First-class daughter

Chapter 153 The Hunt Begins

Chapter 153 The Hunt Begins

Chapter 153 The Hunt Begins

"Okay!" Feng Yunzheng's eyes became hot, as if there were thousands of horses galloping in his heart, when he thought of joining hands with her, he felt that the blood in his heart was about to spurt out.

"It's getting late, Your Highness." The night gradually blurred the faces of the two of them.

Feng Yunzheng was about to leave, but when he walked out of the observation platform, he smelled a gust of wind, and saw a messy figure stumbling over, and there seemed to be someone chasing and shouting behind this figure.

Ye Feng and Leng Mei focused their cold eyes at the same time, immediately drew out their weapons, and blocked Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue.

I saw that group of shadows falling in front of me like tatters, Lian Siyue looked at the attire, and realized that the person who came was Lian Shiya. She stared at Feng Yunzheng and asked:

"It's you, I figured it out, you did it! Mrs. Mo An was bought by you! Why? I have no grievances with His Highness Ninth Prince, why did you harm me so much?"

Feng Yunzheng looked at the person in front of him with the eyes of looking at filth, and no longer concealed it, and said coldly, "You can figure it out, but you are still too stupid."

"Why?" Lian Shiya asked, she couldn't figure it out, she had to ask for an answer.

Feng Yunzheng turned his head slowly, looked at Lian Siyue, she had no expression, her cold-blooded face was beautiful and gorgeous, in his opinion, there was a kind of soul-stirring power.

He smiled slightly, shrugged, and said, "She doesn't like you."

"Your Highness is for this bitch?" Lian Shiya looked at Feng Yunzheng in disbelief, why?Obviously she is the one who overwhelms everyone in the Prime Minister's Mansion, why doesn't His Highness the Eighth Prince like her, and now His Highness the Ninth Prince looks like he wants to work hard for Lian Siyue?
"What did you say?" Hearing the word "slut" from Lian Shiya's mouth, Feng Yunzheng's tone suddenly became icy cold, and a murderous look overflowed from his eyes, as if his precious thing had been defiled!
"Bitch, bitch, she's just a bitch, seducing men everywhere! Lian... ah..." Lian Shiya seemed to be insane, pointing at Lian Siyue and insulting her wantonly, but suddenly snapped twice, I felt a burning pain in my face!

She covered her cheeks and looked at Ye Feng, the cold guard beside her in disbelief—

"You, you dare to hit me?"

Night Breeze looked at the lunatic woman coldly, and said, "You said something that made His Highness unhappy, no matter who you are, I will naturally beat you."


"Your Highness, please forgive me, Missy, Missy[-] ran away suddenly, we had no time to catch her back." Nanny Tai and a few maidservants rushed over and took Lian Shiya under custody, saying in panic.

"Miss San seems to have more and more ghosts on her body. Hurry up and send her back to Qingquanyuan. You are not allowed to leave the room for 49 days, otherwise the entire Prime Minister's Mansion will be destroyed!" Lian Siyue looked at Lian Shiyan. With a dead face, he ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes!" Nanny Tai hurriedly carried Lian Shiya away!
Lian Shiya was not reconciled, she turned her head and shouted loudly, "Lian Siyue, the Nine Kings are just a waste, and now he is the most hated prince by the emperor, if you dare to get close to him, you will be in bad luck , will also bring great disaster to the Prime Minister's Mansion!"

"This mouth! It should be cut off immediately!" Leng Mei's expression darkened, and he immediately drew out his sword.

"Let her go." However, Feng Yunzheng stopped her, but there was a coldness between his brows.

Lian Shiya was escorted back to Qingquanyuan cursing all the way. When Lian's mother heard about her escape, she immediately ordered more than ten people to guard the door, making it difficult for even Shiya to fly.

The noisy shouting finally disappeared, Feng Yunzheng looked at Lian Siyue, and said——

"I am leaving."

"Your Highness, please."

Feng Yunzheng turned around and left, his figure exuded nobility and elegance, Lian Siyue looked at his leaving back, suddenly moved in his heart, and said, "Thank you."

Feng Yunzheng stopped in her tracks, her back trembled, she turned around slowly, and looked at Lian Siyue from a short distance away. In the slight night, she was like a orchid, swaying in the wind, A strong feeling surged in his heart:

How much I want to hug her in my arms, let her stay away from hatred, be a heartless child, and grow up slowly under his love!

Yue'er, I hope you will always be innocent and romantic without knowing the world.


I see

Your hatred is too deep, the hatred is too thick, the blood and tears that have flowed, only revenge can disappear.


Yue'er, let's take revenge well and hard together.

Don't leave room for them, don't give them a way to survive!
In the end, a smile floated on the corner of his lips, that smile was peerless and unparalleled in the world.

He opened his mouth to hide the ups and downs in his heart, and said to her quietly, "Go to rest early."

With that, he turned his head and left.

The day of the royal family's autumn hunting has finally arrived. As early as a few days ago, Lian's mother sent the specially tailored riding outfits to Lian Siyue and Lianjue's yard respectively. This time, Lian Yanqing personally brought the two siblings Join this hunt together.

And Lian Shiya was still lying in her room being practiced, and countless monks and nuns were sitting outside Qingquan courtyard chanting scriptures and Buddha. She felt that the buzzing sound was lingering in her ears all day long, and she was extremely irritable!
The rest did not dare to approach the Qingquanyuan. When they saw the lingering fragrant mist, they would back away and walk around the road.

Lian Siyue sat on a snow-white steed, wearing a crimson green satin skirt with narrow sleeves, a white fox fur jacket, and a bright yellow braid around her slender waist. Raising her forefoot, the clusters on her body fluttered in the wind, and the black jade-like blue silk lingered around her neck——

She is obviously dignified and generous, gentle and virtuous, but she also exudes a forceful heroic spirit, her brows are noble and proud, with her own bearing.

When Lian Yanqing walked towards him, seeing Lian Siyue like this, he couldn't help showing satisfaction in his eyes, and there was a smile on his face, but he didn't notice it before. Ever since Mrs. Mo An said that Lian Siyue is extremely After Gui's death, he looked at Lian Siyue again, only to find that she indeed had a demeanor that was different from ordinary people, which made him inexplicably feel a little awe, as if the person in front of her was really the future queen.

"Father." Seeing Lian Yanqing, Lian Siyue slid off the horse with the support of Lu Zhi, and bowed to Lian Yanqing.

"En." Lian Yanqing nodded, looked left and right, but did not find another figure, and asked, "Where is Jue'er? Why is there no sign of him yet?"

"Young master can't wait, and set off first." The book boy Sijiu knelt on the ground and said.

"This kid..." Lian Yanqing said with a helpless smile on his face, "Whenever it comes to hunting, he can't hold back."

Lian Siyue thought of Lian Jue, and said with a slight smile, "Je'er is a boy, he always has more interest in riding and hunting, and now that he has grown up, his father invited his master to teach him martial arts riding and archery. Can’t wait to try it out.”

(End of this chapter)

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