First-class daughter

Chapter 1521 Fighting Together

Chapter 1521 Fighting Together
Chapter 1521 Fighting Together
a few days later.

On the training ground, Tilly held a long sword and looked at the soldiers on the training ground with a pair of sharp eyes.

These days, she thought of more ways and spent more time on training.

She knew that she didn't have much time, and she had to train a stronger team in the shortest possible time to resist the attacks of the surrounding countries.

"General, the eldest prince is here!" At this moment, her maid Wu Jie ran over and said, with a trace of nervousness in her eyes.

Tilly frowned, raised her hand, and signaled everyone to pause.

"The eldest prince said that he came to inspect the general's military training under the order of Shan Yu," Wu Jie said.

"I'll go right away." She came here following Shan Yu's order, and she couldn't hide away, so Tilly stepped forward a few steps and said loudly to the crowd below, "Continue to practice!"

"Yes, General!" The crowd's momentum was like a rainbow, and their voices shook the sky.

Tilly held down the saber at her waist, turned and left the training ground.

A while later, when they arrived at the gate of the barracks, they saw the eldest prince Wei Ning sitting in an open-air carriage, looking around.

With a calm face, Tilly stepped forward, bowed and said, "Tilly has seen the eldest prince, so he is late."

"Hahaha!" Wei Ning laughed loudly, "It's okay, the general is doing his best for the Mobei Army. This prince is very pleased, so why would he blame him?"

As he spoke, he jumped off the carriage and reached out to pat Tilly on the shoulder.

However, Tilly quickly backed away, then stretched out her hand, and said, "Prince, please!"

A look of displeasure flashed across Wei Ning's eyes, but he still kept a smile on his face and said, "Please."

A group of people walked to the training ground, and Tilly followed.

Since it is for simplicity, it is essential to go to the drill ground to watch the training situation.

To the training ground.

When Wei Ning saw the imposing army below, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he was secretly surprised. He never thought that Tili, a woman, could train such soldiers.

He coughed, stepped forward, and said, "This prince is here today to visit you!"

However, no one stopped their training because of his words, and no one even cared what he was talking about.

He suddenly felt embarrassed, a look of displeasure flashed across his face, his fists were clenched tightly, and the veins on his forehead were squirming faintly.

"General Tilly, tell them to stop quickly, the voice is too loud, His Royal Highness can't speak." Wei Ning's attendant turned around and ordered to Tilly behind him.

A faint sneer and deep meaning flashed across Tilly's deep eyes, and she raised her hands to the crowd below.

As soon as she raised her hand, the soldiers below immediately fell silent, all staring in her direction, waiting for the general's order.

The Eldest Prince's face suddenly turned ugly, and at the same time, he also realized that Tilly's status in the army was obviously higher than that of the Eldest Prince. Here, the only person they obeyed was Tilly.

With his status as the eldest prince, it is so easy to tame a woman. No wonder Tilly didn't take him seriously. It turned out that it was because she had the guts, because she had the support of these soldiers.

His face was uneasy, but he still put on the posture of a big prince, and said, "This prince came today under the order of Shan Yu. Seeing this prince is like seeing Shan Yu."

After he finished speaking, there was still a dead silence below.

Seeing this, Tili hurriedly knelt down, nodded, and said, "Shan Yu is on top!"

All the soldiers below also knelt down and said, "Shan Yu is on top, and the Mobei Army is loyal!"

Wei Ning's face looked better now.

After getting down from the barracks, Wei Ning went to look at some things in Tili's military tent.

"Since the prince is here, let your Han man show him." Wei Ning suddenly changed the subject and said.

Sooner or later, Tilly had expected this.

"It's just an ordinary person, it's not worth wasting the eldest prince's time." Tilly said.

"The one who can make your great general look at you differently, how could he be an ordinary person? He must have something unusual." The more Tilly refused to let him see him, the more he wanted to see her.

"In that case, the eldest prince please." Ti Li knew that Feng Yunzheng would appear sooner or later.

"Presumptuous!" Hearing what Tilly said, the entourage immediately scolded, and said, "General Tilly, don't you mean to humiliate His Highness the Eldest Prince? Why should the Eldest Prince come to see a useless Han Chinese?" He, General, are you getting more and more confused?"

Tilly looked at the attendant with sharp eyes, and tightened her hand holding the long sword. Suddenly, the attendant was stunned, a chill rose up his back, and he took a step back.

"This general is talking to the eldest prince, when will it be your turn to speak rudely?" Tilly said slowly.

The sound is not loud, but there is clearly an oppressive force.

"Shua!" Seeing that Wei Ning was present, the attendant drew out his long sword and said, "The general dares to disrespect His Royal Highness the prince!"

"Shua!" Immediately afterwards, Wu Zhu also drew out his sword, and without the slightest hesitation, the tip of the sword pointed directly at the opponent's throat.

Tilly didn't intend to stop it either.

She didn't want to be entangled by the eldest prince, and had long thought of finding a chance to deal with the eldest prince.

Wei Ning had just seen Ti Li's prestige in the army, a slight raise of his hand was more effective than what he said.

If there is a conflict today...

"Bold, how dare you draw your sword in front of the eldest prince, I'm tired of work!" Sweat broke out on the forehead of the attendant.

"Ti Li, this prince came here at the order of Shan Yu, are you doing this to fight against Shan Yu?" Wei Ning warned.

"Wu Zhu." Tilly said calmly, "Don't be rude to the eldest prince and his people."

"Yes, General." Wu Zhu stared closely at the entourage holding the sword, slowly put down his hand, and stood beside Tilly.

"Prince, Wu Zhu is rude, please forgive me." Tilly said calmly.

"Put down the sword." Wei Ning also ordered.

"General, the young master is here." At this moment, a voice sounded from outside the tent.

"Come in." Tilly said.

Wei Ning turned around and looked over with an arrogant expression on his face.

The military tent was lifted, and a man was pushed in in a wooden wheelchair.

He was dressed in a silver-white robe, his long black jade-like hair was tied into a simple bun on the top of his head, and he sat quietly with a palace fan in his hand.

The long and narrow eyelash shadows covered the eyelids, and there was a slight expression on his face as cold as snow. Although he was wearing common clothes, he still couldn't conceal the noble and natural aura of a king on his body.

Originally, Wei Ning planned to take the opportunity to severely humiliate this bad guy.

However, the first time I saw him, I was stunned, and even felt inexplicably surrendered, my hands trembled slightly, and I was speechless for a long time.

"His Royal Highness." He didn't come back to his senses until he heard the Han man's clear voice.

In his voice, there is an inexplicable majesty that makes people dare not make mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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