First-class daughter

Chapter 1524 Nightmare

Chapter 1524 Nightmare
Chapter 1524 Nightmare
Seeing this, the guard knew that he had been seen through, and there was no way he could get away with it.

However, his fear quickly receded.

Anyway, the purpose of the eldest prince is to kill this Han man. As long as he is dead, nothing will happen, right?
"Hehe." With a ferocious smile on his face, he slowly pulled out his dagger from his waist, and said, "Since you already know, then I have nothing to hide. That's right, this bull The leg meat is poisonous, I put it on, so what?"

"How?" Feng Yunzheng said calmly.

"You're a useless person, if it wasn't for General Tilly protecting you, you would be worse than shit! Now, I'm going to kill you!" Feng Yunzheng stabbed in the heart.

With this strike, he insisted on killing the Han man!
When the sword was shining coldly in the air, Feng Yunzheng's eyes froze, a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, and he grabbed the writing brush on the table with his hand.


There was a muffled hum.

This would be staring at Yan Yuhan with eyes and mouth wide open.

After a while, the body slowly fell to the side, the sword in his hand fell, and the whole person fell stiffly to the ground with a snap.

Immediately afterwards, blood slowly flowed out from his abdomen.

The expression on his face changed from surprise to pain, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

"My lord, what's the matter?" At this time, Wu Zhu heard the movement outside, and walked in quickly. When he saw the injured person on the ground, he was taken aback, "What's going on?"

With a cold face, Feng Yunzheng grabbed the cow's leg wrapped in paper, threw it on the table with a snap, and said, "This thing is highly poisonous."

"Very poisonous?" Wu Zhu glanced at the cow's leg, then at the people on the ground, and suddenly understood. He walked up to the soldier and asked sharply, "What's your name?"

"Little, little, little Takeuchi, my lord, my lord, help me, help me..." His face was pale, and he pleaded.

Wu Zhu picked him up from the ground, grabbed the cow's leg with one hand, and walked outside, "How dare you poison the general's territory, I will never let you off!"

Wu Zhu pulled Zhu Nei out in a few steps.

"My lord, please forgive me, I am wronged, I am wronged..." Takeuchi kept clutching his abdomen, wailing.

In front of Ti Li and Wei Ning, she couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

Seeing Takeuchi like this, Wei Ning was taken aback for a moment, thinking, the plan failed?What an idiot.

"What's going on?" Tilly asked.

Wu Zhu walked up to her, leaned closer, and whispered something in her ear.

Tilly was taken aback, and asked, "How is he?"

"It's fine for now." Wu Zhu said.

Tilly ordered, "Catch a dog."

"Yes, General."

After a while, a grinning dog was brought over.

Wu Zhu cut off a piece of beef and threw it on the ground. The dog rushed over immediately and ate the meat.

Wei Ning's face darkened, and he clenched his fist behind his back.

After a while, the originally healthy dog ​​suddenly fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and then bleeding from seven orifices, the death condition was horrific.

Looking at this situation, Ti Li felt a chill running down her spine. If Feng Yunzheng ate her, then she would turn from a benefactor who saved him to an enemy who harmed him.

She looked at the people on the ground suddenly, pulled out the long sword in her hand, and said sharply, "Bold, our army is strictly disciplined, how dare you use such indecent methods, this general will never be able to get around you!"

"General, great...prince..." Takeuchi's face was pale, and he almost passed out.

"Wu Zhu, don't let him die. I want to take him and this bull leg to Dragon City and let Shanyu judge." Tili understood that she could finish him with one blow.

But, she can't.

Her grandfather once said to her that leading soldiers in battle is not just about fighting on the battlefield, but also learning to judge the situation.

This Prince Wei Ning has repeatedly violated, there is no need to continue the stalemate, she will use this incident to completely bring him down!

Thinking about it, a coldness flashed in his eyes, he looked at Wei Ning, and said:

"Eldest Prince, see you in front of Shan Yu." After saying that, he turned around abruptly and strode away.

"Tilly, Tilly!" Wei Ning hurriedly chased after her.

With a sound of "swipe", several guards immediately pulled out their knives and blocked Wei Ning's way.

Ti Li quickly walked into Feng Yunzheng's tent.

Seeing that his face was pale and beads of sweat were coming out of his forehead, his heart skipped a beat, he walked over quickly, and asked in a tight voice, "What's wrong?"

Feng Yunzheng raised his head and said, "Hand strength hasn't fully recovered. I used too much strength just now, and it's so numb that I haven't recovered yet."


Yes, sometimes, if there is no movement for a long time, suddenly exert too much force, the limbs will cause numbness. .

"Wu the doctor." Tilly said tightly, a look of worry flashed in her eyes.

"Yes, General."

"Yun Zheng!" Lian Siyue woke up suddenly, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

"Mother." Le Yan also woke up, sat up hastily, hugged her arm, and asked, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Lian Siyue closed her eyes, exhaled, and said, "I dreamed about your Nine Emperor Uncle."

She dreamed of Yun Zheng, dreaming that Yun Zheng was covered in blood, and was thrown far away from the huge vortex of the black storm, and the blood fell like raindrops, which was extremely terrifying.

"Mother, it's just a dream, Uncle Nine Emperors will be fine." Le Yan comforted from the side.

Lian Siyue opened the curtain and looked outside with cold and blurred eyes:

At this moment, the sky is already pale, and it will be dawn soon.

"Lengmei, it's almost time." She asked.

Leng Mei parked the carriage by the side of the road, jumped down, bowed, and said, "Princess, I have seen it, and it's not far away. If everything goes well, I will be able to reach Dragon City before the sun sets today."

The Xiongnu is a nomadic people, migrating erratically, and the capital of the Huns is the royal court of Shanyu.But the position of Shanyu Wang Ting is not fixed and can be moved at any time.All in all, the place where Shanyu is located is the royal court of Shanyu, which is the capital of the Huns
But now, the Shanyu royal family is set in Longcheng, so it has become the most important place in Mobei.

Lian Siyue looked into the distance, unconsciously, the sun was about to slowly emerge, gradually rendering a faint red circle on the horizon.

"The sun is about to rise." Lian Siyue said.

She had a strong premonition that she was getting closer to Yun Zheng.

"Mother, tell me, if Uncle Nine Emperors saw me, would he be shocked?" Le Yan said.

A smirk appeared on Lian Siyue's face, and said, "I will be surprised, but I will also be very happy. Uncle Nine Emperors will always miss you."

"I can't wait to see him, mother, this time looking for Uncle Nine Emperors will go well, it will definitely go well." Le Yan said.

(End of this chapter)

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