First-class daughter

Chapter 1520 I Know

Chapter 1520 I Know

Chapter 1520 I Know

Tilly lowered her eyelids to hide the throbbing in her eyes, walked over and said, "Yes, I'm back."

Feng Yunzheng stopped talking, pursed his thin lips slightly, the corners of his lips drooped slightly, and looked somewhere, as if thinking.

Tilly saw the bow and arrow placed in the corner of the tent, she paused, turned around and walked out, and after a while, re-entered, with another bow and arrow in her hand.

"You can use this bow and arrow, I use it. The one in the corner is too common. If you want to practice archery, I will ask Wu Zhu to accompany you every day." Tilly said.

Feng Yunzheng turned his head, with a slight expression on his face, and said, "You saved my life, I already owe you, if you continue to help me, I will owe you more."

owe?Tilly was slightly taken aback, so, doesn't he want to owe?
"I've always had a question that I wanted to ask you." Feng Yunzheng asked.

"What's the question?" Tilly asked, a flash of emotion in the eyes behind the veil.

She can't reveal anything, she is the general of Mobei, everything should be the overall situation.She once swore in front of her grandfather that she would not have any affair with her children, and she kept her word.

"Why did you save me? From the looks of it, you don't seem to be a person who would waste time trying to save irrelevant people." Feng Yunzheng looked at her, with a pair of deep eyes scrutinizing.

Although he didn't remember anything from the past, he still had this basic judgment.These days, he sees that Tilly is definitely not in the pool.

A woman who has the ability to make all the men in the Mobei army surrender, must be a master who has been tempered and thoughtful, and she will never waste time and energy on an irrelevant person.

But Tilly put a lot of thought into him.

Why save him?
"Because I can tell at a glance that you are not an ordinary person. I am willing to devote my time and energy to those who are capable. I have always done so. Moreover, the facts prove that I am not mistaken." Tilly said.

"So, you want me to help you?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Tilly listened, but only said, "Don't think so much, you heal your injury first, and we'll talk about it later."

Feng Yunzheng looked at her, and after a while, said, "I will remember your life-saving grace in my heart."

"It's serious, I'll push you out to have a look." Tilly said as if she didn't want to continue this topic.

"Thank you." Feng Yunzheng nodded slightly and said.

Ti Li walked behind Feng Yunzheng and put her hands on the crossbar behind him. The backs of her fingers accidentally touched the hem of his clothes. She shook her hand slightly, her heart throbbing like never before.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yunzheng asked when she saw that she was not moving.

"It's okay." Tilly lowered her head, glanced at her hands, shrank them back, and said.

out of the tent.

Ti Li pushed Feng Yunzheng to the training ground.

It was already night, but these soldiers were still training. In the cold weather, they all went into battle shirtless, sweating profusely, with a determined look on their faces.

"This is an elite soldier I trained, what do you think?" Tilly asked.

He is a dignified uncle of the Nine Emperors, with a literary and martial arts strategy, planning troops and deploying troops. Even if he has lost his memory, she believes that he still has feelings and judgments about some things.

Feng Yunzheng arrived on the podium in a wooden cart.

"Great General!" The people below shouted, their voice piercing the sky.

"These soldiers all have hale-eyed, unstoppable, and full of ambitions. The most important thing is their loyalty to you. When you appeared just now, their eyes showed sincere surrender to you, but this surrender seems to be not only Just because you are their general." Feng Yunzheng said.

Tilly looked at the elite soldiers in front of her and said, "You are really sharp. These people are all descendants of the soldiers who died when my grandfather led the Mobei Army. My grandfather brought them up and brought them up together. When I was about eight years old, I started training them myself, I grew up with them, and I was trained with them by my grandfather, I grew up with them."

"So that's how it is. Your grandfather was far-sighted and made long-term plans for you." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Yeah, my grandfather knew that one day I would accept important tasks, so he laid the foundation for me early, so they not only have respect for the general, but also loyalty to friends. They are not just my soldiers. , or my partner." Tilly said.

"However, there is deep worry in your eyes." Feng Yunzheng said with a straight line.

There was a look of regret in the corner of Tilly's eyes, and she said, "Even so, it is an indisputable fact that our national strength in Mobei is weakening day by day, and the money and food that can be used for the armament of the Mobei army is also getting less and less every year. It is difficult to recruit troops, and the new government soldiers The quality is getting worse and worse.”

Apart from reporting to Shan Yu, she rarely told anyone about the real worry in her heart.

Feng Yunzheng turned her head and looked at the woman in red next to her. When the wind blew, her battle armor flew up, and the red veil on her face also flew up, and her cheeks were faintly visible, but they couldn't be seen clearly.

"In recent years, Shan Yu has grown older and his ambition is not as great as before. Not only did he submit to the Great Zhou Dynasty, but he also adopted a soft policy towards the surrounding small countries, signed various agreements, and gave cattle, sheep, horses, and money for the sake of temporary peace. In exchange for this way The tranquility is only temporary. I am afraid that Mobei will face a catastrophe in a short time. These are brothers and partners who grew up with me, and I will be responsible for their lives. But, when the time comes, these I can't even predict the fate of the soldiers." Tilly sighed slightly, and the worry in her eyes condensed into a mist.

"In this case, no matter how hard you work alone, I'm afraid it will be unsatisfactory." Feng Yunzheng said bluntly.

"Because I know this very well, I am even more worried." Tilly said.

A flash of emotion flashed in Feng Yunzheng's eyes, and he said, "Can you show me your army formation map?"

Tilly looked back at him, the military formation map was the top secret in the military.

"Okay, you come with me." She said, pushing him to her tent where she handles military affairs.

He was sitting in front of the desk, and Wu Zhu brought over a stack of confidential military materials, and he glanced at Tilly, holding her tightly.

Tilly nodded and said, "Bring it here."

"Yes, General." Wu Zhu placed these military formation maps, topographic maps of Mobei, and topographic maps of surrounding countries in front of Feng Yunzheng.

"It's all here, take a look." Tilly opened the general map with her own hands, and said.

Feng Yunzheng looked at these blueprints, his eyes gradually became deep, and his fingers moved on various blueprints.

"General..." Wu Zhu whispered.

"..." Tilly signaled him to be quiet, opened the military tent and walked out.

"General, this is the top secret. Did you just give it to him? We don't even know who he is." Wu Zhu said.

"I know." Tilly said.

(End of this chapter)

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