Chapter 1525
Chapter 1525
Continue on the road for a few days.

Since entering Mobei, the Xiongnu, every time they passed through a place, they would take out the portrait of Feng Yunzheng drawn by Lian Siyue himself, and ask people around, asking if they had seen the injured Han man.

Inquire during the day, and Lengmei secretly investigates around at night.

However, he was never seen.

In addition, Ye Feng, Dong Shen, and Master Ye also had no news at all.

Could it be that she feels wrong?Yun Zheng didn't end up here?or……

He is really dead.

For a moment, Lian Siyue felt the despair she had never felt in her life.

But, soon, she regained her confidence!


She believed in her own feelings, she and Yun Zheng had gone through the purgatory of the previous life, and they were reunited in this life, their hearts are connected.

So, he ordered Leng Mei to move on.

Now, the night is dark

Leng Mei sat in front of the carriage, holding the reins tightly with both hands, with a cold expression, but there were big tears streaming down his face, and his cold face showed a bit of sadness.

She was helping the princess find His Highness, but at the same time, she was also looking for him, the man who was always glib!
In the past, he was always by her side, asking her to beat and scold him before he could say a few words.

At that time, she felt that everything was as it should be.

But now, she can no longer see his ugly face, thinking about it, the pain in her heart tightened, even more painful than when she was sick before.

Sometimes it hurts so much that I cry.

"Sister." At this time, a soft voice came, and Le Yan's immature little hand held her wrist, and handed over a handkerchief.

Leng Mei froze slightly, took it, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Miss."

"Sister, don't worry, we will find them, not only Uncle Nine Emperors, but also Night Breeze." Le Yan said with certainty.

Leng Mei didn't understand where this young lady came from, and he didn't know why he called the concubine the mother, but called His Royal Highness the uncle.

However, she could see that the child's concubine was the one who had the highest priority in her heart, and she respected this child very much.

At this time, she actually spoke out to comfort Leng Mei, and said, "Thank you, miss."

Le Yan showed a smile on her face and said, "Besides, maybe Night Breeze is just like you, looking for you everywhere."

Leng Mei listened, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and said, "Yes, he will."

The desolate scenery finally gradually became popular, and the sound of uproar was already heard in the distance.

"Princess, Dragon City has arrived."

Arrived in Dragon City?

This is the place where the royal family of the Xiongnu is located, and it is also the place where the thirteenth princess Feng Tangyao was married.

At the beginning, Feng Tangyao took a fancy to Wei Lang and was supported by Jue'er and Yun Zheng, so she wholeheartedly wanted to follow her to Mobei and become a master.

However, along the way, Lian Siyue found that the weather and customs in Mobei were more brutal and harsh than expected.

Did Feng Tangyao retreat for a moment?

However, this is the end of the matter, and she has no turning back.

"Look for a place to live and settle down first." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, princess." She said coldly.

Suddenly, Lian Siyue felt a pair of icy little hands grasp her wrist tightly, trembling.

When she turned her head, she saw that Le Yan's face was pale, her whole body was trembling slightly, and fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Yes, this is also the place of Le Yan's nightmare, where she was tortured to death.

Lian Siyue held Le Yan's hand and said, "Le Yan'er, don't be afraid, it happened in the previous life, now, with mother here, mother will protect you well and won't let others bully you."

Her comfort finally made Le Yan calm down slowly.


"I'm here." Lian Siyue held her even harder.


After Leng Mei found a place to live, the three of them went to the inn.

Lian Siyue had already changed into men's clothes when she entered Mobei territory, and painted a layer of ashes on her face to cover up her fair skin.

Therefore, when entering the inn, it did not cause much commotion.

They asked for two rooms, where Si Yue and Le Yan lived together, and Leng Mei lived next to them.

However, Lengmei will basically not go back to the room to sleep.

At night, he took a stool and sat at the door of his master's room, with a black hat on his head, his arms folded around his chest, and a sword between his arms.

His Highness the Ninth Prince is gone, and now there is only the concubine.

She knew that if His Highness the Ninth Prince were here, there would be only one order for her: protect the princess.

and so……

She slowly raised her head and looked forward.

This is the first night in Dragon City, so spend it well.


the next day.

Leng Mei posted Feng Yunzheng's portrait in a crowded place in the city, and it said that anyone who came to the inn to provide valid clues would be rewarded.

After posting one place.

Leng Mei left and went to another place to post.

After she left, the people around slowly gathered around, and someone in the crowd said:

"This person doesn't look like we are from Mobei."

"Looking like this, he looks like a Han Chinese."

"It's so good-looking, with a dignified air in its eyebrows and eyes, it doesn't look like an ordinary person."

Lian Siyue painted Feng Yunzheng's portrait very vividly, especially the unique temperament, so even a single portrait can make people feel his difference.

That's because, Lian Siyue has already rubbed Feng Yunzheng into her flesh and blood, her memory, her life!

Not long after Lengmei left, a man in black walked over from a distance.

He lowered his head and wore a black hat on his head, so he couldn't see his face, but he could still feel the coldness emanating from his whole body.

However, one of his feet was inconvenient, and he dragged it, leaving a trace on the ground.

Therefore, when he passed by, the people next to him couldn't help but take a second look and discuss quietly.

He didn't pay any attention to it until he pushed aside the crowd of onlookers with one hand.

When he saw the person in the portrait, an expression of excitement suddenly appeared on that cold face.

He jumped up suddenly, but because his legs were inconvenient, he staggered and hit the wall

He clasped one hand tightly against the wall, trembling all over, his lips trembling, and tears slid down his cheeks.

He suddenly bent his knees, knelt down on the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "His Royal Highness... Wangfei... Xiaomei..."

He tore off the portrait and held it tightly in his arms, crying and laughing at the same time.

Have!There is audio!Finally!

The people around were startled by his weird behavior, they took two steps back and pointed at him.

At this time, a person stood up and said, "This strong man, do you know the person in the portrait? Then you can take the portrait to the inn in front to find someone, and you can get a good bounty. "

He woke up with a start, stood up abruptly, held the portrait in one hand, and ran towards the inn.

It's just that his leg was inconvenient, and he dragged his other foot, so he walked slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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