Chapter 1523
Chapter 1523
Tilly's reaction was quick, and she quickly made a move. She slapped her palm and hit Wei Ning's hand.

"Ah!" Wei Ning suddenly screamed in pain, with a painful expression on his face.

However, because the speed was too fast and the palm wind was too fast, the red scarf on Tilly's face floated down from her face.

Immediately, all the soldiers below took a deep breath.

We will soon see the true face of the Great General!
However, Tilly's eyes froze, and the moment the veil fell off, she quickly turned around, only the profile flashed past, and was seen by some sharp-eyed people.

"General!" Seeing this, Wu Jie quickly picked up the cloak she had put aside, quickly ran over and put it on Tilly's body, covering her face.

Then he picked up the gauze that fell on the ground, and stood on tiptoe to cover it for her.

"General, all right." Ujie said.

Tilly lifted up her cloak and turned around abruptly, staring at Wei Ning closely with bone-piercing coldness in her pair of heroic eyes.

Wei Ning was taken aback for a moment, his heart skipped a beat, and a chill ran down his spine.

There is murderous look in her eyes!
"Prince Wei Ning, this general's patience has a limit!" As soon as the words fell, the hidden weapon she hid in her waist flew out.

"Protect the prince!"

Immediately, the surrounding guards drew out their swords one after another when they saw this, and guarded Wei Ning's surroundings.

But the hidden weapon seemed to have eyes, and flew over the top of Wei Ning's head, and flew over the leather felt hat. Only a click sound was heard, and the hat was split in two, and it flew from his head. up and down.

Immediately, his long hair fell down, and he fell to the ground in fright, with big beads of sweat on his forehead.

Hearing the sound, An Wan, the attendant, ran over quickly, and quickly helped Wei Ning up from the ground, "Your Highness, are you alright?"

Wei Ning got up from the ground, extremely embarrassed!

"Bold! You, you actually murdered His Highness the eldest prince! Come and tie up Tilly!" An Wan sternly shouted.

Immediately, several guards obeyed the order and immediately surrounded Tilly.

"Protect the general!" The soldiers around Tili did not fear the prince Wei Ning at all, and drew their swords to protect Tili's surroundings.

The two sides were at each other's throats.

"Tilly, this prince is just expressing his love for you, but you actually, you want to assassinate me."

"That's right, Tilly, you killed the princess last time... ah!" Suddenly, An Wan let out a scream, and fell to the ground, covering his ears tightly with his hands, rolling on the ground, howling endlessly , the blood quickly stained the clothes and the ground red.

Feng Yunzheng's tent.

"Master Yun." A voice came from outside.

"Come in." Feng Yunzheng put down the map scroll in his hand and said in a deep voice.

The camp tent was opened, and a smell of roasted beef leg came in. A soldier brought in a piece of beef leg and a cup of milk on a tray, put it in front of Feng Yunzheng, and said, "My lord, please use it slowly."

"Let it go." Feng Yunzheng said without looking up.

"Yes, son." The soldier put down the food, with a strange look in his eyes, and said, "Young master, eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"En." Feng Yunzheng said, still without looking up, he reached out to take the roast beef leg, ready to eat.

However, when the corbel's leg reached his mouth, he stopped suddenly, raised his head, and glanced at the corbel's leg.

The soldier's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "My lord, what's the matter? Why don't you eat?"

Feng Yunzheng's deep eyes froze slightly, and he asked casually, "Who asked you to send this here?"

The soldier was taken aback, and quickly said, "Yes, it's the general. She said that the young master is inconvenient to move, so she asked her subordinates to send it over."

"Oh." Feng Yunzheng nodded, and said, "The general is bothering you."

Saying so, but there is no meaning to eat.

"Young master, you can eat it. It will smell bad when it's cold. Now it's good to eat it while it's hot. It's crispy and tender, very delicious." He said.

Feng Yunzheng glanced at the white milk and said, "We Han people don't have the habit of eating roast beef leg with milk. I like wine. Go and get me a pot of wine. Cold wine is not good, it must be warm. So, after you get the wine, remember to warm it up for me before sending it over."

When the soldiers heard that he had such a request, they felt a little anxious, worried that they would not be able to complete the task assigned by Prince Weining.

But you can't show it, otherwise you will be suspected.

So, he had no choice but to say, "Yes, young master, please wait, I'll go warm the wine right now."

After the little soldier walked out, the expression on Feng Yunzheng's face froze.

"Oh, beef?"

Tilly would not ask for beef to be given to him, because the doctor told him that eating beef would cause the wound to fester after he recovered from his injury.

And the little soldier said that Ti Li sent someone to send him, so he was obviously lying, and he just observed that the man's eyes dodged, he must have a ghost in his heart.

So, send him away.

Feng Yunzheng looked at the ground with sharp eyes, and saw some ants and insects crawling over the corner of the tent. He moved the wooden wheelchair over, tore off a small piece of meat, and threw it there.

The strong aroma quickly attracted the ants, and soon, the small piece of beef was covered with ants.

He watched without blinking.

In less than half a moment, those ants died one after another, and his eyes froze, revealing a trace of coldness.

"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong, there is a problem with the corbel."

He picked up a whole piece of beef leg, tore off a piece and put it on the tray, wrapped the other in rice paper, and threw it in a corner where he couldn't see it, and then put the stew floating on the side that Wu Jie had sent before. Oil and water, smear a little on the lips, and lick it off gently, creating some kind of illusion.

After a while.

The soldier brought back the warm wine, and when he came in, he found that only a small piece of the whole beef leg was left on the plate.

He was taken aback, "My lord, the wine is here."

But Feng Yunzheng sighed, "The aroma of this roasted beef leg is so tempting, I couldn't wait for you to come, I couldn't resist eating it already."

The little soldier saw that the young man was wiping his mouth with a handkerchief, and there were indeed traces of eating at the corner of his mouth.

He heaved a sigh of relief, and finally fulfilled His Royal Highness's order.

"Then, young master, the wine is here, I'll go out first." You must leave quickly, otherwise you will be spotted.

"Okay." Feng Yunzheng nodded, taking into account the secret joy in his heart.

The little soldier walked out quickly.

"Stop!" However, a cold voice stopped him, and at the same time a stone flew over and hit the bend of his hind leg impartially. He only felt a numbness, so he bent his leg and knelt down on one knee fell to the ground.

"Master!" He gasped in fright.

"Turn around." Feng Yunzheng said coldly.

He turned around, but saw that Feng Yunzheng was in excellent condition, without any sign of being poisoned.

How is this going?Didn't Master An Wan say that the poison will take hold soon, why does he seem to be fine?
"Are you wondering why I didn't die?" Feng Yunzheng said.

", I..."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Feng Yunzheng's lips, and he reached out, picked up the piece of roast leg of lamb from the corner, put it between his lips and smelled it.

It turned out that he didn't eat at all!

(End of this chapter)

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