

"These two people are probably just pawns." Feng Yunzheng's slightly narrowed eyes overflowed with a hint of coldness.

Lian Siyue's eyes narrowed, and something suddenly came to her mind, she hurriedly asked, "Your Highness, can you draw a portrait of Concubine Xuan?"

"Miss, you don't need to draw. Your Highness has already brought the portrait of Concubine Xuan." Night Breeze, who was standing by, took out a painting scroll from his arms and unfolded it. He saw a beautiful woman holding a silk fan, Jump off the paper.

When Lian Siyue saw Concubine Xuan's true face, she understood completely. She had met this person once in Prince Yue's mansion. Although it was only a short time, he left a deep impression on her!
"You recognized this person?" Seeing her expression, Feng Yunzheng understood a little.

Even a icy, almost cruel smile appeared on the corners of Lian Ruyue's lips, and said coldly, "Not only do I know each other, but I also remember it when I turn into ashes."

Feng Qianyue really has a mentality that is hard for ordinary people to have. The woman he has used will be given to his father without hesitation!
No wonder, no wonder she had never seen this concubine Xuan in her previous life, presumably Feng Qianyue deliberately separated them in order to avoid the two meeting each other.

Thinking of this, Lian Siyue suddenly felt a deep nausea, covered her mouth and vomited a few times.

"What's the matter with you, are you okay?" Seeing that her face became so ugly, Feng Yunzheng hurriedly asked, the worried expression on his face was not concealed.

She shook her hand, showing a forced smile, and said, "It's nothing, I just remembered some disgusting things."

"Drink some water, take it easy." He poured a glass of water himself, shook it gently, and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Lian Siyue picked up the teacup and took a sip before feeling much more comfortable. He stared at her, and when she recovered, she said:
"The concubine Liang is cold and aloof, with a dignified character. It's not that she doesn't want her innocence, but because she loves the emperor deeply, she gave up on the emperor. She knew that she had fallen out of favor, so she simply used the method of spending the rest of her life in the cold palace to retreat bravely. Be wise and protect yourself.

After the crown prince was abolished, Your Highness, you will also be coveted by others. Concubine Liang hopes that you will stay away from disputes like her, and spend the rest of your life in peace. Therefore, the emperor simply forced His Highness to stop you from participating in government affairs, and just be an idle prince. it is good. "

Feng Yunzheng nodded approvingly, "What you said is very true, the concubine mother must have such an idea, and that's why she feels disheartened towards the father."

"But what the empress didn't expect was that they wouldn't let His Highness live just because His Highness didn't ask about political affairs." Lian Siyue sighed and said.

"So..." Feng Yunzheng looked at the darkening night with his deep and distant gaze, recalling the misery of Lian Siyue and Lian Siyue in his previous life, he said slowly and powerfully, "If you can't protect yourself by retreating, it's better to fight a bloody road and step on it." Looking at the corpse of the enemy, take back what was lost little by little!"

"Even if we don't want it, we can't hand it over to others!" Lian Siyue looked at what he was looking at, full of cold murderous aura!
(End of this chapter)

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